What happens here?
I mean, how is life here? How cities look like? How people look like? What they eat? How their diary life is? The weather?
I'm totally ignorant about this piece of the world.
What happens here?
I mean, how is life here? How cities look like? How people look like? What they eat? How their diary life is? The weather?
I'm totally ignorant about this piece of the world.
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally Eurasian muttland. Genetic mix of Asians, Euros and Arabs. Go watch Masaman's video about Central Asians
I live there. ama
Post soviet shitholes, ex-socialist "culture" and mentality. People are slightly more asiatic or darker than east slavshits.
Ultrasonic missiles Pentagon cannot handle.
Tell me about your life, I am very interested.
View from my window
commie blocks
mostly asian with a slight tint of surrounding peoples
most wild animals as the climate is too cold to grow anything
>daily life
like everywhere else, maybe stuck in the past a bit
cold and harsh
wew seems a bit cold
I'm simple man with a simple life.
scary, but still beautiful
Sunny day today, it’s 10 am
stfu loser
>Russia has successfully tested a hypersonic missile the United States is currently unable to defend against, according to sources with direct knowledge of U.S. intelligence reports.
don't you ever wake up and think... maan this is a good day to shoot myself?
jokes aside, it looks beautiful anyway. I doubt I can handle that.
what city is that?
this guy is awesome
>R-18 T-I-G-E-R-S
>likely ready by 2020
>don't you ever wake up and think... maan this is a good day to shoot myself?
We usually fall asleep with such thoughts.
Yeah this is Yakutsk
you live there too? wow tell me more
Read the news sometimes
>Russia's new hypersonic missile system, invulnerable to US defenses, will enter service in 2019.
Average winter temp is -30 Celcius with -55 minimum occasionally
I love my town, it’s multiethnic and slowly but surely developing.
wow thats cold
>claimed they were perfect
>arrested and imprisoned the scientists who created it
The only purpose those missiles serve is to increase the chance of mutual destruction hapening because they are harder to track and predict where, when and if they will strike. Russia, once again, bringing evil into this world for the benefit of nobody.
Why suffer in the cold like that?
It’s our homeplace, it’s my town and i love Sakha Republic.
Why suffer? Today I will go on Baikal with my pals to have some fun.
To contend mutts. That's the thing this world need.
you could already assure mutual destruction through volume. The only thing that changes with this missile is that it is now far more likely that an accident leads to a nuclear war because there is far less time to reaction and think before the bombs go off. It is objectively bad for every living thing on the planet.
What's it feel like to have that useless manipulative faggot as your leader for so long?
Have you realized he's a dictator?
Have you realized he has accomplished nothing but increasing corruption and money washing?
jeez stop shitting up a decent thread about life in a different place.
shut up faggot
Scary huh?
>What's it feel like to have that useless manipulative faggot as your leader for so long?
Not very pleasant
>Have you realized he's a dictator?
>Have you realized he has accomplished nothing but increasing corruption and money washing?
So, what's next?
So long as you know you are still the bad guys
>you are still the bad guys
Nah, everybody hate US now.
If nuclear war starts I will die in comfort knowing it was because of the Russians, not the Americans. You will die knowing it was because your people were too cowardly to stand up to a dictator
pic related
not scared
True, I blame drumpf fuck him for not building my wall too
>you are still the bad guys
the world isn't a Hollywood movie, pal
>Implying Argentina isn't one of the bad guys when they obviously are
So being happy that mutual destruction is more likely is not a trait of a bad guy?
>bad guys
Can I stay with you?
same as india, only we don't poo on street and moslem majority
more or less 50% supports your football team in wc
I've been in some cold lakes and I can only imagine how freezing Baikal is.
ruled by the Khazar/Shandongese WE WUZ QINGZ mafia
The new headquarters of the NWO
What's making the city grow? Minerals? Tourism?
>What happens here?
>I mean, how is life here?
Low salary, boring, big uninhabited spaces
>How people look like?
They have one head, two legs and two hands
>What they eat?
Average russian food. Siberians eat more meat. Far easterners eat more fish.
>How their diary life is?
>The weather?
>how is life here?
Horrible. Its Gulag land.
>How cities look like?
"Cities"? There are all overgrown PGT where ex-z/k lived, once released.
>How people look like?
What people? There are no people. Just drunk dancing bears with balalaikas and AKs, wearing ushankas.
> What they eat?
Mostly each other. Mental cannibalism, of sorts.
>How their diary life is?
Wake up, drink vodka, have breakfast, go to work/school, drink vodka, go home, have dinner, drink more vodka, watch Putin's TV, go to bed. Have nightmares of running out of vodka.
>The weather?
Jan 1st, snow, snow, snow, one sunny day (that was summer btw), snow, snow, snow; another Jan 1st.
Small towns everywhere, actual nomads, some big cities and capitals that are modernised
Different shit.
Absolutely no industry. The country's budget relies on oil (if you don't know, it dropped significantly 10 years ago), which basically belongs to the mafia. Average salaries are competing with freaking Africa, pushing people towards corruption, further and further fucking up the system. The notions of clan based ruling are everywhere as well.
Cities are good old commie blocks, some local architectural nuances were applied though. There are also shitty modern skyscrapers and high buildings.
A mix of Asian and European features, from white tones of skin on the North to dark tones on the South. There are also Russians, Ukrainians, Uighurs, Uzbeks, German and Caucasus descendants.
Meat, pastry, a huge variety of dairy products.
It depends, I know some guys in the IT earning more than most CEOs, who can live in a prestigious apartment, visit brand shops, have a new S class Merc. At the same time there are lowest class workers, earning barely over the minimum wage (50-100$, no, no, no, per month).
Continental climate: hot summer (up to +45C), cold winter (up to -45C). Nonexistent spring and autumn on the North.
Diamond industries
Jesus Christ that's depressing.
t. never been past ural