
Attached: 20190102_151838.png (922x957, 306K)

Other urls found in this thread:


good op

Love Grimes

fuck babies

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its not fair

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If you don't find this attractive you're gay

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What's not fair is that chile will never be my gf 2bh

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cum has been really straight lately

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The opposite of unexpected

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>justifies my fetish by pretending anyone who doesn't like it is "low test"

haha get dabbed on, haters!

Will you retards stop blowing your load early and starting threads at 300?

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What are your new years resolutions /cum/rades?

I'm going to try to make less of my conversation topics about other people


one time i dated a girl and i opened up to her and told her secrets and she told everyone my secrets. now i don't want to date anymore

Dont get beheaded?

we can always fix that if you like

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One time I went on a date with a girl and had a fun time
Kissed her at the end of the date but her mouth tastes like cigarettes

The EU isn't perfect but I don't understand why brits want to leave

What are your secrets?

im sorry

Your snap score is at least 10,000 right?


this but unironically

Bullying Ale by posting passing trans girls?

When did you guys start posting on /cum/?

fucking zoomers

le upboated!

Are you running away from your gay thoughts again?

crying rn

Haven’t used it seriously in years


smoke less weed
fuck more bitches


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Jona's instagram and snapchat both contain "Joey" so it seems her transition was relatively recent

i did around february last year for like one week, then became regular at around september

* hugs ale *


Kinda weird and introverted
Sweet spot. Healthy social life but not hopelessly addicted to social media
You're probably a mildly attractive female leading on a ton of guys
Mega thot and low iq attention whore

Prove me wrong

Did a thread

>lazy day doing nothing
>run out of Juul pods
>can't gather the energy to leave the house to buy more
>order takeout so I have to leave the house
>now have food and Juul pods
Everything worked out alright.

i posted about moving to america a lot in 2015 or 2016

My snap score is about 30k I think
Girl I'm going on a date with has a score of about 10k and seems to only send them to me


Zoomers out

What ever happened to that American who said he's moving to Canada with his Quebecoise gf?
I remember a Canadian flag claiming to be an American who married a Quebecoise girl posting
Is that him? Did he actually do it?

I've never used snap chat before WHT do you use it

who are you

Cause he'll never be a real girl

It's how I keep in touch with my normie classmates because I dont have instagram or Facebook

Talk to people and have them not screen shot anything

a fucking leaf

Klay Thompson added me on Snapchat but LeBron hasn't

My landlord doesn't allow smoking within the building, and my city council recently banned smoking outside, so I really had no choice but to switch over to vapes.


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Are you the streamer

remember to follow me on instagram

Maybe if you try again he'll add you and teach you how to do a crab dribble

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Lol that faggot? Ye

Ive been regularly posting here since 2015

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posted in your thread :)

LeBron is a walking L
call him Lbron

only use it to talk to like 5 people because for awhile it was the only way I could contact one of my best friends.

wait really

I made an instagram recently and I haven't posted anything to it yet will you guys follow me if I link it

Staying with my parents over the holidays is very bad for my mental health

yes im that poster

Why haven't you streamed Ina while

Yeah I figured that was a /cum/ poster

Stop watching niggerball

I did for a bit before the end of the year

wake me up

aunt said she wishes i was born a woman

what do you stream?

Really wasn't all that difficult
I smoked every day before I started keeping track last summer

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Wow fk never posted a link s m h

save me

I want my benis to be sucked tbqh

*wakes you up with a slap to the face*

post it

I'm sure she's sick of hearing you bitch about your mental illness.

overwatch mostly because that is the game that I am the best at

should I post it here next time? I don’t feel good about shilling myself

If we're being totally tbqh honest me too.


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What did she mean by this?

Reminder that oral sex is also sodomy, fren

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no one in my family knows
yes ur hot




does anyone here live in Michigan? on a tax document, what does "Office, Plant, Dept." mean? just your employer's name?

Should I get this haircut?

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>overwatch mostly because that is the game that I am the best at

used to have fun in OW but they've added so many heroes that don't have good counterplay it's kinda meh now.

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I want them to add bans. I play pugs with bans and it makes the game a lot more fun.

will you follow me on twitch?

A girl on Tinder asked me what my political views are and I said communist
She said I look like a Republican


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