Hello frens!
Pick your favourite JK uniform!
Hello frens!
Pick your favourite JK uniform!
Osaka looks nice and warm.
everything else looks like sluts
I can't choose one.
I want to have consensual sex with all of them.
01. child
02. mormon
03. full of herself
04. cute
05. gamurr girl daddy issues >sleeves, feet in v position
06. cute
07. nice short skirt you extroverted slut
08. objectively best choice, stylish and reserved
09. introverted slut, tries to trick you into thinking she doesn't do dirty deeds dirt cheap, likes to read elementary school level literature and pretend it's Heidegger, wears an extremely short skirt
Kobe Bryant for me
Okinawa and Hokkaido are my wives
man of culture, i see
Doesn't the uniform depend on school, not prefecture?
Also 1 looks the nicest in winter
08 for syle, 09 for voyeur
If you pick uniform based on form over function you are a virgin.
okinawa or kobe id say
really schoolchildren here had to wear uniforms but muh freedoms i guess
2, it looks like something I would wear.
07. Tokyo easily.
Do you have a beniss.
Please date me if you are female
8 (eight)
4 because i used to have an outfit that looked just like it
Love that short skirt + thigh highs + side ponytail combo
I love 9
Thighs are patrician taste
With the uniforms?
cute. any pics?
The blue uniform is my graduate school uniform.
Yeah, with their uniforms on.
no b/c it was for a high school club event and people still tease me for it
(I want to wear) 09
2=8=3=4=5=6>>>>>>>Dog Feces>7=9
2=8>=3=4=5=6>>>>>>>Dog Feces>7=9