Is it true Japanese emperor is korean origins?

Is it true Japanese emperor is korean origins?

About this issue korean is keep on useing the words of Emperor Akihito of japan.
"I, on my part, feel a certain kinship with Korea, given the fact that it is recorded in the Chronicles of Japan that the mother of Emperor Kammu was of the line of [Korean] King Muryong of Baekje,"
-Emperor Akihito on his 68th birthday
This words is basically gentle concerning of Japanese emperor from Korea.
The words of the emperor Akihito is based on the words from "nihon shoki " the Japanese oldest histrical book. This part.
"10th generation descendant of King Muryeong of Baekje. She was chosen as a wife for Japanese Emperor Kōnin and subsequently became the mother of Emperor Kanmu"
So it’s clear emperor Akihito is speaking based on nihon shoki.
the Japanese oldest historical record book
"Kojiki " "nihon Shoki"
Korean oldest histrical record book
"Samguk sagi".
This oldest Japanese histrical book and korean oldest histrical book has high level of the "correlativity".
Because many part of those record is saying the same matter in context. so it’s helping each other as the sources of each other.
So if someone is useing the words from one book from the three, they have to accept the other part of the words of the other book too, in logical mind for the historian attitude. Or else it’s Double standard!
So if korean is useing the words from Nihon Shoki, it have to accept the words From Kojiki and Samguk Sagi.
Especially "SAMGUK SAGI."
ITS KOREAN OLDESAT HISTRICAL RECORD. As useing primary evidence.
Let’s see what other part of this Samguk sagi ,Kojiki and nihon shoki is saying.
If korean keep on useing the words from nihonshoki which emperor Akihito was saying. Its a logic or else dabble standards.

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we japs

>Is it true Japanese emperor is korean origins?
Proto Koreans actually. Sons of koguryo kingdom

Context of Kojiki ,nihon shoki from japan and Samguk sagi from korea.
This is understanding of whole world historians.
the Three Kingdoms period of Korea, Baekjeand Silla sent their princes to the Yamato court as an hostage in exchange for military support to continue their already-begun military campaigns around 400.[17][18] But, The influence from Japan to the South Korean Peninsula was also strong. for that reason,On the other hand, From Japan to the South Korean Peninsula.Some historians study that their domination, culture and influence were also strong. China and Japan are the ones where the oldest earthenware in East Asia is currently found. Unconditionally, The answer to say that cultures were transferred from the Korean Peninsula to Japan is premature.
Uija, the last king of Baekje (reigned 641-660), formed an alliance with Japan and made Prince Buyeo Pung and King Zenko stay there as their hostages. In 660, Baekje fell when it was attacked by Silla, who was in alliance with Tang China. Former generals of Baekje, including Gwisil Boksin, asked Japan to return Prince Buyeo Pung and asked military aid. In 663, Japan, supporting Baekje, was defeated by the allied forces of Silla and Tang China in the Korean Peninsula (the Battle of Baekgang), and the restoration of Baekje ended up in failure. While at the same time hostility between Japan and Silla escalated.
Japanese Empress Jitōhonored King Zenko by giving him the hereditary title of Kudara no Konikishi and allowed him to pass on his royal lineage to future generations.
Takano no Niigasa came from a background of the naturalized clansmen Yamato-no-Fumito (大和史) and was a 10th-generation descendant of King Muryeong of Baekje. She was chosen as a wife for Japanese Emperor Kōnin and subsequently became the mother of Emperor Kanmu.[19][20]

Surpriseingly Samguk Sagi korean oldest histrical book is saying one of the king of silla korea is Japanese.
Check by yourself.

Talhae of Silla (?–80, r. 57–80) was the fourth king of Silla, one of the Three Kingdoms of Korea. He is commonly called Talhae Isageum, isageum being the royal title in early Silla. Also known by his personal name as Seok Tal-hae(昔脫解). He was portrayed by Lee Pil-mo in the 2010 MBC TV series Kim Su-ro, The Iron King.
Talhae of Silla
탈해 이사금, 토해 이사금
脫解尼師今, 吐解尼師今
Revised Romanization
Talhae Isageum, Tohae Isageum
T'arhae Isagŭm, T'ohae Isagŭm

He was a member of the Gyeongju Seok clan, one of the noble clans that shared the Silla throne during the early Common Era.
He was born in a small kingdom 1000 li1northeast of Wa (Japan).[1] (The name of the kingdom is Dapana-guk 다파나국 多婆那國2"Dapana Country" according to Samguk Sagi, or Ryongseong-guk 룡성국 龍城國 "Dragon Castle/City Country," Jeongmyeong-guk 正明國 "Proper and Enlightened Country," Wanha-guk琓夏國 "(A Kind of) Jade Summer Country," or Hwaha-guk 花厦國 "Flower Mansion Country"[2]according to Samguk Yusa.) His father, King Hamdalpa, was a king of this kingdom; his mother was a queen or princess of another kingdom, called Nyeo-guk 女国 "Woman Country."
According to the Samguk Sagi, when he was born as an egg, his father considered it an ill omen and had it boxed and floated at sea. The egg floated past Geumgwan Gaya and landed east of Gyerim (near today's Gyeongju, South Korea), where he was raised by an old man as a fisherman. His family is said to have taken over a high official's house by claiming to be metalsmiths.

His birth year is unknown, but he was probably an old man when he assumed the throne, having married the daughter (or younger sister) of Silla's King Namhae in the year 8. He was offered the throne as successor to the second king Namhae, but the older Yuri served as king first. Yuri in turn designated Tal-hae his successor.
Hogong is chief retainer who served for establishment of Silla. He also founded Kim Aljiwho is the founder of Kim clan in Korea. He got involved to three royals who are founder of Silla. He has Japanese origin. Tal-hae also came over by ship. The location of his birth place Dapana Country is estimated as somewhere in Japan peninsula. It is precisely estimated some part in Sea of Japan side or Kyushu.[3] According to Kenichi Kamigaito, as it is a myth, other lines would be mixed, but Tal-hae of Silla was a King of Tanba province and he made jade there. He reached Silla by following a trade route. Even though excluding details of myth, it can be assumed that clan Seok had trade with Japan.[4]
1li is roughly equivalent to 400–500 meters.
2Tanba no kuni was located 460 km northeast of Wakoku(hanja: 倭国:zh:倭国, ja:倭国).
On the other hand, there is a view that Ryongseong-guk (Hangul: 룡성국; Hanja: 龍城國) listed in Samguk yusa has been regarded as a nation of Ainu, and Tal-hae has been regarded as a citizen of Ainu.[5]

In Kojiki,nihon shoki and Samguk sagi is saying
Japan ruled south part of Korea and used them as an straw of Chinese culture. And send army and get hostage from Korean king and controll them
If ancient korean against ancient japan then kill hostages of korean prince.

the Korean value slumped and ended when Chinese culture was introduced directly via Japanese missions to Tang China. Emperor Kanmu severed diplomatic relations with Silla in 799.[21] From the early 9th–11th centuries, Japanese pirates plundered the southern region of Korean Peninsula and Korea-Japan relations deteriorated.[22][23]

And Read here
"10th generation descendant of King Muryeong of Baekje. She was chosen as a wife for Japanese Emperor Kōnin and subsequently became the mother of Emperor Kanmu"

Japanese emperor 'chosed" korean princess as an wife.
And this is what our Emperor Akihito mentions that" we had korean princess at past Family line".
This words is kind concerning to Korean and words for the peace of japanese emperor of this century.
But fucking gook misinterpreted that emperor saied Japanese emperor is direct descended of Korea of now or so.
See how fucked up gook think and get advantages from gentle saying of our emperor.

So now if korean is useing the words from Nihon Shoki,
That emperor Akihito was saying
"10th generation descendant of King Muryeong of Baekje. She was chosen as a wife for Japanese Emperor Kōnin and subsequently became the mother of Emperor Kanmu"

it have to accept the words From oher part of the Kojiki nihon shoki and Samguk Sagi.
Especially "SAMGUK SAGI."
ITS KOREAN OLDESAT HISTRICAL RECORD. As useing primary evidence.
And it’s korean oldest record is saying one of the ancient korean king was Japanese directly

the japanese emperor is yaoi and therefore korean

1. Brown, Delmer M. (1993). The Cambridge History of Japan: Ancient Japan. Cambridge University Press. p. 141. ISBN 0-521-22352-0. Faced with this comeback by Koguryo, Paekche leaders turned to Yamato for military support, even sending its crown prince to Yamato as a hostage in 397 - just as Silla had dispatched princely hostage to Koguryo in 392 when that kingdom was in dire need of military support.
1. Pratt, Keith (2007). Everlasting Flower: A History of Korea. Reaktion Books. p. 42. ISBN 1-86189-335-3. We can only guess, for example, what it felt like for the girls periodically sent as brides to foreign courts, for the crown prince of Paekche when he was dispatched to the Yamato court as a hostage in AD 397, or for a Silla prince who experienced the same fate in 402.
2. ^ The New Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2003. p. 279. ISBN 0-85229-961-3. Paekche was frequently attacked by Koguryo during the century, prompting continued requests for assistance from Yamato; it is recorded that Paekche even sent a crown prince to Yamato as a hostage on one occasion and the mother of the king on another. Yet, probably because of internal dissension, Yamato did not dispatch any troops to the peninsula. Yamato's interest in Korea was apparently a desire for access to improved continental technology and resources, especially iron.
3. ^ Henthorn, William E. (1971). A history of Korea. Free Press. p. 37. In 402, Silla concluded a peace with the Wa. Prince Misahun was then sent to Japan as a hostage. This may have been an act of revenge by the Silla monarch, who, as Prince Silsong, had been sent as hostage to Koguryo by Prince Misahun's father. Despite the peace, Silla-Wa relations were never friendly, due no doubt in part to the Wa-Kaya alliance.

Look how American ,aoustralian and Chinese themselfs is saying anout ancient east Asia

The textbook produced by Oxford University Press, publishing textbooks in about 50 countries around the world, states that "Japan's power in the 5th century dominated the south of the Korean Peninsula." The American textbook "World Culture" published by Prentice Hall "is" around the year CE, (until Japan), until a group of several clans unified to unify the majority of Japan and govern the southern region of Korea "The textbooks in Canada and Australia also have similar descriptions [28].

In the online encyclopedia of Columbia University and the Library of Congress, "Old Korea was a country built by Chinese and Minoko in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula in the 12th century BC. At that time, the southern part of the Korean Peninsula was dominated by the Japanese Yamato administration It was written "It was under" [29].

In the People's Republic of China, the textbook "World History Lecture" published by Shanghai People's Publishing Company states that "Shilla has recovered the Nenna district that was the basis of the Japanese for a long time in the southern peninsula from the early days" There [30]. In the Japanese history column of the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, "Although the beginning of the 5th century, the power expanded to the southern part of the Korean Peninsula during the period when Yamato became prosperous", it was protested from the Korean government , Deleted all parts of Japanese history before the Second World War from the Japan Introduction column [31].

Read the resurch of the Harvard university about ancient east Asia
It says also japan controlled southern part of the korea

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First of all there is no histrical record that yayoi people of japan is modern korean at all.
What we can see in the historical record about it is only this.
"10th generation descendant of King Muryeong of Baekje. She was chosen as a wife for Japanese Emperor Kōnin and subsequently became the mother of Emperor Kanmu"

It is more that one part of our ancestors is also a part of korean ancestors. but they are not originally from Korea.
."" Both japanese and korean anciester of continental origins are from south chinese near the yangze-river.""
Today modern Japanese are the mix of the Jomon people and the Yayoi people.
The Jomon people are the original native Japanese people and originated somewhere in Southeast-Asia or in Indonesia.
The Yayoi originated near the Yangze-river area in southern china and moved over the Korean pensuila into Japan.
There they mixed with the Jomon and the modern Japanese(yamato) was created.

If the Emperor of Japan has some ancient Korean royal blood in the Imperial line, then does it not stand to reason that His Majesty should have a valid claim to rule also over Korea, the throne of which sits empty now?

actual and genuine autism

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Didn't read lol

That's something

user, what you just posted was a clear and concise argument for the evidence of linked heritage between nations, and it's clear you've thought this through.

That being said, what the fuck are you doing posting it here? The last mildly intelligent discussion on Japan and Korea devolved into two autistic shitposters, one from each country, furiously debating who was the biggest loser herbivore.

asian specially jap have a delusion that we care about their muh history while in reality no one care
hey japan if you want us to care about your history go make some good game other wise no one gives a shit

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If you could know the facts based on the ancient histrical record of japan and Korea then im thankful for it.

Nice idea.

in fact, most of european kings are also korean origins as well proven by scholars
if you oppose this, you are uneducated racist

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this kek

So it means some of korean king of silla was from japan and Japanese emperor chose korean princess as fuck toy?

Fucking Finland, why did they have to lose the Hyperwar

Japanese emperor looks like a little rat anyway