What am I majoring in? Computer science

>What am I majoring in? Computer science.

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I'm majoring in gender studies

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Not science
Not maths
>b-but Computer science is a subset of Pure Ma-
No, it's a pathetically trivial subject for those who lack the intellect to be proficient in mathematics or any actual science, or for those who were too socially inept to join the humanities.

I'm an illiterate who never studied

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First year in CS degree is almost identical to first year in Math degree you dumb goatfucker

At least they can get a job.

>Why, yes, the girls I fuck from time to time pay for my living expenses, as well as travelling, buying real estate and expensive shit I don't really need

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Sitting in front of your computer for the rest of your life doing the same trivial task again and again. I'd rather kill myself than be in IT

t. Butthurt CSlet
>At least they can get a job.
So can any mathematician or scientist get a job in your field by reading a couple of pathetically trivial books. I'd even say that a mathematician is a better compooter scientist than a cstard itself.

>an example is this girl who bought me a car

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>nah, pal, I'd rather not attend those marxist indoctrination centers at all. For me, it's selling burgers on the street

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Fucking based!

> I have nothing to offer
> Have my babies

Why do roasties do this?

But pissing code is not computer science.

STEM people are all virgins until 25
chads study law or business

Every time I see this image I want to kill gay people, is this being posted by alt right nazis?

uma and deliciapilled

you realize first year courses generally cover elementary topics like single and multivariate calculus, linear algebra, maybe some DEs, that's nothing compared to what mathematicians learn later on.

Why Jow Forums is so obsessed with this russian?

I thought he was German

Nope. His name is Ernest Khalimov, he is probably half or quarter churka.

Maybe in your shit-tier university/college, over here *during the first year*, there's 2 courses in linear algebra, 2 courses in calculus and 1 course in probability, and we're taking those courses together with math class. Also there's another course in discrete math, which roughly encompasses the courses in set theory and combinatorics

Based, rhis is why you're better than the Indians.

yeah that's pretty much what most science majors learn though, mathematicians start taking stuff like real analysis, abstract algebra, topology, differential geometry, special functions and PDEs and more.

>join the humanities
You were based until you spouted this load of dogshit

He also CGI and not a real person

All i'm saying is, that in first year of CS degree, you study 5 courses from math department (and another 2-3 during the remaining 2-3 years), and not the vanilla versions of those courses like in engineering class
Like, i'm obviously not trying to compare between Math and CS degrees, but CS is much more theoretical than one might think. For example courses in complexity, algorithms and models of computation are basically math courses

>computer science

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>>What am I majoring in? Computer science.

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Somik is a fake trap, she is a girl.

is she? what about the dick?

Maths > CS

The proof is trivial and is left to the reader.

There is no dick, fake bulge.

i dont think i can keep up with society anymore

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So all the naked images are photoshopped?


The older you get, the more you realize it's pointless jerking off to your major in X. As someone who works actually and is not just a student (like most of the people here seem to be) the realworld only cares about your skillset.

Yes, a math-major could come up with solutions a CS major could not like creating various models. But yes as well, a CS major could work more efficiently in coding as comparison to a math major. Most people are not going into research but more into the corporation world; so you have to learn some skills which make you valueable which is for the most part not taught in any CS or math degree. So it's pretty pointless how much you suffer(ed) in your degree and jerk off to it if you can't handle your job later on.

Somik is pretty old thing