Do asians have a soul, can feel emotions and have empathy?

Do asians have a soul, can feel emotions and have empathy?

You can't prove they aren't souless shells and they simply try to trick us with lies.

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Does it count as having a soul if you feel genuine love when you masturbate to a porn star but when you're finished you're like whatever?

what is wrong with you?

Souls don't exist, my man.

Asians in East Asia are soulless bug people
Asians outside of Asia aren't

no not unless you genuinely start loving her and contact her asking for sex

I can only feel joy when I hear mutts whining about being blacked and claiming to be white boast about white supremacy. I can only feel pain when I wake up in the morning and realise I still draw breath. Do I have a soul Jow Forums?

Do you wish you were white?

Brown eyed people have no soul I'm afraid

Do baitposters have a soul, can feel emotion, and have empathy?

You cant prove that they aren’t soulless shells and they simply try to trick us with lies.

I was almost on the verge of asking for her numbr and flying to Thailand when I was jerking off to ladyboy porn yesterday. I think I'm close to getting a soul.

>>Do asians have a soul

i don't know about the other two but nobody has a soul buddy. unless you're inclined to believe in something some people have that nobody can scientifically prove exists. in that case i have a lambo in my garage too.

there has been documented cases of reincarnations in the last 50 years.

lurk moar.

how can you have genuine love for somebody you never met

but down the cocaine pedro.

It's been documented even in psychology journals about kids who remember their past lives.


link it. oh kids having imagination or being coached by adults. that's your proof? now we all can see why latin america is such a cluster fuck.

>I had a dream I was someone else once
>proof of reincarnation!

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It's a love at first sight thing. You don't have to get to know her to love her. Your dick does the job when you see her giant tiddies and feminine penis.

There has been documented cases where they can track the identity of their previous life and meet their past family.


That isn't love my friend, one day you will hopefully understand. But until then, do not confuse lust and love.

欲望 / 愛

>>not peer reviewed

not one shred of physical evidence, only the testimony of children and some guy who matches dreams to circumstances. unverifiable and untestable.

you don't know anything about science do you?

Are you me?

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It's a well documented phenomena since the 60's retard.

literally google other journal PDF about the phenomena.

You can even watch some christian documentaries about confirmed cases.

and has any of those supposed reincarnations happen to remember lock combinations from safes of the deceased? or are we taking children's dreams and matching them to human experiences? there are literally billions of us, the combinations are confirmation bias.

like i said, provide one shred of scientific evidence except for 'this kid had a dream of a airplane crash, oh that dude died of a airplane crash, they must be the same'

they remember enough detail some of them are able to locate the descendants of their previous lifes and tell them personal details of their dead relatives.

Some of them have birth marks of previous lifes accidents.

right and for all the times the details don't match? they get some things right and some things wrong? you can't just focus on the positive matches and ignore the times the information isn't correct. like i said, has any of them ever deduced a combination to a lock that the deceased had? that nobody else knew? this is just a bunch of people hoping that it does exist and connecting random experiences into a hypothesis.

>>Some of them have birth marks of previous lifes accidents.

well that's a shame why millions of people weren't born with hundreds of bullet hole birthmarks since WW2. you're dumb and should be shamed of yourself.

only 20% of humans have a soul and reincarnate.

80% of humans are simply body things that fill a NPC role.

>Colombian education in 2019

I'm Asian and I feel like crying everyone I visit Jow Forums because of all the bullying Asian men receive here

why are we making up shit like 20% have them and 80% don't? where the fuck are you pulling these numbers from?

you know what? keep being retarded.

those who claim reincarnation are just npcs but with old data left intact because of a bug in the garbage collection system

Ching chong shaoowai err.
Diasporas are worse than the ch*nks itself.

proxy evidence.

>25% of people are NT on the meyers brig test
>20% of humans are rational on the five personality test
>only 25% of humans can have previous life experiences in hypnosis regresions
>75% of humans lack an inner monologue

Mainland Chinese 100% don't

Stop embarrassing ur self retard.

lurk moar.

what the fuck does having a inner monologue have to do with the soul now you fucking retard? having a inner monologue is merely a thought process that some people go through when they interpret data. some people do not even need a inner monologue because they process the information directly and without language.

you know what? i can see that you have had no experience with science. i'm just going to leave it. but you have some serious fucking problems with the way you rationalize thoughts. and also, stop taking yahoo quizzes like 'which game of thrones character are you?' it's really feeding your dumbassery.

t. Chink Diaspora who thinks it's different

most people lack any desire to learn new things that have no relevant purpose (natural curiosity), lack a desire to engage in creative art stuff (doing art) or never has wondered what's their purpose at life.

Those are syntoms you have a soul.
Most people don't.