OH NO NO NO what the hell is wrong with Americans

OH NO NO NO what the hell is wrong with Americans

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Not true


It is true. I made the mistake of going one year and the police said very clearly, if you leave for any reason, even if it's to use the bathroom, you lose your place.

Why do americans do this

It is true. I made the HUGE mistake of spending NYE in NYC once. Never again. Fuck that kike ville.

No shit you lose your spot idiot but you arent locked in.
>bringing kids to NYC for New Years
Brainlet status

What's the difference between Americans and cattle?


there's little reason to be part of that public celebration. you're surrounded with people you don't know, you're tightly packed, everything sold is a ripoff, and the program is nothing special. just go drink with friends somewhere.
though i suppose this is more for people who are alone. respect for all my lonely niggas.

We're planning to kill all the city roaches when they gather together like this one of these years. We're just waiting for critical mass.

people that spread such falsehoods will have to account for it one day

like this man washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-latest-journalism-scandal-proves-it-partisan-writing-is-one-way-to-keep-journalists-honest/2018/12/28/88a011f6-0ae3-11e9-a3f0-71c95106d96a_story.html?noredirect=on


Top Cuck


What if he has tons of money to waste for NYE? Doesn't he get a comfy balcony room to watch the countdown?




literally nothing


the Times Square NYE """""party""""" is literally the most overrated event in the world

defecate in new york state

>bringing kids to times square
l m a o
only thing they got there is when the army comes around with an APC and they let the kids go around inside it

The disgusting factor aside what's the point if a new year's party if you're not getting laid?

imagine a well placed bomb, oh man...

flag checks out

Attached: happy mujahid.jpg (700x452, 46K)

exactly, no shit or you lose your spot
that's what he said. what are you arguing about?

Seriously dude, that many people in one place with all the shouting and shit, in an urban center as well, i'm getting excited at the idea of a truck mowing them down or maybe a couple of pipe bombs, the truck idea prob isn't possible though due to the heavy security.

lots of foreigners there, retard

so what ? anyone who celebrates newyear in america is probably an infidel.

Can't argue with terrorist logic

imagine the smell haha
imagine the smell of a girls feet after she stood there for 12 hours haha
imagine the smell of a girls diapers after she pissed in them a couple of times haha

watched the ball from my hotel room at marriot two years ago and holy fuck there were more than 30 policemen between the hotel entrance and the street. They were probably using the building as a base or something but it really made me feel how much terrorism affected America's psychology.

Based, but scat is degenerate

but that's their job. that's what cops do around the world at events like that. that they did the same before the modern terrorism became a thing.

you're thick, you always need to have police on hand to respond to various instances that will arise across a large square on a public holiday where scores of people will be drinking heavily in revelry

LOL, in the World Cup in Russia there were over 1 thousand cops in the main streets. At the exit of every match, the cops made these large human barriers to separate the public and guide people to the exits.
In those streets near the Kremlin there were so many cops that you wouldn't even believe and to enter those streets there were metal detectors and they checked all your bags and belongings.
The TV or the internet didn't show this, but it was like a dystopian police state. Impossible to fight or do anything illegal.

God i wish i was there...
My mouth could be the toilet for hot Amerimutts

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You could get away with molesting a women and no one would catch you

Cattle don't get circumcised.

Based and redpilled

imagine the smell
where's the trucks of peace when you need them