just a reminder Lebanese are Phoenicians, closely related to southern europeans, not arabs
Just a reminder Lebanese are Phoenicians, closely related to southern europeans, not arabs
Other urls found in this thread:
Southern Europeans are Arabs.
mulatto lookin motherfucker
>closely related to southern europeans, not arabs
This is true
if your country is south of france and west of pakistan you're an arab
Just learned the USA, South Africa, Cuba, and Argentina are Arab countries.
No they are MEDS not ARABS imbecile!
Reminder that the race meme is a jew trick
stop putting BS in my thread. There are HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of races on planet earth. GABISH?
>much much taller
is this sister love or is she retarded
why do "white" middle easterners looks so weird
The fucking tree has spoken, goy
Daily reminder Jesus probably looked like a handsome Lebanese man
Not "probably"--he did.
we wuz Phoenician n shit
They got FRANKED
wow so white! honorary aryans!
>current year
>believing in hoaxes
afghanistan?? iran?????????????
my friend is a lebo and i once heard her say that being stuck in traffic "brings out the arab" in her
tell me the best place in Lebanon to visit
In no particular order: 1. Beirut, and specifically hamra, ashrafieh, burj hammoud (which is basically Armenian territory), and Rawshe. Mostly food, bars and shopping.
2. Tripoli, you should definitely check the seafood there and visit the old bazaars
3. West bikaa, the area is quite big and somewhat empty, nothing too special to do there other than hunting birds. Otherwise, you can venture into the forests there. Set up a bonfire and check out the deers around.
4. Jbeil. It's in my opinion the most beautiful and well managed place in all of lebanon. It feels so vibrant and full of history. The nightlife there is also amazing. Not to mention that literally everyone there is super friendly.
I can go on and on over places to go but it'll overwhelm you, so come on and check it out yourself
thanks for the info user. All those places look very intriguing
I heard Lebanese women are super hot and shit on britcuck women and ar*b women. Is this true?
Hell yeah, but you'll find that a lot of them are just like generic white girls personality-wise
Reminder that the Phonecians discovered America and made it as far inland as Kentucky. I've seen the the evidence in KY myself.