Tell me a good reason why all pedophiles shouldn't be burned alive

Tell me a good reason why all pedophiles shouldn't be burned alive.

Protip: You can't.

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I'm center-left and I think they should all be burned alive.

rolling? please 5 get

Definitely burned alive, preferably slow.

>Tell me a good reason why all pedophiles shouldn't be burned alive.
Movie theatres would go out of business.

Isabelle deserved it for being a thot

The UN would cry about anti-semitism.



>17 anos
How can you resist to someone with 17 assholes?


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what's with pedos and polish diaspora
this is unsettling

I hope someone discover you and cut your head

>sex with someone 15-17 is pedophilia
People used to get married when they were 13 libtard. 18 is an arbitrarily set number, if we were to rely on nature the AoC would be 14-15.

spotted the kiddy diddler

people also used to throw their shit to the streets, we should all do that again?

>no argument

Unrelated comparison. 18 is an arbitrarily set age. Tell me why the AoC should be 18 and not 19 or 17.


>burning Catholics

Im much more worried about how the “molesters” will end up than the SEXUALLY MATURE GIRLS who fucked them.

He didn't say that, these people are lost, probably got killed

consensual sex with teens isn't wrong or illegal, it's pretty normal in latin culture, they aren't treated as kids and hold responsibility too

>Unrelated comparison
It's not, you're implying that because 100 years ago people made things certain way it was ok, only that throwing shit in the streets doesn't arouse you, does it?
there is a reason of why people did that back then, and you know it
however, less and less people is interested in getting married nowadays, and with girls being sluts since young I don't know why you believe this is an issue

Very convenient way of avoiding my question all together. Why is the AoC 18 and not 17 or 19? Do you deny that 18 is an arbitrarily set age?

Because the government sucks, judges are jews and corrupt delegates will try to blame a innocent only to show society that he's working.
In principle, I support death penalty, but I'm afraid no one has the means to safeguard a fair trial. It may be different in other countries, but in Brazil anyone that studies Law is a filthy corrupt subhuman

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come on 5,6 or sexy latin dubs

Because teenagers in general are dumb, emotionally immadure and have a huge tendence of making stupid things that will regreat, just like people in your "land of freedom" can legally drink until they're 21 I think
however in most places the age of consent is quite lower, but only if you're underage yourself, if you're older than 20 and want to date a 15 yo you're a creepy pervert

>my personality is so underdeveloped and stunted that it scares away women my own age, better manipulate teenagers with zero life experience instead of facing my issues

*Unzips dick*

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and then those scarred and emotionally stunted teenagers will experience traumatice sexual confusion their entire lives and most likely start the Molestation-circle anew

Kill all chomos

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People's brains don't fully develop until 25 so if you're arguing the age of consent is based on immaturity shouldn't the AoC be 25? Or is there a level of immaturity at which we as a society determine you're immature yet mature enough to have sex. If that's the case how do we determine that bar? Is there a scientific way of determining that?

>hag pussy
miss me with that shit

>This is your mind on islam

Sex with underage girls are legal in Argentina too.
God said it was okay

>if you're older than 20 and want to date a 15 yo you're a creepy pervert
Wanting to date a hag is a creepy perversion. Men crave yourh. Its evolutionary.

Camile and Isabelle are cuties

that isn't even a real news article

Also reminder that islam is the religion where the big dude got to sleep with lolis

Think about that

Answer me nigger silence only proves me right

This is the standart when Muhammad was alive.
Even today, the Catholic Church still allow sex with 12 year olds

He lost and he knows it.

Of course you're right.
He was blinded by feminist propaganda

Mary was also probably a pre-teen.

It will only make them worse.

What is the point of consummating a marriage with a 9 year old? I get that when they are around 11-12 girls hit puberty and can technically have babies so that a young "couple" can start a family, but when you fuck a 9-year old there is no point but your own selfish gratification. Their bodies are literally not capable of handling penetrative sex.


Times change.

Today we must let them grow up first, so they can produce better young.

But the quality of eggs decreases with age.

The argument that "18 is a reasonable AoC because kids are so immature" is entirely retarded. Kids are only as mature as we raise them to be.

500 years ago 13 year olds took part in massive battles.
300 years ago 12 year olds immigrated to foreign lands by themselves.
100 years ago 11 year olds were working full time jobs and providing for families.

The only reason kids are so immature today up until their mid-20's is because parents don't know how to be parents. Boomers were raised in the lap of luxury and became spoiled brats because of it. They'd rather sit their kids down infront of a TV for 10 hours a day than genuinely take care of their kid. Their offspring, millenials and the such, are raising their kids how they were raised and it's destroying our society.

It's not a matter of immaturity, it's a matter of parenting.


nice to know Chrismas Cakes pump out 'tards, time to move to japan and crush their hopes and dreams with some mixed-race potato babies that their aging mothers can't- and I won't- take care of to burden their society.

wtf some of those children look white

t. screenslaver


t. watcher of bad movies

>The people who don’t like having sex with literal children are the ones who are followers of Islam
I think you got that backwards

I fucking hate that movie but it was a joke.

I think only 2 or 3 muslim countries allow sex with someone below 12..
Islam is a patriarchal society. They think it's the father that should choose when his daughter will lose her virginity


didn't see the movie, didn't get the joke

the mom is hot as fuck though, ive busted gallons to her

White pedophiles come here and make snuff films.

Search Peter Schully. An australian pedophile.

The problem ultimately starts with capitalism.
The boomers were also the first generation where women were employed in mass. When you have two working parents and a nuclear family(another aspect of industrial capitalism) there's no time to raise a children, so you need to either pay for childcare or put them in front of a TV and hope they end up good people(they rarely do)

You should start beheading single males from coming to your country

Unfortunately, we dont have death penalty in my country.
Only death squad.

>Tell me why the AoC should be 18
18 years the age of majority, not consent (over here the AoC is 16, as long as you are within 2 years of age of your partner)
The age of majority is the age at which people are considered independent of thier parents in the use of reason and is decided democratically in first world countries.

>Among the victims who had their videoed ordeals sold over the Internet was an 18 month old infant who was hung upside down while Scully and two accomplices raped and tortured her
Holy shit.
>is decided democratically in first world countries.
Direct democracy or banker's democracy?

Pedo agenda is atheist

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I am a pedophilephile so I delight myself at fucking pedophiles in humiliating ways.

because that would be antisemitic

Well for one man should not have the ability to preside over life, for another two wrongs do not make a right, and everyone deserves a second chance.

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Kill yourself christcuck. God is dead.

Representative democracy here, corporatocracy in the US