Well would you look at that
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is this the reason why we pumping?
bitfinexed eternally btfoed. that subhuman must be close to suicide right now. anyone follow him on twitter how hes coping?
>that amount is nearly equal
Faggot, if they don't have an exact fucking number it's fraud
kill yourself
We're gonna see fields of green soon, gentlemen.
>according to Tether executives who spoke to the law firm
if this is legit, why are they still avoiding an official audit?
Anyone that supports Tether now that DAI exists is a normie with no idea about crypot anyway.
to all bear fags here shorting the triple bottom
prepare YOUR ANUS!!!
this why the fuck use tether when there is DAI and TUSD
these things take time, I'm guessing this was a move they made to calm investors and the market
>Tether investigates Tether, finds no sign of Tether fraud
There is no triple bottom. Arguably a double bottom. April bottom was too high
then go ahead user short it with 1000x leverage
now they can print again.
bullrun activated
Even if they scrounged that up by now, they didn't have back then,or they would have been transparent. That that what they're doing now is transparent.
this is damage control after the thorough research on how they manipulated the markets. with bittrex rolling out USD markets and other exchanges to follow suit next, Bitfinex top brass are trying to exit gracefully (read: not getting lifetime in jail for massive fraud)
>Its investigation also relied on phone and in-person interviews with Tether executives
> and bank representatives to reach its conclusions.
So the bank reps are lying to the former head of the FBI? KYS
you dumb fucks
proving a bank account had a balance of x on a date proves nothing
this is why audits exist, what was the source of the funds, the funds could have been borrowed for the period of time etc...the list goes on
So people just willy nilly lend $2 BILLION dollars?
Just accept the fact these are immense whales who have tons of capital to play around with. People act like $2b is even alot of money nowadays, it may be to you and me but in the global financial realm it's not.
bitfinex isn't the only person that creates tether
and what's the bet that the media won't even publish this story to and publically apologize for their damage.
saying the report is worthless of course
tether and bitfinex are two branches of the same company
they tried to hide this for a long time until it came out
>Market crashes right before a tether audit
Almost as if tether wasn't backed by cash, and instead by Bitcoin, until they needed to be audited
They should have been audited when BTC was 20k after the tether bullrun
After the Wells Fargo fiasco last year, where all their US wires were getting frozen, it is understandable that they do NOT want to reveal all their accounts publicly anymore or risk getting accounts/funds frozen.
Knowing that, I expect there will NEVER be a proper audit of Tether/Bitfinex. This is the best we'll ever get, and personally, this is good enough for me.
Goldman sachs has announced a token tied to the dollar, so tether could.well end up dead.
>using a law firm to audit your book
>not an accounting firm
Jesus only crypto brainlets would keep falling for this crap
Not only that but one of the partners of the firm is on the board of the bank
>confirmed by a LAW firm
Why kind of stupid shit is this?
Tether needs an audit, made by a ACCOUNTING firm.
I would trust tether over that any day, audits or not.
it is worthless
anyone with IQ over 50 knows its worthless, and is reasonably sure that tether is still, and always will be, a fraud / ticking time bomb
its just too bad bitfinexed has to be so autistic about it
>Former FBI Director’s Law Firm with unlimited access to Tether’s accounts at two banks for weeks and online access to Tether’s statements to employees at the financial institutions
>one Twittly boi
It's pretty obvious which Jow Forums will trust and it'll be the one that fuels their paranoid conspiratorial fantasies.
wonder how many cunts longed and rode the pump
>former fbi director law firm
>((law firm))
tether has had since December to get their books right... c’mon people and wake the fuck up.. law firm taking the place of accounting firm should (that tether hired!!!) should be a red flag!
>Just do an audit
>Hmm... nah... but how about this other weird thing that isnt quite an audit?
I'll trust them when they get a proper audit.
Having a friend look at your bank balance for two weeks isn't in GAAP
They’ll get a proper audit done, but when that news drops it will be too late to get into any crypto
meaning the prices are too high or crypto is dead?
Nah, otherwise why are they being so weird about it?
IDGAF either way, something is obviously going on, cartel laundering maybe, but it looks like nothing will happen. Too many powerful people involved.
Big exchanges are getting rid of tether eventually. What's next? Trueusd and USD markets. Tether has been too shady and risky for too much time.
These news are, at best, neutral.
Yeah whatever bitfinex'd, you're gonna get left behind again and fud more
Yes people do get out your basement neckbeard.
>people just willy nilly lend $2 BILLION dollars?
You unironically have a lot to learn if you don't understand that is just one of many very real possibilities
Jesus Christ you’re an idiot
>herpy de derpy der
Yes. Or to put another way the price may go up, or down
Real answer is neither of them.