They are testing the market

The recent Bithumb hack was a test to gauge fear in the markets - we passed quite well - only a $200 drop.

We passed too well though. The Tweet that funds would be covered by Bithumb has since been deleted. This will turn into a bigger situation until the market drops further.

The good news is they can only hold us for so long - we are so close Jow Forums. Sentiment is changing, the fear is gone. We are starting to see restlessness, and the beginnings of anticipation.

Stay strong for the next month, max. Screencap if you wish, I'll post this again mid-July.

Attached: KobeSteak.jpg (500x500, 96K)


Attached: 3FC88138-AE38-446C-A28F-64941C782344.jpg (1748x1740, 774K)

Why would Bitthumb blocking deposits/withdrawals cause a price crash anyway? It doesn't affect the supply at all. If anything if should just cause the price to pause for a while as liquidity drops.

Is that mac and cheese or potato salad? You'll make it.

Bithumb is a top-10 exchange for volume.

1. Restricting deposits and withdrawals limits liquidity and overall trading so it does affect the supply - the circulating supply.

2. The market negatively reacts to events like these if you haven't noticed.

3. A prolonged lack of response or confirmation of the situation will increase negativity and result in a further price drop.

4. Someone is draining Bithumb's hot wallet currently, paying 100x the normal price of fees to do so...

> next month, max
Is it chinese new summer or what? Come on buddy.

Attached: 743769431.png (737x686, 128K)

1. Coinbase PRO June 29th
2. Financial institutions literally entering the market EOM and in July
3. News coming out that "Tether is safe"

It's already starting...

sort of both, it’s potatoes au graten. Basically Mac n cheese but with diced potatoes instead of noodles.

yeah ok

Institutions don't buy the way you think they buy and they couldn't give less of a fuck about trading news. Maybe you can get this pumped for an alt weekend but make sure you can post for the quadruple bottom in mid August and mid September.

Slice your potatoes long-ways and cover/bake them in the oven with some cream of mushroom (add water to cook your taters of course and season to taste)
Easiest scalloped potatoes of your life

>Financial institutions literally entering the market

oh? and how do they buy?

man id like some of t hem STEAKS right now

Wow, I remember you buddy. You was always posting this delicious foods. Glad to see you back on board!

Zoom out, look at the volume and then consider suicide. We in for a slow bleed for another 6 months. Unless this thread is from the future, then i guess fuck if u want fuck

They use what amounts to smurfs

Why should I care about good news about tether when it will always be worth a dollar?

tether was a ticking time bomb you absolute dumbfuck. its not about investing in tether to make a profit. its about market sentiment changing and public distrust changing.

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Why can't I stop having green ids am I cursed/blessed with a destiny to be rich?

Well I have a green id so please explain more

we're still deep in denial with threads like these popping up

>mfw Jow Forums turns into recipe board
I'm going to try this tonight. Thanks user.

Attached: betty.jpg (900x2078, 308K)