It's going to be 5.5 degrees Celsius tonight

>it's going to be 5.5 degrees Celsius tonight
Fuck this cold shit man I'd give my left tit to be in Australia rn

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whats your address mate I'll mail you some of my 40C air if you mail me back some 5C air

5 degrees isn't cold at all


Can I just stay with you chief. I promise I'll be good
fuck you my ass is freezing

Someone get the chart.

It's too cold bros

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shut up chicano

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You may not like it but this is what optimal weather looks like

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no ones even talking to you Jensen

>Humidity 85%

holy sheiat.

Don't you have a fireplace or something like that? Or wear a jacket lmao

-5 here
Humidity 95%

Today it was 38 celsius during the day but according to the meteorologists it actually felt like 47 celsius due to the extremely high humidity.
I don't wish this on anybody.

>tfw the temp is going to drop until it reaches -17° this Monday
What is the point of living in southern Europe if I get temperatures like this

it's hansen

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why the fuck are you using celsius you traitorous faggot?

i hope your balls freeze off


EU subsidies

The only fireplaces here are the dumpster fires the homesless are starting and I'm getting close to joining them. Also I'm wearing a jacket now as we speak

It's -3° here

Heatcucks are delusional.
Like just use more covers, it's easier to generate heat than cold.

i want to fuck your sister

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Why the f*ck do you ever GENERATE COLD?

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no u
gimme sum of dat with a side of bunda pls

I'm an only child. that's my daughter.

Holy fuck she's perfect.

Coldcucks are delusional
Just get a pool. It's easier to stay cool and to stay warm

>Humidity 95%

nigga just move to Arizona lmao

not to mention underage.

there's no good bunda in Arizona, also too many old people atm

AoC is 15 here.

13 here. still doesn't make it right.

>tfw 33°C

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it's currently 3°C outside and I'm right next to the Mediterranean sea (used to be -5 at this time of year)

>only 30ºC here
>but 90% humidity