Should I drop 80k on this watch?

Should I drop 80k on this watch?

Attached: van-cleef-arpels-midnight-in-paris-watch.jpg (628x628, 73K)

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spend about half that on a better looking watch, and invest the rest

looks nice, I'd prefer one of these tho

Attached: a-lange-and-sohne-moonphase-silver-dial-mens-18kt-rose-gold-watch-109032.jpg (800x800, 62K)

yes, be a retard OP
just buy a breitling you fucking idiot

this is my /made it/ watch

Attached: cellinimoonphase.png (1574x1248, 2.8M)

go for it bro, you won't regret it

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sure, do it

damn, they both comfy too

Only retards spend money on trinkets

watches are only jewellery allowed to wear by men. Go ahead and buy it

watch fag checking in

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Just a fag

why so jealous haha, bought my bags in January i see, bought my wife this with your money.

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>only 80k on a watch

why bother with one at all, cheapskate

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>a man spending thousands of dollars on jewelry

this. can't fucking wait to rock that, it's pure class

No, don't invest more than a couple hundred bucks on a watch at all, invest it into something that will actually make you more money.

Unless of course you're a richfag and 80k is a drop in the bucket, then go ahead and buy your ugly ass wrist fedora.

do you not realize that him wearing those watches is simply money laundering?
I can guarantee he doesn't have them anymore.

I'd spend maybe $15 max on that and I'd probably never wear it. Take that as you will.

Why would you buy a watch, when you can invest in swachh?

Swachhcoin is going to earn me enough to buy 4 of these watches; bet.

Also Movado's are my preferred watch desu

Attached: Swachhshot.png (1123x632, 341K)

I Swee what you're swayin; but I need a real Swatch not a Swachhcoin. Why do they tack Sw- onto everything?
The coin really doesn't look bad though.
But you are intefering with everyones roleplaying of actually having money.

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K-King Hippo?

If you like it. This bad boy is next on my radar

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Y’all broke ass niggaz can’t afford that watch, let alone investing in some cryptocurrency. That’s for my rich niggaz, spent a hunna on my watch for you bitch niggaz.

Niggaz? Don't you mean swiggaz?

I dont know whats going on here, but I think I like it

That's so much nicer than and

lmao get out with your ugly ass watches

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That's also a winner. Maybe the best so far.

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Swachh your food intake frien

for 80k you can get a much better watch lmao

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Check it bizzz

Attached: hand-of-an-obese-elderly-person-holding-a-shopping-bag-on-wheels-B6DB2C.jpg (866x1390, 135K)

This is the watch of champions.

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go away, offset

Hey guys.

Attached: mywatch.jpg (640x1137, 102K)

If you drop that much cash on a watch, you might break it.

What brand is that?

Attached: ArchieLuxury.jpg (1280x720, 93K)


lol poorfags guess has a rolex in their safe

This guy looks like a moron and only has himself to blame. Last year I bought my wife some jewellery made by Van Cleef & Arpels and the quality and detail of the pieces was exceptional. I imagine their watches should be of a similar quality

thats a gay ass watch. are you gay? cause that would make this totally different. if you're gay then that makes sense