If you could merge two countries which would you choose

if you could merge two countries which would you choose

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Poland and Mexico

Chad + Virgin Islands

Argentina and Uruguay.

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France and Germany the people would deny it but in the end the people intermix and create beautiful chad children.

China and Iceland

Austria and Hungary

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Canada and USA


Brazil and Russia

Sweden and Finland if you can even consider them two separate countries.

North Korea and South Sudan

North Korea and South Korea

uk and canada

Brazil and Japan. Would Be fun.

Portugal Senegal

how about hungary and romania instead

St. Kitts and Nevis

This, and get our troops out of there. 65 years of waiting around for something to happen is long enough.

Many problems would have been solved this way

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Germans and french look the same

Egypt and isreal
want to see how it will be lmao

Brazil and Paraguay.

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This and this Mercosur Union.

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Russia and China

nice dick

Oh, you are one naughty Habsburg...

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population of egypt = 100 million
population of israel = 10 million


Poland and Indonesia

China and Nigeria

america and canada

Delete this post egypt*id

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they need to border each other retards

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Russia and Ukraine

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USA and Mexico.

benis and vagina :DDD

Pakistan and India

israel and saudi arabia

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Lebanon and israel. Just fuel the shitstorm.

China and Russia for the lulz
Rip "the West"

India and Pakistan


China and the United States
Russia and The United States

Spain and The Republic of Congo
The United States and Zimbabwe


us and india

Brasil and Argentina with Bolsonaro as full power Emperor so he massacres and purges all of our politicians, leftists, feminists, etc

I would merge your mum's China with my Peru

Permanent civil war, large parts of land held by militias

Palestine and Israel

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Georgia (country) gets attached to the USA at Georgia (state)

Based /Sino/ poster


can't merge a country that has no legal right to exist (israel)

>purge all of our feminists
Nah, you got some cuties, they could be used as our personal sex slaves.

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USA and Canada.

Belgium and France
USA and Canada
North Korea and South Korea
Literally any african country
Northern Ireland and Ireland
Germany and Austria

russia and nigeria

The jewish women would surrender to the kemetian cock and there would be porn genres about this

the best outcome for them, they wouldn't have to border russians anymore

Taiwan and China

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ROC when?

Sudan and South Sudan

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Belgium and Netherlands.

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you're playing God now

China and Taiwan

Serbia and Albania

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Kosovo, Serbia.

Poland and lithuania

France and Brasil then

Sweden and Finland


isn't there another country that's not Canada kind of curious here

this unironically. Argenguay with federal states and all that shit

US and Canada are gay brothers

France and england, spain and morocco, greece and turkey

cute ! and forbidden

eww no gtfo

You're brown.

>India and Pakistan

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italy and tunisia

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Montenegro and Chad

I want Australia to become New Zealand's west island

tfw you see people roleplaying as countries

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see, this el pollo loco gets it

also china and japan

Russia and Poland

Saxony and Bohemia

US and Russia

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America and mexico

chad and virgin islands



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EU and Russia

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Poland and Israel.

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Netherlands and Belgium, obviously.

Mongolia and Finland.

two words for the same country, you were supposed to choose 2 different countries

Sorry, I confused Israel with the USA again. My bad.


Finally we can be with out BLACK BROTHERS

Japan and Taiwan

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