I really hope I can get a job in January please for the love of god

I really hope I can get a job in January please for the love of god.

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wait for the next Jow Forums janitor applications

They never accept me you have to hang out in the IRC for years sucking cock.

Got one a month ago
Theres no secret its purely luck anybody cab do the jobs and way more people want to get it than there are positions

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just BS on your resume

Nice man what are you doing?

Sorry, we're looking for people with a minimum of 5 years of experience in the field under 20 years old.

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Go flip burgers nigga. Just don't do it at mcdonalds.

Go do manual labor in agriculture pretty much anywhere in the USA, you'll be hired on the spot

>manual labor in agriculture
why hire a lazy aussie when you can hire a mexican for $3/hour and murder him in self defense afterwards? (effective $0/hr?) Isn't this why americans voted for tramp?