it took me thousands of hours but i finally created it
the perfect europe
It took me thousands of hours but i finally created it
>Corsica to Italy
Yes please
how the fuck did I end up sharing a count with kr*uts?
Do you mind waffle niggas ?
Good map, Balts should be turned into one country though, they're the same anyway and no one can tell them apart.
that's one big Montenegro
Good job, insane attention to detail. Even the small parts of estonia that russians stole have been returned.
hes been eating his vegetables
why is varanger a part of f*nland?
why does switzerland and prussia become germany but not nederland
Quite honestly, that balkans was close to becoming a thing after WW1 (Macedonia would have been Serbian, not Bulgarian). If we went for Greater Serbia instead of Yugoslavia, Croatia would have been split between 3 nations and could have never gotten independence. This is why they ass kissed us during the entirety of WW1 and the years directly after it, to make sure they are all under 1 state which then they got support from Italy and Germany to gain independence from
why do retarded people think its a great idea to give small Georgia (ancient white Christian nation) to russian slavshits but meme people like finns who never had a country before can somehow take land from a former super power?
Georgians and Russians get along :3c
Fucking shit map
finns belong under us
only when Georgians rule animals
why always with the post oder neisse line?
what kind of sad fucking brit shills so hard for jerries jesus fucking christ
pretty good
heres my version
really based post but 9/10 because of no herjedalen/jemtland returned to Norway
Almost as if finnic people have the right to live autonomously together. The areas east of lake Peipus and majority of latvia were also ancient estonian settlements (many still have estonian names) and the area where Petersburg is used to belong to one tribe of Estonians (voetians) but a certain imperialistic shithole decided to genocide the natives and bring in degenerates.
What im saying is that these parts belong to the nationality whom has lived there natively
Dude hold up, is that le EPIC GROBGERMANIUM and le EPIC GROBBYZANTINIUM??? Have a upvote my friend!!
*unsheathes sabre*
you insulting m'kaiser willy lad... dont make me waggle your willy off... dont make me get chinese keith..
It was in the original but I thought it was ugly
>includes estonia in something
>forgot to color in Saaremaa and Hiiumaa
Every time
>Galicia to Portugal
Opinion discarded
nigga are you for real
oh well can't complain because your OP is based enough
your country is just kinda lame sorry bro
r8 and subscribe
just remove denmark completely and its 10/10
denmark is so fucking ugly i cant stand it
i didnt forget to paint them i just didnt know who owned them
>that really thin land of sweden that splits it where norway pokes in
it looks silli
Millions of Frenchmen died just so some loser on Jow Forums can give Alsace-Lorraine to Germany on a map, plus some extra French territory that never belonged to Germany
Epic... simply epic
you would have lost ww1 in about five seconds if the british didnt save your ass
sit down
looks like american states lmfao
>if european borders was designed by americans
I'm glad you wasted that much time, in these 'thousands of hours' you wwre not making subhuman posts like these. Go back to making something, shoo
okay, now this is epic
Not at all, you were generally useless on land
>best pre established trained military
>blue wearing bomb targets
Fun fact about Saaremaa: the worlds oldest viking burial ground has been found in Saaremaa. The whole island was home to some next level savages. Vikings tried to fight them once and got slaughtered, thus the burial ground. For the next 300 years they ruled the waters between estonia and sweden, once even capturing swedish capital and buring it down just for fun. The raiding and savagery got so bad that Kingdom of Pskov, Teutonic order, Sweden and Denmark decided to deus vult the last pagan region of europe all at once. Swedes and russians were btfo immediately and it took danes and germans 24 years to capture that little landmass. When they christened the land they built churches but the natives chimped out, rebelled and murdered all germans and danes living in the area. The slaughter was so cruel that for the next 600 years the natives were enslaved to ensure that they civilize. They did their murdering many more times though.
Today its still a freaky part of Estonia
>groB Germany
Into the trash it goes
>>best pre established trained military
Yes, Germany. Should I remind you the Battle of the Somme?
The faroes originally belonged to us, mate.
>Galicia to Portugal
>No unified Baltics,
>The measly rest of Czechia and Slovakia are not one country
>Ukraine to Russia
>North of Schleswig-Holstein to Denmark instead of giving Nordschleswig as a whole back to Germany
>South Tyrol still Italian
Apart from that, it's a definitive yes from me.
Thanks for giving us Pommerania, Silesia, Elsass-Lothringen, Austria, Sudetenland, German Switzerland, Slovenia and Luxemburg. Very based.
I know, I know >le Großgermanium, but I really crave our lost territories
the german feared the BRITISH bulls
legend has it when moltke learned he was facing british BULLS he said to the kaiser "your majesty we have lost the war"
that happened 2 years into the war plonker
To be fair, Ireland should be independent.
Sorry fellow bongs
Also Portugal shouldn't own Galicia. Mad respect for the Netherlands, Finland and Romania though
And it showed just how competent you inbreds are
t. seamus seamussa o seamuson
why don't you take them then?
irredentism is a festering cancer that should be eradicated
no, Iceland doesn't belong to Norway anymore
no, the faroes and greenland don't belong to Norway anymore
no, jämtland+härjedalen+bohuslän don't belong to Norway anymore
no, skåne doesn't belong to denmark anymore
yes, you are a raging blazing faggot only out to sow discord
yes, you suck dicks
yes, you are OP and every other UGH faggot ITT
hang yourselves
Top meming buddy I only half understand it.
First name is actually Irish though ;)
you saying we can have iceland?
>this whole map
what the fuck is wrong with danish people
take some medication man
fuck brits fuck inbreds
iceland can rule itself for the first time since 1262 when Norway sadly annexed it
fuck off, imperialist
>irredentism is bad
>the country that pillaged mine for centuries and invaded twice and occupied it repeatedly
Reparations when? I want all of your oil money.
i have some reparations in this fist right here, dog
>wales and devon not part of the celtic state
my sides
the welsh don't have a distinct culture
wales is based
Okay, French Indochina
pretty based desu
What do Estonians, Lithuanians and Latvians think of a unified Baltic state? Germany tried to establish one during WW1. It should be a Federal Republic, but I think it would be - at least in a scenario like OP - necessary in order to prevent you from being too irrelevant. Is there a large difference between the 3 baltic countries?
Nein nein nein, mein arischer Freund.
None of that Nazi shit. The HRE was based but retarded because they didn't manage to actually be a union for 99% of the time. The Kaiserreich was (at least in my opinion) based and redpilled, but a modern-day monchary has its flaws, obviously. The "3rd Reich" however was just cringe. It's a tiny aspect of our history and I'd hate them even if they weren't responsible for WWII and the Holocaust (and most importantly costing us 150,000 square kilometers etc).
The Deutschland OP posted shall be a Republic, but I'd want it to follow the example of the Kaiserreich a bit more, too.
Good map
it's shit
I would rather die than be owned by snobby Norwegians
come home, Norwegian man.
The REAL Großgermania is OPs shit + Czechia + Slovakia + Netherlands + Denmark + Norway + Baltic States + YOU.
OPs pic is only Germany's birthright.
uuugh...what could have been...
Where tf does this meme even come from?
Can't you see some of us are salty because this is the smallest Germany has ever been (after West Germany and the GDR)?
Down the Reichsbahn, not across the Strasse.
>the maghreb is reunited and France become a maghrebi colony
>turkey gets greece back
Based map desu
Bretty good. I assume everyone is under Scottish rule, right?
>France and the formerly French North Africa are the same color
Does that mean they've become colonies again?
Holy fucking shit, that would be very based. So Germany would turn into the German Empire plus Luxemburg, modern-day Austria and German-speaking Switzerland, the Sudetenland and parts of Slovenia (and therefore a tiny bit of mediterranean coast) while ALSO getting its colonies back?
(0.5 missing because OP denied us Nordschleswig, meaning the lowest 3 fields of Denmark, and South Tyrol)
Might have something there
Much better
Fuck yes.
I must say, I'd also make Slovenia DEUTSCH again because of the Alps and the med coast access. But I'd still sell my soul in order to have this come true.
>Not making Dalmatia its own country
>germany exists
hungary looks too big. cut it back down to size please
When God-Emperor Baron Trump invades to claim his birthright (the entirety of Europe) these are the sub-kingdoms he will create to administer underneath his massive empire.
What do Eurofriends think?
and then...
Every single Norwegian/Swede I've talked to has said Danish sounds disgusting and Danes are weird so they can do their own thing.
you must have not talked to many of us outside of Jow Forums, then.
Any Norwegian or Swede who isn't on a tibetan carpet weaving forum will tell you that Denmark is part of Scandinavia and danes are our brothers (When asked to give a serious answer).
I understand Finns owning Karelia, but Finns have literally zero historical claims on the kola peninsula wheras Norway do if you absolutely want to change it. (Russia still has the best claim on it)
>No Norwegian jämtland