Scared yet wh*Te dogs?
Scared yet wh*Te dogs?
nice to see the information they've stolen has gone to good use, I hope they got the step where you don't install it backwards :^)
>believing the chinks
t. frightened ameriKKKans
Better than believing in sharts
yea that's really gonna save them from the US Navy.
What's the first head supposed to be? Guatemala?
Who are the pig and the rat supposed to be?
>no video of it firing
>no proofs at all
>all that quantity
>zero quality
>Fires supercavitating mach 5 nuclear torpedoes tipped at your carrier strike group
heh..nothing personnel..burger..
The pig is Israel and the rat is Latvia. Just realized it's not the original. The original doesn't have the little mini-Slav next to Russia.
one dead carrier = 3k people dead and trillions lost
Why Latvia biting Israel?
According to the artist:
>Latvia is a rat because Latvians honour their Nazi legion and supported other heads positions.
Mac rounds? In atmosphere?
Based Latvians.
But why is it biting the head of the Nazi state of Israel?
US navy already has railguns
Someone said Railgun?
No, this actually makes me excited for the future.
T…they stole it from Americans! They can never make original stuff! R…right guys?
MAC rounds in Halo have nuke-tier power, this is nowhere close.
Wasn’t there some situation a while ago where the US made a honeypot for China to steal (which they did) and it ended up exploding because the Chinese either installed it wrong or it was purposefully designed to do that to the Chinese
Hypersonic missiles shouldn't be BIG you know.
I'm sure if such a thing did in fact take place there is a distinct possibility that it was quite a good laugh
that's not a carrier senpai....
>chinese shitboat deliberately sails into water where it can be photographed with it's fake rail gun in plain sight
no im not scared
>zero quality
you're joking surely.
China doesn't have quality just because they can afford a shiny new toy.
How can Chinese ever win against glorious Americans when Americans are this intelligent?
the fuck is a railgun Jow Forumsint?
hail hydra
Tough talk for a "supwerpower" that refuses to do anything about the artificial islands other than sail by them once a blue moon.
And yet they somehow manage to avoid collisions like this. Crazy innit?
shoots bullets that don't require chemicals to propel. so instead of a shell that costs thousands to shoot. you can shoot bricks of metal that are cheap. they also travel super fast.
Is the artist insane by any chance?
It's a gun that propels a projectile using electromagnets.
Sing us a song, you're the Bananaman
Thing that uses electromagnetism to launch projectiles.
It's the latest meme word in 'scary future tech' for spooking people outside of actual technological research.
Please ignore it's obscene energy costs and fragile, perpetually disintegrating infrastructure, because railgun.
Cringe and bluepilled. Imagine having your head so far up your own ass that you actually buy into a oversimplified worldview like this
Chinese talking about military is like a virgin talking about sex
>Americans can't beat Vietnam
>Chinese Can't beat Vietnam
>France can't beat Vietnam
Is there anyone who can stop Vietnam?
hrm that's debatable really. fragility could be a issue they solved. obscene power costs are also really not that bad considering the cost of a M982 Excalibur is already 68k USD, per shell.
Vietnamese autism and beer
So we're all just looking past the fact OP literally posted a mobile reddit screenshot? Why is anyone taking this thread seriously
there was nothing that "beat" american forces on the part of the north vietnamese, we were not engaged against the whole of vietnam you know
You need to go home, flabby.
he could only be so lucky
Canadians are unironically the biggest reddit posters on Jow Forums.
>fragility could be a issue they solved
a gun that fires a train
>we didn't really lose! we were just pretending to fail our strategic objectives!
literally the smart but lazy argument - american welfare queen edition.
your attitude means it's easy to disregard your stupid and ignorant opinion
ITT gamers who """know""" a lot about modern weaponry
well that's clarifying, thank you leaf
It's not even good for short distances. Lasers are better.
would unironically enlist just to fight alongside burgers in the NATO-sino war
A laser won't do shit do a warship.
You guys are basically fucked too.
we are weaponizing volcanos, earthquakes and tsunamis, I'm not impressed
How can people be expected to believe the Chinese have any semblance of a working railgun on a ship when they are still using ramps and have done stuff like this:
>everyone here assuming it works reliably
can tell everyone here grew up post-cold war
because railgun technology and carrier technology are different? that's like saying how can people have new treatment for cancers when they haven't mastered spaceflight.
What's behind the bear?
No one said warships. I just said lasers are better. As in, they are cooler. Railguns are not cost effective, require long distances to make an impact and even those won't cause a ship worth its salt to capsize.
Didn't know navies could travel on land.
This. Just like how they're on the bleeding edge of genetic science while still ironing out their jet engine tech.
>irrationally hating USA
no such thing, all hate for the USA is rational.
how the fuck can the US spend $700 billion dollars a year of military and not have something similar? seriously, what the fuck. US has the money, the scientist and engineers, how the fuck can we be behind. Fuck NATO and fuck EU for being a bunch of bitches and not spending more on their military so that we don't have to waste money in troops over there AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Where's the video Chang?
With this most recent achievement, fate has in a single stroke, marked the decline of the west and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the Chinese dragon, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of western powers and the cruel subjugation it brought to the humbler nations of the world. With the blessings of Chinese quantum direct-current electricity, quantum aircraft carriers and quantum enhanced railguns will be the instruments with which China affirms its noble stewardship of 21st century world politics and offers the non-western world a different option; an humanist alternative to the depredations of Western leadership and the opportunity for a more equitable and dignified multilateralism.
Thai chads