Can someone read this please? I fucked up

Can someone read this please? I fucked up

Attached: Untitled.png (422x704, 36K)

Too blury

i wasn't crying
i know what i saw
how about you mind your fucking business
how about you let people help you once in a while
who? you? we're not even friends okay? so butt the hell out
did your shitty boyfriend break up with you? because if you want someone to talk to i'm here
i won't tell the others alright
he cheated on me okay? i just don't want to talk about it right now
i always knew that guy was a dick. fine i won't mention it but i'm here if you need me
yeah sure thanks

> r/niceguys

-i wasn't crying
-i know what i saw (???)
-how about you mind your fucking business
-how about you let people help you once in a while
- what ? you ? we're not even friends okay ? so ??? the hell out
-did your shitty boyfriend break up with you because if you want someone to takt to i'm there
-i wont tell the others okay
-he cheated on me okay ? i just don't want to talk about it right now
-i always knew that guy was a dick. fine i won't mention it but ... i'm here if you need me
-yeah sure... thanks (????)

thanks, anons, how do you do that?? it is too blurry

Just squint

i just tried on my laptop so i could tilt the screen and change the contrast a bit but the text in blue is still very blurry. hmm.

My synopsis:
>op crying
>Sslkjljs saw this
>op says mind your fucknig busines Sslkjijs
>sslkjijs asks if op man broke up wit her
>op say he do has been cheatin on her ass
>sslkjijs says he wasnt never no good for her

it's not hard to read at all