Be me

>be me
>best student in primary and middle school
>everyone think i have a very good future
>qualify to a very good highschool
>success slowly fade away, grades drop
>like iq dropped about 40 points
>become one of the worst performing student in class
>finish highschool with a shit diploma point
>fast forward to present
>5 months left for uni exam
>still suck, studying doesn't work
If I fail this I'll kms.

Attached: 3725380.jpg (662x712, 38K)

hangi bölümü istiyosun amq, tiradda cevap vermedin

Attached: image.jpg (1024x530, 96K)

Hâlop ghūndurzts chäparlī çezagh onbruru

i don't speak amerimutt, what does it say?


penance for sacking byzantine



Dumb beaver

Chill kanka benimde yarın fizik yazılısı var bir yarram yapmadım 4 günlük tatilde sakinliğini bozarsan iş sıkıntıya düşer sadece sakince çalışmana bak

That happens to a lot of above average kids, they get comfortable acing everything without having to lift a finger so when some effort is required they break down because they have no work ethic

babası asker olan user?

>best student in primary and middle school
Wow, it's fucking nothing. You're lumped together with all the retards of course you'll perform relatively well.
It's when you get higher education and all the scum is filtered out you realise you're actually not that smart after all.
t. former slightly above average engineering student


>best student in primary and middle school

Kek, like it matters at all what you have done before 16.
You're stupid, you simply didn't know

sınavda iyi şanslar kardeşim
Benim yanında kaldığım teyzem tıp okumuştu, hep ne kadar nefret ettiğinden bahseder
Özellikle eczane okuyanları sevmezdi gerizekalı derdi hep onlara

i was a late bloomer. was an average student as a child, above average student in HS, and one of the top students at my university (which, granted, was far from an elite institution). but now i just do low-stakes office work that an ape could likely pull off.

Khadaš khadash ghüzlar osnulu benisolaye chipik fileye

im not exactly sure if this is american banter or some diaspora speaking one of them bizzare central asian languages with a thick accent

Just because you did well in little boy school doesn't mean you're clever senpai haha

sounds like mental illness, not suprising considering you're a turk