Alright bros I need some folio advice since mine is obviously a steaming pile of dog shit

Alright bros I need some folio advice since mine is obviously a steaming pile of dog shit.
Also yes, I know I'm retarded. I do want stay diversified (i.e. I don't mind holding a few coins even though everyone will likely say something along the line of "you shouldn't have more than two coins with that low capital") however, I realize that I am ludicrously over-diversified right now and need to trim the fat, also the SEC securities FUD has me slightly worried. Any legitimate thoughts besides /shitfolio/? Here's my thoughts on each coin

Not selling for obvious reasons

I like how closely they work with Vitalik and the Coinbase rumors are definitely a big plus

Good supply chain with working product. Got in months ago during the initial dip so I'm still far in the green with it. Wouldn't mind keeping this little stack since their staking model doesn't require much

I think this might be a legit ETH competitor, especially since their testnet has had good reviews and sharding seems to be a good idea. Also got in this relatively early so I'm in the green a good amount as well.

Love this project and I use the Brave browser so i'll probably keep this too. Coinbase + Eich is a great combo for the upcoming run

Fell for the meme suicide insurance stack. Idea looks good on paper, but who knows if this will be the project that completes it

To be continued....

Attached: Shitfolio.png (889x534, 155K)

Other urls found in this thread:!/trade/0x7b05a9901a06e77a8462a5f532f388ad406c78c4-ETH

I have

30% in ETH
30% in EOS
30% in Holochain HOT
10% in shitcoins like MAN, Elastos, BTC & ETC

Big on Supply Chains obviously, these two I'm a bit skeptical of because they seem to have a lot of flashy "announcements" that aren't actually substantive. Also SEC FUD has me somewhat cautious. And, my VEN #s are a fucking joke and I look like a goddamn idiot holding 38 of a coin

Again, stupid stack size. Also, stupidly fomoed at $6 so I'm extra-retarded. However, Koreans love their crypto and I'd say a Korean-backed coin would be a good bet to take off over there

Again, muh coinbase. This one seems like a no-brainer so i'd like to keep this and maybe even add to to it

Good enough idea and it's obviously way down from ATH so I figured this may climb eventually. Who knows though

I do think that a currency coin will take the mainstage soon. Don't much like NANO and obviously XRP so XLM is a fair bet. Not sure it's even worth it with so little though

Great idea and a good team to execute it. Definitely an area disruptable by blockchain. However, stack size is stupidly small and I'm not sure I'll see much ROI

Another sector that I think is blockchain disruptable. However it is Chinese, so not sure if it's a scamcoin or not. Also, another laughably small stack size

Stuck with these bags since I can't meet the IDEX transfer minimum anymore. Not too far in the red though since I bought after one of the early shill threads

Meh, like I said: I like supply chains and TFD is cheap and already well on their way to market. Te-Food is already pretty big in southeast Asia.

Sunk-Cost fallacy at work. Bought em for the SHL airdrop and the value has been plummeting ever since. Trying to convince myself to hold until it regains but idk if that's feasible

Bought this shit a while ago and have it stuck in the ACT wallet so probably won't be worth the hassle to mess with so little of these

Coinbase getting a DEX probably means that they will not be adding small ERC-20 coins to their main product...

eth omg and zil are good picks
I'd also add some neo and ada in there too.

we own the exact same amount of link, brother.

I hope we make it

I'm thinking about dropping: VEN, ICX, PRL, AMB, RLC, XLM, TKY and eventually HOT and moving it to ETH or ZRX. Any thoughts? Any of these worth holding with such a small stack size? Feel free to shit on me, but include some somewhat constructive criticism if you can. Also, at least I don't hold a few hundred thousand worth of Deep Brain Chain and Tron right?

So you think HOT and EOS are legit huh? None of the EOS FUD scared you off?

Right, I don't think REQ has as much of a chance as people would like to believe, but BAT and ZRX have too many connections to be ignored, and Coinbase has shown time and time again that they look out for themselves with new listings.

Appreciate the insight, I like those 3 for sure and I've considered grabbing some ADA, but then again I've obviously got to many coins already so it's probably best to stop buying new ones

lets hope so friendo

the only things that are green are eth and link

you know what to do now

Doesn't paradex still have REQ listed?

I believe so

wouldn't mind consolidating into more ETH since I think it will go on a huge run soon. I'm fine with my suicide insurance LINK stack though, won't be adding to that until I FOMO in at $10 like a good Jow Forumslet

I was gonna rip on you at first for that crazy "diversified" portfolio but it seems like you already know. Honestly man stop listening to the shills on here and pick 3-5 you like and stick with those. 1-2 blue chip like BTC and Eth, 1-2 slightly riskier like NEO or XLM, 1-2 low cap moonshots. How much you put into each depends on risk tolerance and goals. Im also gonna let you in on a little hint. Diversification typically applies to an entire investment portfolio. You are not diversified because you bought a bunch of different extremely high risk assets

You have 0.5 BTC m8. Stop wasting time with top 100 bags.

> You are not diversified because you bought a bunch of different extremely high risk assets
Right, I use the term "Diversified" loosely because obviously there isn't much safety in diversifying in different variations of shit.

One of my issues has been identifying the mid-level "blue chips". Like, ETH and BTC are the obvious safe bets, and I'd consider XLM a relatively safe bet too, but I'm unsure of where to put coins like ICX and VEN, who seem to have a good future, but are also built on a lot of hype and little substance for now.

Even if I think some of these top 100 bags still have plenty of room to grow? (ZRX & OMG specifically) I'm really thinking about dumping VEN, AMB, and ICX (after tokenswap) because I'm less confident about them but the others don't seem too bad

appreciate the input as well fellas

Anyone else? If someone gave you a wallet with this portfolio, what would you do and why?

No wrong answers (besides cash out)

>portfolio worth only 0.4916 BTC
Invest more.

That would be ideal, but I can't afford to

you need more ZIL user, correct valuation should be above eos and ripple. you don't want to miss the biggest moon since eth itself.

eth is always a good hold, omg isn't bad but i can't see them pulling a massive growth. get rid from the rest.

I guess we all start somewhere. Good luck. Do you have a job/any streams of revenue other than crypto? A lot of people can manage putting a small portion of each paycheck into crypto or other investments.

What makes you so confident about ZIL over the rest of my shitfolio? Bullish on sharding? Why not ADA or some other platform

No job as of yet. Just finished post-grad and I've got loan payments to make but I've got some decent job prospects in the future so hopefully I'll be able to throw in a small amount every paycheck this winter.

All of that in RLX and ETH now. Won't be a better token than RLX for the next couple of months. New platform redesigned by Katapult who they partnered with and will make sure they pass all regulatory guidelines (SEC, FINRA). It really is a bad idea to diversify that much. All of what you have is good. You need 10,000 XLM, 5,000 zrx, 10,000 REQ etc. Otherwise you won't make it in 2 years. Maybe in 2024 when bitcoin halves.

AMB, XLM, RLC, HOT, and ETH if I had your folio and narrowed it down. But I'd everything, but the ETH and get RLX. That health token airdrop would benefit you.

Not a big fan of RLC to be honest, the idea just doesn't interest me.

Thanks for the input though. Thinking about tossing the Asian coins once their respective mainnets/teatnets launch and grabbing some more XLM

wtf is that


put all you have got in NKN or IoTeX, or both
thank me later

It's a shitfolio no doubt
The last thing I need is more coins

First paragraph sounds like a good idea. The only safe options are BTC and ETH tho. Everything else is still a bit of a gamble, but ZRX and BAT would be the next imo. Finally a couple of moonshots like NKN and RLX would compliment those four well. I know you are trying to consolidate but you should have at least 1 moonshot and my advice is invest in the team over the product.

jesus christ do you have committent issues

Double down on ETH. It has more development and community behind it than anything else.

I think I will consolidate into atleast 2 ETH
Thaniks for the input, I'll definitely consolidate soon and try and grab more ETH and ZRX. Idk about the moonshot though, I'm hesitant to buy the heavily shilled low caps for obvious reasons

Shitcoin FOMO issues and then I end up getting attached to muh coins

13 different shitcoins. What's wrong with you

Only 13 huh?

Which ones would you consider non-shitcoins then?

I woiuld start by cutting things. Maybe one a week until everything is much more concentrated. Also the sooner you accept you may be living a lasting bear market the better things may turn out.

It's going to enable off-chain processing for ETH, but their endgame is edge/fog computing. It's essentially next-gen cloud infrastructure, which by the way is being developed by iExec, IBM, Microsoft, Samsung, Intel and CISCO_FUCKING_SYSTEMS. Why is this huge? Well. 80% of the world's data is handled by Cisco routers and switches. Now iExec is working with all these behemoths side-by-side @ OpenFog consortium. If these guys want to push new tech, you'd be an absolute retard betting against them.

Imagine you're a datacenter. Now what does it cost to run it all? Literally hundreds of millions to build it and then some more to keep it running. Now imagine you could provide hosting and computing (Amazon Web Services, Netflix runs on it for example), without having to build a huge fucking datacenter. You just rent any goddamn hardware that is idling anywhere in the world to provide your service.

Now, you don't pay for infrastructure. So you cut your prices down. You become appealing to customers. You grow. You become the airBnB and Uber of data networks/service providing.

What do you need the tokens for, you might ask? Well let my autistic-as-fuck ass tell you.
It's to pay the hardware owners for computational cycles. Just like mining, but actually doing work and not wasting electricity for frivolous shit.

Oh, this sort of network model is also ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL to IoT, since it kills all sorts of problems associated with latency and security. FUCK. This project makes my dick hard.

Attached: 16547904322567.jpg (1000x500, 261K)

Interesting reads, especially some of the stuff Ari Paul said about diversification. Makes me think I'm going to deep on ERC20.

Seen this shill plenty of times and I clarified that I meant RLX. Still, don't think I'm holding enough RLC to make it worth it

OP you are so goddamn stupid and I'm saying this in a tough love way.... you neee to just fucking sell it all and go all in link.

You are so fucking poor that even if all the other shitcoins x10 you aren't going to have shit.

But that half a bitcoin all in link gives you what? Like 20k link or so? And link has an upside so much more than any of the other coins. When Link hits 100$ your going to fucking kill yourself for only having 100k usd instead of 2 million.

Drop all those shitcoins and go all in link

iExec - is a sleeping giant. It's in the process of regaining it's value. A team of 6 science doctors, rockstar team of decentralized cloud computing, it's a real company which was out of our radars for past years.

Everything will change soon. All the launched DApps will be functioning with this intellingent system. Off chain transactions through this huge supercomputer will change the approach to the scalability of decentralyzed systems. It will moprh not only the cryptosphere but all the multibillion industry of other stuff that works on cloud blockchain.

These insane scientists from iExec already have patents and numerous research articles published in the last decade, also their code is running in network/supercomputer systems around the globe. It's an active infrastructure of a real company, seems like IBM are getting around this team. And like partnership is already made, and when they will officially announce it, the token price will be fueled straight to our sun or maybe another galaxy. V2 is out. Token price is currently low, I can surely say it's not just the most underrated project in relation to whole cryptocoins niche but also in relation to world market.

I'm fine with $100k and LINK can also go to 0, which I would not be fine with. Too much risk for me

Go all in on IPSX and cash out $650,000 in a year or two.

Let's say you don't go all in LINK. Instead you go all in on LINK and wherever there are core adaptors in whatever ratio makes sense. What are you potentially losing and what are you potentially winning? Maybe he looks really poor to you but he has 74 ill indian sisters. Just because a portfolio is small it doesn't mean there's no need to protect it and whatever profits they generate can be reinvested maybe more aggresively in a small account. Just go all in and wait isn't such a great place to be when you have other ways to see it go down even if slower.

Safe: Put 20% into BTC. Split the remainder equally into Link and Amb.

Medium Risk: Split it both ways between Link and Amb

High Risk: All Into Link.

>Less than 0.5 BTC shared between 20 coins
My man, I have some bad news for you.

>not owning any NintendoCoin!/trade/0x7b05a9901a06e77a8462a5f532f388ad406c78c4-ETH

You are still in time to improve your condition.

At least go half Link and half RLC.

You need at least 5k link bro. Even 3k. 1k is just too little.

You like AMB over RLC?

I have too many coins already

This. Just because it's a smaller folio doesn't mean it's an amount I'm "willing" to lose. I realize it's possible to lose all of it, but I'd prefer not to accelerate the process by going all in

Why so sure on AMB. When are they going to start making shit happen?

> you have too many coins
> here, buy a new one

No thanks

Something else i've been thinking of doing

> Sell ICX this week after token swap
> Sell TKY
> Sell PRL
> Sell VEN

Which would give me enough to grab 1k ADA and bump my XLM stack up to 1k as well. Thoughts?