Thai drivers edition
tagalðg pride world wide
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Thread yang satunya kenapa meninggal
good morning malaysians
Bisayan Illocano pride world wide
Can't stop won't stop
pemgem mgemtot gam
1. A snDa girl shall never say no to a JAWA Man, she must serve as a shameless slut and whore with her full body and mind, married or not, with no holes barred for JAWA use.
2. A snDa girl who is legitimately JAWA owned, shall serve her JAWA Master’s friends and anyone he designates, as enthusiastically as she serves him.
3. snDa girls must walk, talk, act, dress, and wear make-up and hairstyles desired by any JAWA Man she’s with, to show the world she is his.
4. snDa girls must NEVER provide sexual pleasure to snDa boys, they are for exclusively JAWA use, whether she’s married to a snDa boy or not.
5. A snDa girl may tease, take their money or exploit, but ultimately deny snDa boys any sexual gratification.
6. snDa girls must acknowledge that they are here to provide sexual pleasure to JAWA(men and women) and JAWA only, and their goal is to be a breeding whore for the JAWA race.
7. snDa girls must always accept a superior JAWA man’s cum bareback as often as possible.
8. snDa girls are to keep their pussy shaved at all times, unless ordered differently by a JAWA male or JAWA female.
9. snDa girls must willingly serve ALL legal aged JAWA at any time, whether they are short, fat, tall, thin, rich, poor, clean, dirty, young or old.
10. snDa girls must strive to get JAWA fucked as often as possible, anywhere, anytime, in cars, picnic tables, on the grass, alleys, hotels, marital beds….anywhere a horny JAWA man wants her.
11. snDa girls must willingly serve as party entertainment for JAWA when ordered, including Super Bowl parties, poker games, bachelor parties….anywhere there is a gathering of JAWA who want to party.
12. s*nDa girl must carry a cell phone and answer all calls from JAWA men or JAWA women on the first ring, and say, “aya nu tiasa ku abdi bantosan?”.
Sudah habis waktunya
Mantep uga kapsul abang
go back to fscchan
>Dutchies actually helped us repelling wahabism
Holy shit, Based Dutch!
My NY Resolution is to stop posting on generals.
Goodbye, faggots and uglies namefags.
t. Bisaya poster
t. Wahabist
Good riddance
>He just realised that the Dutch were the good guy
Smh desu
Mass Islamisation was needed at the time to eradicate animistic primitivism. It was a one step up from a barbaric society. But now Islamic beliefs are no longer relevant considering the high technological advancements that humans have made. We need a global technocracy.
Bask in the Glory that is Tagalog land
Manila is the cesspool of Tagalog
Home of vile sex slavery and pagpag festivals
Tik Tok
What time is it?
Its pagpag fiesta time
Bask in the Glory that is Bisaya illocano land
Cebu Davao is the cesspool of Bisayan
Home of vile sex slavery and pagpag Aids Hiv festivals
Tik Tok
What time is it?
Its pagpag bisayan ilocano sex slave slum fiesta time
Welcome to HIV/AIDS lane
Enjoy your stroll and watch out for needles and Tagalog ladyboys
They will surely infect you
That's actually beautiful, it's like the penchant of the civilization
Well... if you could keep it in a glass house that's it
Welcome to HIV/AIDS lane
Enjoy your stroll and watch out for needles and Bisayan illocano ladyboys
They will surely infect you
T. Manila scumbag
Bisaya illocano pride
he looks like sundanese
at least he is not a subhuman sex slave bisayan illocano that eats pagpag and has aids.
and sells thier children to chinls and whites
>"m-malon merdekanya dikasih inggeris!"
>"b-babu inggeris!"
while at the same time being buttlicker of dutch and wanting to be part of dutch again. we the "babu inggeris" on the other hand boycotted them, took over their companies and unashamedly fiercely anti western. is this the proof of javanese failure to self-govern?
what's the difference between indonesia (indian islands) and india? none
highest open defecation case
overcrowded shithole
trains look like this
currency are rupee and rupiah
hindu kejawen heretics
small peepee
short midgets
it is no wonder that their babu women in malaysia and singapore are attracted to their fellow poos, seeing that they have so much in common
Longer than you, mak ijah.
common sight
i don't blame them really, banglas are far more chad and attractive than midget indons
lovely couple
the answer is obvious
go to youtube and just type tkw and bangla and you'll find countless videos about it
How do we stop the bangla menace?
who are we to deny indon women from getting real pleasure from a real man? (which they will never get with an indon """"""man""""""")
my oh my
Stop forcing bisaya x tagalog mentality for indons. Be it sunda or jawa everyone knows they're 2nd class citizens compared to Jakartans.
kenapa mas silakan jawab wkwkwkwk
this is the reality...
they fought for bangla cock
>buttlicker of dutch
couldn't be more wrong
indon women would drink poison if they're dumped by banglas... they couldn't imagine going back to indon men's clit
amazing life of bangla chad
Indonesia is tagalog tier.
I won’t suprised if they got AIDS with their slutty ways.
indon women = bangla sex slaves
Bisayan illocano are tier on thier own they are lower than niggas
I won’t suprised if they got AIDS with their slutty ways, since they live in slums and sex slave decendants.
and sell thier children to sexpats
Don't know there's Bangladeshi in here.
Idk why you think we're angry about kelings fucking our tkw. Most men here don't even see them as attractive since they literally have that pembokat face.
If you want to trigger us then show something like Dian Sastro or Chelsea Islan getting KELING'D.
Aaaaahhhhh cocks....
>indons think they look like anything remotely like their celebrities
this is why i don't get the indon pengen ngentot user
at least the weeb indon is better
he will die without fucking thus will not bring more pembokat face to this world
Sorry i don't listen to discount paki
imagine more than 260 million pembokat face in one single country
wtf is this keling yappin about?
the pinnacle of indon beauty is chelsea islan , which only can be produced by half white and half indon gene.
meanwhile her doppelganger in malaysia didn't even need wh*te gene
reality hurts
ur mum
>Chelsea Islan
>Half White
Do your search before bantering me idiot keling.
look into the mirror
don't procreate
don't bring more pembokat to this world
wait2, did paki unironically think those pembokat attractive?
fucking lmao only paki with low standard like them, feel free to waste your money kek
malaysia truly asia
what a handsome fellow
an indon girl would take of her pants instantly upon seeing him
Sebenci benci elu semua sama orang Jawa gak merubah fakta bahwa ras Jawa adalah ras yang paling berpengaruh di nusantara.
We shaped our own cultures. We spread Islam to every corner of the archipelago. We were building civilizations while you're still niggging like a niggers you are. We try so hard to fight againts colonialism and obtain independence. Yet you guys still hating us, the superior Javanese race. How ungrateful of you.
Based keling poster
Won't miss you. See you tomorrow though
I hope we can invade malaysia in my lifetime and bring home malay slaves
Why there's no Aksi Bela Yaman if they're also oppressed muslim?
Not enough coverage from the (((media))).
The only oppressed muslims are the mujahideen and those who fight in the way of Allah, rejecting kufr and tawagheet, disassociating with nationalism and democracy.
Muslims in Indonesia are kuffar.
is this your next vice president?
Gua bahkan gak bisa bayangin kalau entar debat capres gimana, 2014 dulu malah JK yang sering cover Jokowi.
Sekarang kalau modelnya kayak gini? Lel.
Harusnya oposisi sih bisa manfaatin karena lebih diuntungin di debat capres kali ini.
Because they are NPC who thinks that anything Saudi Arabia do is good and holy, like
Ataturk is my idol though.
I'm confused now
>KoRuf vs BoSan
The majority of people are busy with whether to side with Saudis and previous Yemen government or the Houthis. They're so busy with Saudi-Iran proxy war that the forgot that the only truthful men are with Wilayat Aden Abyan of Islamic State. Yes their number aren't many, their weapons aren't heavy, but this is what Allah has promised and verily only Allah is what we need.
"Out of Aden-Abyan will come 12000, giving victory to the (religion of) Allah and His Messenger. They are the best between me and them."
—Musnad of Imam Ahmad
I expect no less than an Indon
And Khomeini too.
Indons couldn't fathom that we don't need to pick one country or another, this is the results of nationalism in their heart. NKRI harga mati, merah putih sampai mati, biarpun yang dilahirkan negaranya hanyalah pembokat-pembokat.
You mean this?
Hohoho... look at this bumputera.
Will fight and die for his religion.
But what he do? Posting in Chink Pedophile lover Imageboard kek.
Layan lagu Jepun 90an