riga drain castle edition
international culture
current events
non anime balt? since when? did the crusade succeed?
>car covered in ice
wow thanks
few days now
this is wow general now
>using a car
on the list
I jerk off to snuff porn
sup mikoto
just grinding wow
took acid yesterday looking for a stronger mark now
are you on a bit of an acid binge? if i remember correctly you took it on nye
not a binge i just really like it and the first time i took ot it was a 330 now ive been just getting 180-220 and its not as fun
i heard really crazy shit starts happening at 400+, like ego death shit, are you gonna go into that territory if you get stronger stuff?
idk thats only for people who think acid is spiritual for me its a party drug
i take it and laugh for 10 hours with my best friend
when i took 330 i rly enjoyed the visuals tho
that sounds like a good time i'm jelly desu
did you try candyflipping?
I think i finally understand neckbeards
>be me
>friendzone many women throughout the years
>most of them get the hint and move on
>have this chubby coworker
>obviously way out of her league but sometimes chat with her bc she's a chill person
>become really friendly with her
>she starts touching my arm and shit, calls me "cutie" and always stands weirdly close to me, staring at me
>suddenly realise that she mistook my friendliness for affection
This is literally what happens to neckbeards: women treat them like other women or their close friends, since there is absolutely zero chance they have with them. We expect this to be obvious but its not to them and they mistake this kind of friendliness for affection
havent tried yet but i might some time
the come up would be intense for sure
did ~160mg (half of a strong one) molly recently and it had no effect on me which was sad
maybe it was fake molly?
my gf took the other half and became a monkey
thats strange tho
u build a tolerance to molly
i think that 5 day binge i had didnt do any good to me
>i think that 5 day binge i had didnt do any good to me
the one with green projectile vomit or some recent binge?
yeah that one
wasnt projectile but it was green for sure
how long ago was that man? feels like not too long ago
almost a year ago now
damn i thought it was march or april
did u do any other drugs in that time?
How do I get into drugs if i'm not a normalfag?
Drugs are bad
for you
deepweb is where i got my first acid tab
Yup. Drugs are bad for you. Thanks for finishing my sentence
The boomer/zoomer meme needs to die, it's too accurate
That's why I love it so much
had a nice drink last week with the lads and am gonna get drunk as fuck this friday too. we went to the ice rink at like 2 AM
Last post will be mine
making notes for the exam tomorrow
Are you left handed or something?
Your handwriting is pretty bad, lad
the frick ?!
>this is the hand writing of a university student
Still mine. Stop stealing it haha
been raining all week, you?
woke up 1 hour before work :DDD ebin
Anyone here?
Are the Baltics as comfy as they seem?
Still can't stop thinking about her, lads.
At this point this word must've lost any meaning it had. Life's slow here. And relatively easy, if you can put a handle on your material wants.
That sounds comfy
No, it's frustrating and I can't concentrate on my work.
What work?
Heavenly Father, I ask You in the name, and through the Blood of Your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, to bless this thread against all evil influences and those who wish to do it harm.
Heavenly Father please put your mantle of protection so that all those with wrong influences will lose interest and depart.
Basically just data entry.
Kas pasakė, jog pro langą galit pamatyti tik tiktai tiktai kas matos arba švyti švyti pro duris. Kas neleidžia dūmų leisti uosti kvapą bei rujoti per rasas nubridus auštant rytui ant kalvos. Juk nėra draudimo jokio juoko apsėstoms būtybėm įsikibus stirnai lėkti už uodegos.
>thread survived the night
We preservere. Balt is an idea and ideas are bulletproof
Nu pizdec
/balt/as gyvena!
eik tu kakoti
Ir miršta!
Ir vėl gyvena!
>Vilkduja - Išsilieja (Overflowing)
I don't know what author inhaled when he wrote these lyrics.
Thought it sounded like him, but wasn't sure. A few years ago all the big tiddy goth gfs listened to his band.
doing an anxious lads
What for? Don't do that.
you're right actually
Yeah man, I know. I was doing an anxious earlier today, but realized I didn't need to and stopped.
eik tu peklon, tu žalčio subine.
quite a based decision if i do say so myself
alright lads im going down for an hour see you then
i have returned
Thank you. I missed you
I missed you too babe
Oof, poor form, lad. Hope you do better next time
Why Holy sandals skyrocketed in December?
Bought a chocolate karums lads. Will eat it later and review it here then!!
goddamn it i got dubs twice
should I get miso soup lads?
Sakote Recepas? Gal aš geriau sakyčiau, RECEPTAS katastrofai cha cha
lads there is a really pretty girl sitting across the bus napping and she looked at me...
Well you're lucky then. When I take the bus I have to exchange looks with LITERALLY HITLER
seriously there is no way that guy does not make himself look like hitler on purpose. Moustache hair etc
i think she's fully asleep now omg what do
Keep your cool. Whatever you do, remain calm. Now take a good luck around you and update me on your situation, agent
just a bunch of old people and some kids
she keeps nodding off and then puts her head back up slightly it's so cute
she got off the bus :(
Okay agent, since there are possible witnesses you will have to play it cool and avoid performing any advanced operations. For now, I suggest you stay put, alert and in search of any opportunities
To add to broth? Sure.
how many /balt/ poster do you recognize, here's me:
he's kind of /balt/
needs no introduction
the guy who drank spanguolinė vodka and works in some cake factory
>estas, kuris ladpostindavo kaip Barry
>Kažkada posteris
>tas kuris studijuoja bioinžinerija
>tas iš Klaipėdos, kur postina verkiančias kates
>buvo dar ar suomis ar estas autistas ant neetbuxu, kuris per nakti postindavo ir žolę rūkydavo
>start post off in english
>slip into lithuanian in the middle
Good job dummy
To add to your list though:
>lithuanian in ireland who makes obscene posts about Veryga and other things
>estonian captain who got off to seeing the scandi girls get killed in morocco
To admit I am a newfag to /balt/ and dont know many yet
The fuck I thought we shared a timezone with scatvians
top of the morning to you
so called sched’ is a bit messed
banpas xD