Which is the shittiest country in Europe?
I'm between Albania and Kosovo.
Don't pick grey countries (for obvious reasons).
Which is the shittiest country in Europe?
I'm between Albania and Kosovo.
Don't pick grey countries (for obvious reasons).
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Hmm.. I wonder could it be those with ongoing wars or frozen conflicts?
They're inbred mutants
>Don't pick grey countries (for obvious reasons)
fuck off I'm picking GREASE they are disgusting
this is the same albanian ape
he bought a pass so he can use proxies
Greece by far
and you moved to germany to escape greece and do sneak attacks on other balkan shitter countries here.
you're not really that different
he often forgets that the IP counter isnt going up
i was never in Greece you slavshit
Russia is nice. I don't care what you're memeing here.
Thats not a country, its a region.
So its albania then. Both are inhabited by same type of subhumans so its pretty clear why they are shitty.
Can't make this shit up
Montenegro by far
Bulgaria and it's not even close
Albania or Kosovo its the same shit
albania from the red and germany from the grey
it's us i wish we had another world war to kill everyone here and get a fresh start
Kosovo is not a country, it is a province.
The worst one is probably Moldova.
> lower gdp/capita than fucking LAOS
> more suicidal than Finland
> lower HDI than several sub-Saharan countries
> the only future for men is to deal drugs abroad
> the only future for women is to sell their bodies abroad
> one fifth of the country operates as a separate nation owned by a Shinra-like megacompany
greece and portugal are shittier than this country so you better rethink your plan
no free speech, you get arrested immediately for thinking wrongly or showing any sign of patriotism
rape and murder occuring daily
60% taxes
shitty infrastructure, public health and education, despite sky high taxes, because all money gets used on replacement of the native population so we can import 85 IQ cheap work force
jewish overlords run the government
muslim overlords run the streets
public transport NEVER arrives on time
no guns so we can't even defend ourselves
no military or borders, so this "country" would be overrun by some savages within a week
>public transport NEVER arrives on time
Don't go to Italy user, you'll get an aneurysm.
>public transport NEVER arrives on time
literally here
>richest countries in europe think they know how bad public transport can be
Yes I agree that Kosovo is a province of Albania