American anons, how are europeans seen in your universities...

American anons, how are europeans seen in your universities? I'm thinking about going over there to study for a few years before coming back.

Will I be seen as a minority? Can I reap the benefits of having white skin alongside a distinct ethnic background? Will my accent get me laid?

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No, yes, and yes.

You will be seen as a cute foreigner which is a plus.

Europeans are seen as drunks who party too hard

If you are attractive you will get laid. My friend is polish but he gets no girls, although maybe its because the accent isnt aesthetic

I already live around a bunch of Portuguese so you wouldn't be too out of place.

We don't think about you. The only thing people cared about in my major was surviving exams, minimizing debt, and fucking to relieve stress. I went to school in Florida. No one, of any ethnic background, was really a novelty. We had basically someone from every corner of the world at my university.

This heavily varies by city, my university town is party central.

Swede with white skin here ,
They call me Ahmed and bully me,
They tell me not to blow up on them and not to rape their women

if you're not British or Nordic, no one is gonna care about you.

People will like you if you act like a Brazilian Chad or something but if you’re a lispy short thin kid then only nerds will hang out with you. You have to understand the “cool Europeans” most Americans refer to are Western Europe with the exception of Portugal, Iceland, and UK/Ireland (UK is it’s own category anyway). I’m not trying to meme here, despite us having the “white hispanics” and counting Arabs as white, southern euros sometimes get confused for non-white, even one almost blonde girl I knew.
Voocaroo your accent

everything varies by city or by major or by state or by appearance of the op. which is why this thread is pointless. too many variables.

>UK is it’s own category anyway
In a good way or bad way?

>act like a Brazilian Chad
Duh, he speaks portuguese, same language, same culture. Most people think Brazilans are basically Portuguese from America, and vice versa, which is not wrong.

Our University culture fetishizes diversity and globalism above all things. If you're enthic looking and have an accent you're basically an emissary from God himself no matter how autistic you are. Well, so long as you're still from the west, middle east, south America. Not sure if this works with eastern Europeans. Definitely not for asian or Indian men.

In both ways, I meant that no one denies you’re european but when people refer to Europeans they’re talking about the mainland
We’d refer to you as Britain as Britain, just like how we refer to Germany or Belgium as Europe

A good way, American women gush for upper class bong land accents for some reason.

I recommend my former school, WMU in Kalamazoo, MI. It has Brazilian student association.

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Does that depend on which part of the country you go to? I was in Texas for a while and no one seemed to give a shit I was British.

Your accent is not going to do anything desu

how would you know?

His accent is barely noticeable.

ah i thought you were a cute girl who would know if his accent would get him laid or not

>upper class
kek ANY british accent sounds upper class to the average american

Unfortunate. At least I can blend in.

All Americans are jealous (consciously or not) of Europeans for being less morally bankrupt and having actual cultures and histories to call their own.

>Will I be seen as a minority?
>Can I reap the benefits of having white skin alongside a distinct ethnic background?
Nobody will treat you any differently because of your nationality. If anything, you'll be treated slightly nicer than most people because no American wants to look bad in front of a superior European.
>Will my accent get me laid?

kek what makes them superior? History and heritage?

Not too sure really, I make friends with the euros tho. Always try to talk and learn about their home. idk we're your headed but you'll be fine and if I meet you I'd try to say hello in Portuguese and fail miserably because I don't speak your language.
You might get confused for a Spaniard sometimes which would be unfortunate.

Had a big chuckle

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not him, but it is not about them being superior it is about the locals sort of idealizing them as they are just curious about them. not sure if i said that right but you get my point.

I could get the same attention in Europe so I think that superiority is wrong.

>same attention in Europe
Yes, same thing. People are naturally curious about each other. Nothing to do with superiority but it may be mistaken for it.

>no American wants to look bad in front of a superior European.

A lot of people here are retarded and think Brazilians speak Spanish.

Also, being white is detrimental at American university. You are dead last in the oppression Olympics