Why can't the Spanish ever win a war at sea?
Why can't the Spanish ever win a war at sea?
Why can't Americans even into a proper democracy with no corruption?
are you making a dumb meme joke? anyway, I think it's kind of funny this flag makes any post chiding anyone about democracy
How did Great Britain lose to Iceland?
As a state that found a superior system of government, he has every right to chide plebbit democracies.
okay, now the comedy starts
>what is the Battle of Lepanto
They need our help
tremendous drop off in British political clout, and icleand threatening the integrity of alliances that britain was a part of unless they got their way
Reading some Spanish-American war shit. Apparently it was the sum of a very worn out navy from engaging in numerous conflicts from Cuba to the Philippines, the eternal *nglo blocking the Spanish navy at the Suez Canal despite a fuckton of papers already signed before and important Spanish war leaders """""getting coincidentally assassinated by anarchists""""".
reminder that the british sent a counterfleet after that and got BTFO by a bunch of Galician farmers
explain more
a British force many orders of times smaller than the great and invincible Spanish armada came to grief facing a fortified port
>150-200 british ships
>many orders of times smaller
the spanish armada was 130 ships, stop making shit up
when the spanish armada retreated to spain, UK organized a counter-armada to attack the weakened spain
their results were hit or miss, i guess they never miss huh, you got an anglo i bet he doesnt kiss ya
and? it wasn't filled with strong warships as the spanish armada had been
>ive been called out on my BS! what other shit can i make up to save face?
not even gonna fact check this one
literally how
hats off to the mettle of your inheritance
for one the spanish armada had over 20 full fledged galleons to the british's 6
Portugese would BTFO both of you, if Portugal had a larger population they would have dominated the globe.