One chance at life

>one chance at life
>born in a rural shithole
>nothing happens on new year eve
>not even my normie friends will do something

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Post pics of rural France

t. varg's children

my area

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Comfy/10. Bet it looks really nice in the spring/summer

>one chance at life
>born in an urban area
>will have to hear firework explosions for the whole night
>all the worst assholes in the city will be out tonight and drunk
better to just stay at home

search these on google image:
>pays vençois
>vallée de la roya
very comfy and beautiful
fucking dumb townsmen, you have a great occasion to fuck qts and get drunk with your friends and you prefer to stay at home, fuck you

>one chance at life
>living in a dorm 20mins away from the next train station
>big new years celebration in the dorms bar with rooftop floor where you can oversea all fireworks in the entire region
I'm excited desu

Inbred hick

t. pédé de la côte