Things Americans post about:

Things Americans post about:


Is it an imageboard thing or is their culture like that?

Attached: 01.jpg (842x598, 79K)

penis lol haha! Boobies tee hee!

$20 sukky fukky chink FUCK NIGGERS

im wihte lol lots of $$$$$$$$ haha sex with big tits on a nigger lol fuck nips


jealous of white euros
jealous of rich euros
jealous of sexually active euros

Attached: europep.png (229x220, 9K)

>Be Russia
>Have Suicide Game Named After Me


>Be american
>Get shot

here's another picture

Attached: apples.jpg (620x349, 36K)

i get this everywhere i post, i got used to it

whats a different way i can cyberbully you that you havent gotten yet

Their entire "culture" is like that. No matter if it is Twitter, Facebook or Jow Forums, americans will always post about:
>Muh money
>Muh guns
>Muh DNA percentages
>Muh (nonexistent) freedom
And no matter what, they'll always blame some minority.

Indeed something is not quite right about it

well montenigger is quite offensive. also comparing my flag with albania

Serbia's colony.

this is only true for the sad group of incels who unironically support montenegro's independence. most of us are proud serbs

>Be Mexican
>Get Kidnapped and extorted
>Call police
>Police extorts us
>Pay release
>Get shot because no money for the ruling drug cartels tribute

Well, at least it is more complex than just going to school

Shut up faggot, you wouldn't even make it to school before a black van picks you up

Attached: Zmexico.png (613x743, 264K)

Never underestimate the will to shitpost

Attached: The Revenant.jpg (1024x576, 57K)