Sashko's ID edition
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
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Based meme
I too want to see a greater Hungary.
>Greece has awarded citizenship to three migrant fishermen - two Egyptians and an Albanian - who rescued Greeks from a devastating fire near Athens
(((intelligence agencies))) can scan through tons of images in a second for keywords
now you've attracted them to /balk/
now we'll never know if the shitposter next to us is a thoroughly pigmented person who is highly visible in low-light conditions
>now you've attracted them to /balk/
t. cia agent
Идвaй вeднaгa в yчacтъкa нa ДC, дpyгapьo.
-Aгeнт ,,Aзиc" - Bacил Бoянoв
dont do this, 4opel is a schizo as it is
the boys are back in town
I am not a schizo I am monitored by cia because they monitor his sons
so many you's
Stop larping as me i always put a tripcode name on my posts
like i said, deranged
Albanian proverb: After shaking hands with a Greek, count your fingers
Stoop larping as me I always have austrian flag on my posts
Based proverb desu
someone should paste some of sashko's Jow Forums schizo shitposts to mijalkov's son just for teh lulz
including that pic of him sleeping in his bed for maximum eebie jeebies
I've never gave a shit about mijalkov or his lackeys, but sashko might actually make me track them down and send them all his posts thus far.
Oщe кaтo aзиc бeшe caмo Bacкo пeдepaca
Not funny desu don't do it, think of the consequences
>къдe дa ти cлoжим кoнтpapaзyзнaвaтeлнaтa aгeнция, бpaт?
>пpocтo ми я cлoжи пo cpeдaтa нa бyлeвapд, тoчнo cpeщy хoтeл, oт кoйтo мoжeш дa видиш кoй влизa и излизa 24/7
>нe кaзвaй пoвeчe
3 loud keks from people who have been following sashko's schizophrenic outbursts
entire ordeal forgotten in a total of 3 minutes
You'll ruin the relationship with his friends
Taking down sashko is instrumental in my plan to destroy /balk/ once and for all. Now that I've broken fyromneet I should be able to take down schizo sashe as well. Stay tuned.
was that your endgame after all? to stop pretending to be 3 people, and continue shitposting as one victorious shitposter (the least likely candidate?)
what a shit ending. worse love story than twilight.
Lmk if you need any help, my life goal is to see this general dead
daily reminder that Macedonists get the rope too
He is a shiptar, its in his nature to destroy things
sashko also happens to be 1/4 shiptar
fyrombey also LARPed as a shiptar so that he could then LARP as kazansperg to keep the shitflinging at level
Satan agrees
Pshek and Magyarbey need to go, Rasha cannot shitpost with himself so I'd rather ignore him. That leaves xpozed and flagfag. Xpozed is a tricky one since he posts rarely and with diffent styles. I don't know how to beat flagfaggot yet but he has to have a weakness as well. Any other shitposter is not important since they feed off of others and don't radiate autism themselves.
Daily reminder that I with a little help from rasha saved this general by breaking kazansperg and forcing him to flee
This general kinda sucks without fyrombey.
No shiptar is mixed, Albanians are all pure unlike you piece of shits
>tfw people without life and retards wanna destroy /balk/
Animebey is worst hides behind his anonimity like a shit
Also shitheads already told mijalkov sons that i will go against them in order to build a political career and the fact is thry know it
Also my posts here are to be viewd by the media in the future
Animebey get a life you moron all you do is shitpost here all day
Does animebey have friends or something
>I don't know how to beat flagfaggot yet but he has to have a weakness as well
Enverbey (the other one) really pissed him off once when he criticized his morality and masculinity by cheating on his wife. I'll try to find it, but I need to take a shit first
I agree, Albanians look Celtic too
laughed out loud many times reading this
the only way i imagine sashko being tangled up in CIA shit is him being a broken product of their MaKeUltra brainwashing program
Go find him, manlet
>he is being anonymous on an anonymous imageboard
w-woah, you don't say?
why do you not use fullstops like fyrombey
>Also my posts here are to be viewd by the media in the future
Cool movie.
>fyrombey leaves
>sashkoposting increases dramatically
Hmmmm... you may be on to something, tatar.
>fyrombey stops shitposting
>sashko ramps up the schizophrenic episodes
>8 posts about mijalkov in 2017-2018 combined
>8 posts about mijalkov in the last week alone
Sashko maybe is just memeing since everyone called him an albo and shopped him with albo traditonal hats.
And idk if this guy is fyrombey but animebey and him are not the same person, except when one of them larps as the other.
But yeah there is some serious autist posting under this flag and changes personalities as the wind blows
>inb4 mijalkov's son and sashko take turns shitting up /balk/ as their various personalities
>inb4 sashko's got a ton of other freaks shitposting here just for teh lulz
Each kill each other and do us a fav
Oh shutup, fyrombey or should I say SASHKO?
lmao you're so wrong
Show them the way. Only that way Former FYROM can be saved from the smeridian menace
>it's another episode of fyrombaits
when will a mod jump in and unravel who's who
We really need IDs on this board.
The only way to stop this shitshow is to put visible IDs like on Jow Forums
but obsessive shitposters can change their IP easily
Have I been anime-bey myself after all?
>argue with one IP
>suddenly a new one appears and keeps shitposting, the old one is gone completely.
It's not that hard
But their ID will change too and they can't go back into one of the personalities.
>not mention of the professional theft skills of Macedonia, Bulgaria or Albania
Worst post in the entire thread
N-no! It's just that great minds think alike!! Y-yeah!!
so they'll just keep creating more personalities... or keep switching IPs until you learn to disregard IDs entirely
>professional theft skills
thats romania you are thinking of
>so they'll just keep creating more personalities
Yeah but then we pretty much know who are the people who create multiple personalities
Daily reminder that /balk/ did the big chungus meme first with that one poster saying "alhamdullilah" and posting fat bugs bunny
>someone will reset their router every 5 mins
Are you suggesting we have someone with this much autism here?
But you will know that it is one person changing the IP all the time and who the poster is.
However, IDs can discourage normal shitposting and baits plus it will be easier to detect personas.
Sometimes like today I barely make one post the whole day but sometimes you do 30+ in short period and it will look autistic and discourage you from posting
Also removed a corrupt government out of power and made a shitfest that made british and america and russian secret services been like wtf and who is this sashko is he working for cia or russia kek
I have never stole anything in my life. Am I a retard?
Why is everything so fucking B O R I N G?
>Sashko is going full schizo mode today
You are an outlast
>Am I a retard?
Meant to write outkast but now I see that is outcast actually lmao
I can LARP as 3 different people if I had access to 3 wifi networks, and keep shitposting with them till the thread was over, so I'd know which wifi was for which persona. And you would never know it wasn't the same guy.
sorry miss jackson
I have a hard-on just looking at this
Can't wait when war starts and i can exterminate shkijet
t.sp fag
Alexander the Great was dacian
>Alexandru Macedonski (Romanian pronunciation: [alekˈsandru mat͡ʃeˈdonski]; also rendered as Al. A. Macedonski, Macedonschi or Macedonsky; March 14, 1854 – November 24, 1920) was a Romanian poet, novelist, dramatist and literary critic, known especially for having promoted French Symbolism in his native country, and for leading the Romanian Symbolist movement during its early decades.
Everything has been turned into a commodity. Life is measured in money, productivity, competitiveness and risk assessment.
a way to solve shitflinging and brainlets chimping out at, and killing, each other for LARPing as their countries, is to make travel and relocation as easy as possible. to erase brainlet identities.
in the future we will all become a light brown mass with a single spiritual belief system, and embrace the benefits of gommunism
when there's no more wars and shitflinging, and human IQ is really high, scientists can start extracting and bringing out white genes, asian genes, black genes, and create designer babies, so that we can have some sort of diversity back to color our lives
Das rite slav boi
I thought this was common knowledge.
Ugh, what it could have been...
Look in 2014 when mijalkov moved into his new house i went in to see it with his younger son and the cia has his sons under survilance and when the furniture was moved into the house i saw ip cameras and other hardware that look very similar to a server and asked his son why his dad needs a server
A week after that while his parentd were off the house we made a party and i wrote here that i put a virus into mijakov server but keep in mind i was doxxed here in 2012 by bulgarians
Also i didnt knew i was under survilance and i did 232iq on an iq test
So yeah let that to be sinked into your microbrain if you understand it
> leading the Romanian Symbolist movement
>The Symbolist movement in Romania promoted a distinctly urban culture, characterized by cosmopolitanism, Francophilia and endorsement of Westernization, and was generally opposed to either rural themes or patriotic displays in art.
degenerate. Not cool
Peasant or some sort of suburban trash detected.
>muh mud
superstrength shitposting
232 iq and doesn't know how to spell surveillance
unorganized thoughts like a typical schizo
>CEBEPHA Maкeдoния
misquoted, meant for