Would you rather

move to Amsterdam or New York City?

Attached: New York City.jpg (1920x1280, 567K)

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rather die tbph

Amsterdam its only like 90 minutes away from me anyway

New Amsterdam

I would like to visit NY but i wouldn't stay there even if i had a good paying job there.


Amsterdam, I think, although I have never been to either. If I have to make the choice blind, New York seems too crowded for me and plus I'm kind of a Euroboo anyway t b h.

The only city I like in America is Boston. So I would have to go with Amsterdam. It's pretty close to home anyway.

Amsterdam is tiny and boring and I don’t speak Dutch

Is it even a question? Amsterdam ofc

Why is a city being tiny a bad thing? And what the hell is a "boring" city?

500k-800k is perfect size for a city. +1mil is an overpacked shithole

New York City, I don't want dutch bullies.

well that's great, nobody in Amsterdam speaks Dutch either except signs because that's mandatory :D

new york

Amsterdam of course

New York City. I don't know there is just something about it.

>Amsterdam is tiny
>Population: 821,752

What now?
I live in a 95k city, too much people here already..

Why Boston?

I hate when photoshop the statue into a completely different location in the city. The statue is not near the javits center at all.

Amsterdam, but I might blow all my money on weed and whores so maybe New York

Got family there, also like the atmosphere, people and I guess, the culture.
It's a nice city. Oh yeah, the food. Damn.

Everyone speaks English there m8, I'm pretty sure they have the highest english speaking rates outside of anglo cunts

I've never been there but the reputation of Boston is that they're either rich cunts or white trash yankee cunts. But either way, rude cunts is the stereotype. I've never been so I personally reserve judgment until I do go. What's the food all about up there?

New York always strikes me as easily the most interesting city in the world.

i cant afford to live in either, but i assume amsterdan would be easier since i can actually work there

Trust me NYC is a hell hole. Don't come here, you will grow tired of it in three months.
Source: New Yorker

I've had many friends try out NYC over the years. A few have stayed and can't imagine living anywhere else and the rest of them couldn't even fucking take it. There seems to be no in between.

Yeah people are kinda harsh there but I prefer that over the fake smiles etc you see in a lot of other cities.
Food wise, well burgers, sandwiches and pizza. Not even Chicago or New York comes close if you ask me.
>Craigie on Main - their "secret" burger
>Boston Cream Pie - can't remember address but the place is called Parker House
>Santarpio’s - best pizza place in the world, get the triple cheese and ham
>Cutty’s, get the 1000 beef sandwich and die happy

Stuff like that.

NY other than a couple of months no, Amsterdam seems better to live

I lived in NYC for year, and never been in Amsterdam, so it definitely Amsterdam.


Chicago is a fucking A+ food city in my opinion. I've never lived there but my mom and sister are both there now and I am sure to go nuts on the restaurants every time I visit. To say Boston tops that is a serious statement. I hope to check it out sometime.

definitely move to amsterdam
from there i would move to a better dutch city

New York, don't wanna be mogged by 6'2 dutch chads all day every day

The city is half Moroccan and full of small swarthy people from the south and centre of this country.

Hey man, I only spent 4 days in Chicago but I do honestly think Boston does it better.
I'm aiming to go back in April but you know, money...
Forgot something before, if you do go there and end up looking for a bite, keep an eye out for Mei Mei’s food truck. They got spring rolls, ramen, chicken soup and even burgers right there on the street. I hope they still exist, hunting them down was fun and worth it.

I live in nyc, never been to amsterdam but seems like a dude weed tourist destination from my american point of view.

>dude weed tourist destination
City centre is like that. The red-light district and the coffee shops. But most of Amsterdam is a normal European town. Full of bicycles. Ain't that bad.

the only thing i hear from americans talking about amsterdam is either the sex district and drugs. that's literally it

Most of the city is a very typical snobby rich old European town like says. Then you have the ring road and past there it's a Gaza strip.
There's more or less 3 rings. First you have the centre which belongs to the tourists. Then you have the wealthy mainly white parts. Then there's concrete and immigrants.

Minorities can only be found in central in the sleazy tourist areas nobody ever goes to and the Nieuw-West/Zuid-Oost boroughs which are the shittiest boroughs well outside of the city

You need to hate yourself to love NY

My frelatives livies in Duluth, Minnesota. Is that a nice city?

I'm pretty sure NYC would suck money out of you quicker than Amsterdam.

gräs bror

i dislike new york as much as any new yorker. but fuck me have you ever been up state past the hudson valley? it sucks even more!

Westpoort is the industrial area, Nieuw-West and Zuid-Oost the immigrant and minorities boroughs, the rest is quite nice (except for the shitty touristy places in central, but nobody actually goes there since it's shit and the food is average at best and overpriced for tourists)

Attached: Amsterdam boroughs map.png (654x505, 70K)

Never been to Duluth but Minneapolis is tits.

Where you from, flyover friend?

Sounds like I need to move there t b h.

My grandpa and grandma visited when they where young in the 60s they rented a cadliac to them to go to the west coast. Apparently they where very rich. i wanna visit too desu

for free ofc

Lots of Scandis immigrated to Seattle. Sadly, they've mostly assimilated without leaving much of a mark, but I have a great Nord market in my neighborhood. I like their cheeses and meats and they make a really good pickled herring in house.

hell yeah boiiii

Shut the fuck up.


Thats honestly so cool! Considered Scandis aren't great it numbers. Please go there once a year and support that market. My family name is Nilsson and on the American side its Nelson. I think that's a good thing that they anglicised (if that's how you write it) to addapt better into the American society. Apparently the American relatives that my grandpa knew of, he is dead now and he was the only one who keept in touch with our american cousins are dead now. But anyways they where doing really well for themselves, cervants a few cars (being in the 60s!) etc. I wanna get in touch with them honestly, i dont wanna beg for housing but fuck me to live in America for a few months (pretty much rent free) And to bond with my relatives would be amazing. Would brinf my mom with me too (and no i dont live with her anymore) Im drunk so i apologize for my grammar dude

Is Boston objectively nicer than New York?

Originally from Palo Alto.

My family is Lithuanian and I love pickled herring. It's amazing in small doses but is overpowering quickly.

100% man. Here's an educational video youtube.com/watch?v=FSvNhxKJJyU

Oud-Zuid for me.

no lol

What do you eat the herring with? We eat it with potatoes and boiled eggs.

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even philly and dc are more interesting than boston imo.

Deviled Eggs and I put the herring on a piece of eye.

I like to just put it on a cracker or crispbread. Not sure about the namefag.

>Deviled Eggs
Sounds delicious gonna ask my mom if she can makes it someday

Amsterdam. It's only 3 hours away from where I live and I don't think I could handle living in NYC.

Real creative names there

rye* fuck
It's literally, one of my top favorite foods. That and Calamari I will never turn down. Hope you make it, they're great.

NYC is overrated as fuck.

Fight me on this I'll lick your asshole real good

You must be a mad scientist in the kitchen to come up with this, but it looks simple so even us Nords can try it out.

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Yeah, NYC as well

I like the live jazz in the subways. That's about it though.

Had calamares in Lisbon, was food porn desu

Manhattan and the Bronx are more creative than center and East

If you like squid, you should try octopus if you haven't already. It's similar, but superior in my opinion.

nyc is literally the sole american metropolis, there's no debate

Mayonnaise and mustard are a tried and true combination. It sounds like it shouldn't work but it really does if you put a little care into it because if you fuck it up its gross.

This burger (lol) was the first thing I made a mayo-mustard sauce for and holy. Fuck. It was so different and tangy. Pardon the picture my wife put my phone through the washer and dryer..

Attached: IMG_2772.jpg (3264x2448, 2.23M)

Where i live i wont be able to get hold of octopus. I it still worth it? btw isnt squid and octopus the same thing?

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Damn camera, another shot. I hate the plate but I was cooking at my buddies house.

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Bronx is a hellhole

Is money a matter of concern?

Id like to think id pick NYC since I live in new york state but I wouldnt mind amsterdam because id be able to visit other countries nearby with a few hours of travel. Here I would have to spend half a day just to get anywhere worthwhile.

New York City is the greatest city in the world. Amsterdam is a shithole even by NRW German standards.

Octopus is great as well but you really, really have to tenderize the FUCK out of it. Slowly. The entire tentacle is muscle and is turbo-impossibly chewy.

When I make Octopus I tenderize it for an easy 30minutes then cut it into cylindrical portions and "deep fry" it halfway, both sides in a pan like a scallop.

It requires alot of work desu. But it's rewarding.

What you have on the picture isnt those called sliders? I haven't tried the but mayo and mustard is an heavenly combination!
>wife fuck off normalfag
But it really looks good tho, do you have a taco recipie? Its my fav dish ;3

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Yeah those are sliders. Just mini burgers.

I actually haven't fucked with tacos and I can't rightfully suggest you anything with much confidence. I haven't really done anything mexican ever. Besides Nachos.

Oh how 'bout that. You can make nachos really easily. Just throw a bunch of tortilla chips or thin pita bread on a baking sheet, cover it with whatever you want + cheese(for a binding agent) then just bake it.

Guacamole is easy to make and very rewarding as well. Shit's as good as hummus, which is just made from chickpeas.

>Octopus is great as well but you really, really have to tenderize the FUCK out of it. Slowly. The entire tentacle is muscle and is turbo-impossibly chewy.
How old are you man? Im 23 and i can barely cook to keep myself alive so dont laugh when i refer to my grandma plz ;__;.
Nobody in my family can do what you just describe i know that for sure. Only way you can eat that is on the westcoast in Sweden.But do you know any simple lithuanian or baltic dishes? I like to experiment in the kitchech its just that my kitchen is so fucking small, and i live alone so it doesn't feel like its any worth to spend that much time on a meal that's just gonna be for yourself

Before you got married, did you ever fuck a Mexican or latina girl? They are so fucking hot man.

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NYC of course. I live in NJ and can see the Trade center tower from my bedroom window. I been to nearly every city in the U.S and none can even come close or to compare. Once you grow up in this metro area you will realize it is the greatest city area in the U.S. Also ever European has had a fascination with NYC that I met and consider it their fav place on /earth.

Every based and redpilled European prefers Duluth tho

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Never heard of it and do n't talk to or want to be around people who are redpilled and based...Some of us have social lives and shit.

its 04 in the mornig faggot what kind social life do you have?

It's 9:53 pm faggot I just got home from work.

Meant you

What do you work as? And in wich state do you live in?

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I'm 27. This recipe is totally perfect for you. It's basically a peasant's cookie. Only 4 ingredients and impossible to fuck up, while also tasty and cool looking.

>1/2lb Butter
>3/4lb confectioners sugar
>6 eggs, beaten
>about 6 1/2 cups of flour or until it doesn't stick to your hands when you're mixing this all in a bowl.

Then just take the dough, roll it out, cut off strips. roll and manipulate the strips into neat shapes. Then put your shapes onto a baking sheet. Bake for 12-15min at 350. Done.

Some mexican law stuent who was a mariachi singer by hobby jumped by bones once in college. The was more passion and movement than usual that's for sure.

big cities are great when you have money or connections.

Phones at 2% just posting pic

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