What if Hitler won WW2? What would Europe be like?

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Well I would be either a slave or dead.
Not fun

baby's first thread on Jow Forums

gurantee it gets 60+ (You)s

Paradise, it would literally look like a slice of heaven


nah you would probably be forced to speak german and have your last name germanized realistically

Probably would have degenerated by all the retarded boomers by now

realistically he would be dead, nazis only get more violent over time, the final solution wasnt planned a long time before

you underestimate the vileness of these people

Get out of here non white.

Bump for 60 (You)s

lol I read this in a neurotic jewish accent

no immigration.

Why did whites not fight with Hitler?

How could an american white or anglo fight against hitler who fought for them?

Attached: 1543288242677.png (467x390, 222K)

>usa flag


because he declared war on us ya dumb fuckin mutt

He absolutely hated USA an everything it stood for

How could anyone in the US kill the nazis other than propaganda calling them baby killers and evil and not just warriors of their people?

North Korea.
Their official doctrine is that the Koreans are "the cleanest race". On one occasion a black diplomat from Cuba visiting NK was nearly lynched.

Hard to say, Short term we would have been alright. But what if the Hungarians decided that Romania wasn't really Romania but Hungarian territory instead ? I suspect the Germans would have backed the Hungarians.

Hitler didnt seek out war with the USA if you follow politics, USA sided with UK for no reason whatsoever Germany had no anti USA sentiments and were trade partners.

The baguette is right user
Hitler had no plans to assimilate all slavs into his reich, he only had given that chance to Czechs

this sounds idiotic
>he hated slavs except for Czechs and Ukrainians and croats but hated us for no reasons haha
im not even much of a wehraboo but the winners of ww2 exaggerated everything of nazi germany, especially the holocaust

Hitler didnt even seek out war with france or britain and sent peace he only wanted to take poland and gave treaty to return france back to peace.

USA is kikecentric by then. His Holiness Der Führer sees it as an imminent doom.

And why is it okay that he "only wanted to take Poland"? What would you say if Putin demanded Alaska back tomorrow?

using slavs as meat fodder doesnt mean you dont want to kill them, in fact its exactly what you're doing

Based quads

Hitlers grand olan was illustrated, for the white race and people to survive Nazism needed to spread across the World and be the dominant scientific, cultural and economic power and this would be archieved the population and resources of the soviet union with the annihalation of the bolshevik organization.

Because hitler thought anyone who wasn't a germanic barbarian was a lesser being. He openly showed disdain for his closes allies and made it known he viewed italians as third class whites.

Reminder that Himmler wanted to genocide 80% of France and steal the east to make his autistic SS knight state

Cause their governments told them to and the media brainwashed them with propaganda.There was no way to get an alternate source of information or viewpoint back then.

that is what the USSR did LOL

What other choice did they have? Stalin was a shithead, but he had his people interest in mind. Just like hitler had his. Why do people think Hitler is the answer to everything wrong now?

>his people
so Jews and the bolshevik party leadership?

We would have been great(er)


Hitler only had gene autism on his mind

He killed people next door

dude the red army literally just threw bodies at the germans there was no regard for "people" in that communist shitheap of a country

unironically better

Bolsheviks got purged after their relations with stalin took a turn. Same thing happened in my country.

do all mutts get their education on the eastern front exclusively from hollywood movies?

Better to let the Germans exterminate the population ? Both parties were shit my dude, come on now...
Adapt to this peace of shit world. Nationalism got fucked and it's fucked. Better think of your own family and you needs

Germans had no plans to exterminate anyone and did not.

>Germans had no plans to exterminate anyone

Oh yea, 1/4 of Belarussians just suddenly evaporated?

Explain lebensraum to me user

Shoo, non white.

>zerg rushing is a Hollywood fantasy only

German Manifest Destiny

Annex eastern europe to germany and make german the official language and exterminate communism.

European ethnostate with german culture and language

Hitler had no plans to treat eastern europeans different than Germans.

Occupied ukraine were seen as friendly people not as an enemy.

Is that why they sent Bandera to concentration camp and clashed with Ukrainian nationalists?

This is true, Stalin became anti-semitic but his government was still extremely sociopathic and was still a tyrant

Fuck out of here bolshevik scum.

Hitler would have turned this country into a German military base, they had listed all the weak points and resources were so they were planning an invasion. He'd exterminate the Jewish population that was here. He'd make us slaves to the reich destroy our culture and replace it with German if he didn't outright kill us all as he often considered in secret documents

why do americans love nazis so much?

everyone loves a good LARP

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Why do you hate your savior? Are you a cuckhold?

Can someone explain what's the deal with these people, are they underage or is it some kind of trolling? I swear vast majority of local neo-nazis are blatantly ignorant mutts.

You're spouting rhetoric taught by high school history teachers and sourcing Wikipedia, are we really the "blatantly ignorant" people here lol

Identity crisis and issues with integrating minorities. They are not doing something about it. They would rather worships the losing side of a war 70 something years ago. They would rather post in this forsaken diseased board. The plague of the millennial is to use escapism and do nothing. Except the lefties, they are smart enough to use the resources they have properly.
TL;DR bunch of weak fags

maaaaaaaaaaaaaan *hits dooobie* what if like hitler was like a cool guy maaaaaaaaaan *saves infographic* dude maaaaaaaan thatd be crazy maaaaaaaaaaan

STOP! Their rightful name shall be called as National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Get out of your proxy chaim.

>use escapism and do nothing
if you say anything right wing that isn't in line with civic nationalist lukewarm conservatism you risk losing your job and your life
fuck off you ignorant idiot

Oy vey you would all have been sent to da ovenz by the evil natzees. you would of course first have been forced to speak german.

trust me i'm jewish and therefore an expert on the subject.

also give me 6 gorrilion dollars as reparations because my grandad was turned into a lampshade that Hitler personally used in his Mercedes.

What kind of idiot puts lampshades in cars?

reminder that Israel RIGHT FUCKING NOW AT THIS VERY MOMENT has stricter racial laws than NAZI GERMANY and no one DOES ANYTHING

You idiots will argue over anything.

Yup, that's just trolling.

Yeah but they aren't gassing shitskins, they're bombing them. It's different.

Germany probably would have mellowed out after their expansionism ended and the later administrations would become more and more like typical Western capitalist countries. The counterculture of the 60s would have happened but maybe been pushed back a few decades.

>he only wanted to take Poland
oh he just wanted to take the sovereign country that the world explicitly forbid him from taking oh okay

>y-yep that's just trolling
You're literally an NPC czechbro
they literally shoot pregnant Palestinian mothers through the stomach on purpose
they give medical aid to ISIS
they steal technology from USA
fuck off

Why should we? What about buddying up with Israel and having those laws too?

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For what? Having actual knowledge on what happened on my continent? For pasisng the age of 18?

>your continent
So Afro-Asia schlomo?

Did you know Auschwitz had a swimming pool? An animal breeding program? A fake chimney built after the war? Mr. Expert on his continent

>baby's first taste of disingenous internet infograpics

The fuck? Exactely how old are you?

So you are confirming that this is true then?

can you confirm these dubs?

off by 2

how about now?

What? That Krauts in Aushwitz swam in their water reservoir? How's that relevant?


What could have been...

>Did you know Auschwitz had a swimming pool?
for the guards?

Totalitarianism and militarism are inherintly unstable so the Reich would have probably mellowed down to a standard authoritarian regime like Franco’s after a while.

>white utopia
>Tons of aryan women
>space colonization
>0 crime