Jow Forums thinking about offing themselves because LINK keeps tanking

>Jow Forums thinking about offing themselves because LINK keeps tanking
>meanwhile Sergey spends his time reviewing hipster bars

Attached: REPLYANDYOUWILLMAKEIT.png (715x434, 359K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>instead of working on chainlink he goes out drinking with Sluts


That comment is from March, 2012. Sergey lost his chad alpha status to deliver LINK upon us.



Well defudded, also checked.

Here's your reward:

>“Taxa is building a universal logic layer to process blockchain business logic with privacy, performance and developability for all the public blockchains and DApps. Together with storage layers like IPFS, oracle solutions like Chainlink, inter-chain mediators like Polkadot, Taxa complements the important, difficult yet less tapped middleware of blockchain.”

loving these links

Attached: 00.png (601x1177, 2.72M)

In case you're not in the discord, taxa had Feng Li as an angel investor. Previous trackrecord in blockchain: Coinbase and Ripple labs.

The Virgin workoholic vs The Chad shitcoin neglector

What discord are you talking about? how can I join?

>mad because link is tanking

Why the fuck does that upset anyone? Isnt the meme that LINK is only supposed to be valuable after a few more years? How can anyone expect it to moon within the week? How can anyone expect any token show dramatic increase without any sort of action by the company's team? I have many questions?

Pretty sure people buy link and then never check the price again for months on end. Because why would you need to?

>Taxa leverages state-of-the-art hardware-based trusted computing
you got pajeeted
that means intel sgx which means link tokens are going to be useless.

Wow I was there a lot in 2014
Wonder if Sergey was around then

you need to prove you own link

oh man this bar. They used to stamp your hand if you were under 21. You could just walk into the bathroom and wash it off.
Had one of the best nights of my life there tripping and playing chess to live jazz.

Sergey has good taste in bars. Just bought 100k.

Sounds like taxa is important. Not chainlink

> an important project is relying on chainlink
> nah chainlink couldn't be important
You're just really stupid. Kys.

Is this project a poor ladies Enigma? It sounds like their gimmick relies entirely on ChainLink providing the privacy they describe.

Except they aren’t relying on Chainlink, Taxa just references link as a competitor that works on one of several aspects they encompass to create a more complete middleware solution. So basically they are saying they are better than Chainlink

>new maymay

Attached: C4IZRBIAUXXSLI2E.jpg (960x720, 71K)

cheers cunt, haven't had discord up in a while

Attached: 21437889_l_36b60242c7ba21b8a2a4a3affa6adc92.jpg (600x450, 36K)

Explain linkies..

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Do you even tits bro

Attached: IMG_0823.jpg (183x275, 13K)

Hey look, the fuckin clown again. What a surprise