Why do they rule the world Jow Forums?

Why do they rule the world Jow Forums?

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They say that they are God's chosen people

if you had the chance? would you not do it? jus imagine been a king among plebs

They are unironically the superior race.

Don’t have to. I’m already a MENA BVLL in a land of mutts.

because the catholics were moneyphobe so they became rich bankers
that's what I was taught in school at least


The answer is obvious

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They have economical concepts included in the Tanaj. They're simple but powerful concepts, basically it says that your duty, as a family man, is creating wealth to give to your sons, who must then make it bigger and give it to their sons, etc
That's basically why they rule the world

It's a mystery

anglos destroyed all institutions that were supposed to keep them in check

Brazil what the fuck is wrong with your country

Practicing Jew here

Nothing in this case, because his schools are correct. Jews in Europe migrated to positions of finance because European goyim didn't want to be associated with banking and taxes and foisted the jobs onto Jews (google "court jew")

This is why Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews never gained positions of power like Ashkenazi Jews did, because Muslim rulers didn't insist that they manage their finances for them

If you can't eat dairy during a meat meal, what do you put on your bread?

I don't eat carbs

The Mormons could rival them.

what do you eat

I'm a vegan, so vegan food


Enjoy your early death, carnist

Is this based?

Depends on the situation/how you are having the bread & meat.

For example during meals with Challah on Shabbat you most tear the bread and don't eat in sandwich form, rather putting small amounts of dips (think hummus, tahini, all kinds of stuff) as well as fish or meat on it.

Meat sandwiches you just have regular stuff sans meat and cheese (leafy greens, sauces etc)

Well you are right and wrong, Ashkenazim Jews are only really relevant to modern era and European power as far as Germany and Eastern Europe is concerned. New World was dominated by Sephardic Jews and they were a lot more influential up until the Napoleon era. For most of UK history with Jews, Sephardic Jews migrating from Portugal to the Netherlands and north were more influential.

Fun fact, the Founding Father's of America gave citizenship to Sephardic Jew settlers and they were considered white by law.

centuries of usury

Christianity and nepotism.