>go on omegle
>set interests to "Jow Forums" and "international"
>have conversation
>post results
Omegle thread
Nice doxxing thread
I said I was a 13 year old girl and an Indian guy tried to get me to snapchat him nudes
Why you call me nigger
Better idea
Go to chat.mormon.org and tell them you just rubbed your penis and made white stuff come out and ask if that is okay to do
>could not find anyone with similar interests
they ended the chat
>go to Omegle
>guy masturbating in front of camera
>5 people have joined the chat
>why are white people so...
I'm having some actual theological discussions here
gay actually
mormons are way too cheerful, they think all the woes of the world can be solved by good attitudes while ignoring the reality of life outside of their sheltered compound
Do you think they are actual white american mormons, or some indians in some call center somewhere?
Omegle is peer-to-peer and lets the other guy send what the fuck ever to your computer, scary stuff
Am I getting a mormon gf here lads or what's going on
relax and enjoy user, and remember, in mormons law, you can have more than one wife ;)
Gee Billy, your mom lets you have two wives?
Oh that's adorable :)
>Am I getting a mormon gf here lads or what's going on
Nigga is that the fucking missionary chat on lds.com? You know those are dudes right??
tfw no gf
>You know those are dudes right??
why must you destroy my fantasies of a better life
you're gonna get harvested for organs.
They are a mix of missionaries mostly from USA/Polynesia and BYU students. They don’t entrust a job like this to poos