User, it's time you meet my family. D-Don't be scared my baba is a little weird but he's a nice guy

>user, it's time you meet my family. D-Don't be scared my baba is a little weird but he's a nice guy
Your reaction upon finding out this is your father in law?

Attached: 93099au[1].jpg (2100x1689, 1.83M)

I inform him that IQ is real and Lebanese are Arabs

Attached: american bear.jpg (300x300, 20K)

I immediately tell him he is an Arab

Bad choice. He can deadlift over 300 pounds and will snap you in half.

Attached: nassim-taleb1[1].jpg (720x600, 76K)

vozdra babo

"You goddamn purple cloth merchant"

I inform him that he is not arab but phoenician -J2 anatolianoid

Attached: 1546470962479.png (656x482, 441K)

i do sex to him by force to show dominance

Looks pretty based.

I think hes a pseud. All he's famous for is complaining about the limitations of modern statistical methods while doing absolutely nothing about it. He doesn't seem to understand that the fact that the challenges posed by complex and chaotic systems haven't been solved yet are not the result of laziness or stupidity on part of economic statisticians, but rather the result of the fact that the discipline as a whole has hit a wall in dealing with the insane degree of complexity on which modern market economies operate. There is no shortage of smart people trying to figure out how financial markets, and the economy at large work. The problem is much bigger than that.

>The problem is much bigger than that.
You are saying the problem is Arabists?

I'm basically an IYI so I doubt he'd like me

Delighted because my babies would be half Phoenician


Ask him about the history of Phoenicia and Canaan, I assume he's an expert on them

I don't even know who he is so I just tell him who I am and he has raised a lovely daughter

Im ethnically med and will show him my phoenician antifragile credentials.

Lmfao hed actually be based as fuck, reminds me of my dad

why does int dislike this guy?

He’s pretty much like Jow Forums embodied but cleaned up and toned down

t. fragilista academ*c

Int is filled with anime, trap, "do you want to find love in this country" posters. Theyre fragile

>mixed grip
Absolutely not Phoenician

Underrated post

Attached: phoenician man can't take it anymore.jpg (543x692, 76K)

Had to be done.

Attached: phoenician man still exists.jpg (543x692, 71K)

Absolutely based, Mr. Taleb.

You are a true Roman among Greeks.

Attached: antifragile.jpg (296x170, 15K)

based Phoenician grandpa

Attached: peak taleb.png (693x211, 29K)