Fuck america

Alabama = Ala-damn-a
Alaska = A-trash-ka
Arizona = Ari-boner
Arkansas = Lark-ansas
California = Commiefornia
Colorado = Folly-rado
Connecticut = Noettiquette
Delaware = Smellaware
Florida = Whorida
Georgia = Bore-gia
Hawaii = Stay-awaii
Idaho = Sigh-daho
Illinois = Ill-annoy
Indiana = Cringe-diana
Iowa = Sty-owa
Kansas = Not-a-fansas
Kentucky = Ken-lucky-you-weren't-born-in-a-state-so-yucky
Louisiana = Rue-isiana
Maine = Disdaine
Maryland = Hairyland
Massachusetts = Frassachusetts
Michigan = Go-fish-igan
Minnesota = Throw-it-in-the-bin-nesota
Mississippi = Pississippi
Missouri = Diss-ouri
Montana = Wouldn't-take-her-to-the-prom-tana
Nebraska = Fuckasska
Nevada = Never-ada
New Hampshire = New Trampshire
New Jersey = Boo Germ-sey
New Mexico = Shoo Dyslexico
New York = Poo Dork
North Carolina = Whore-th Carolina
North Dakota = Bore-th Fuckota
Ohio = Oh-bye-o
Oklahoma = Brokelahoma
Oregon = Boregon
Pennsylvania = Phlemsylvania
Rhode Island = Chode Island
South Carolina = Doubt Carolina
South Dakota = Grout Cuckota
Tennessee = Painnessee
Texas = Vexas
Utah = Loo-tah
Vermont = Sperm-ont
Virginia = Durr-ginia
Washington = Squashington
West Virginia = Pest Virginia
Wisconsin = Wiz-sconsin
Wyoming = Wry-oming

Attached: fumerica.jpg (900x675, 560K)

> Texas
> Not TexASS

imagine having the energy or interest to type all that out

based & redpilled

now this is epic


this but unironically

Attached: US_Flag_Burn.jpg (729x1000, 173K)

fuck off spic


At least our women are harder to get

imagine how strong europeans suck american dick that they know every single state name

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why is sweden so mad all the time?

New York = Poo Dork

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Lmao imagine being so buttblasted that you actually write this cancer

shut a fuckup *kills you*

this dedication. terrible shitpost, but at least you put some effort

agreed but sincerely

haha i like it

Great post Jim who works at the quarry


>California = Commiefornia
>New Hampshire = New Trampshire

keep these ones, burn the rest