Post flag that you like the most

post flag that you like the most

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_the_German_Empire.svg.png (1280x853, 1K)

You posted 2nd favorite :3

Attached: 800px-Flag_of_Germany.svg.png (800x480, 581)

after my own I like this one

Attached: destroyed confederate flag.jpg (300x225, 38K)

no yellow color is not good

Attached: F0535D1F-DCB8-4F68-865F-FAFD677C8758.png (2000x1192, 124K)

it's gold. it's beautiful desu

Attached: America Stronk.jpg (4167x2500, 611K)

no it looks dirty
white is better
I hope you change your flag one day

Is this a flag for Japanese Americans?

yours is not bad in yellow too. looks dirty to you?

>white is better
everyone has white in their flag desu

Attached: flagge-fahne-japan-kaiserstandarte-90-x-150-cm.jpg (329x196, 6K)

I mean color combination of yours is not look good.
red with yellow is okay

Fascist America

I'm fairly sure it could be japan after American occupation though.

It looks like you put a variation of the American Seal on the Rising Sun flag then changed the blue to black to be edgy

ok, well, I like it very much and I'm happy every time I see it waving somewhere, even if it's only on a shed in a messy garden. having the Kaiserreich flag would be very cool too, of course, but only if we had our Kaiser and our territories, too

do you have eye problems? it's still blue.

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Wales_(1959–present).svg.png (1200x720, 191K)

basically the best color combination in a flag

Attached: estonia-flag-750x505.png (750x505, 6K)

Check again hans, it’s clearly black

if you posted a tricolour you should be guillotined

Attached: evil england.png (750x500, 13K)

Based and redpilled. I'll post my second favorite

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_China_(1889–1912).svg.png (1200x800, 285K)

This is the world's best tricolor, for sure

Attached: bhutan-flag_121229957.jpg (1920x1080, 157K)

The only objectively correct answer