
celtic master race edition

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redpill me on the isle of man

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It's a Hollywood film mate, none of its real

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gf is being a moody little slag might message her mates and try shag one

We don't talk about the Manx

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literally what is the purpose of lachlan's posts?
is he just severely autistic?

Fuck off

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Daughters find higher quality mates if she forgoes having them be loyal to her (I.e. Chad will pump and dump anyone). Moreover, she is guaranteed a mate.

A low quality son will struggle to find a mate, much less "date up". This is more or less true for many species including us. Mice give birth to daughters if malnourished. While humans can't do this, it has been shown that poor families favour their daughters.

So, go ahead and choose a son, if you are desirable (unlike this pasta's author, a spastic who wants to fuck his daughter). Otherwise, a lifetime of cuckoldry awaits him, and maybe extinction for you.


Russia: $1650 billion
Spain: $1470 billion
Australia: $1460 billion
Mexico: $1240 billion

Texas: $1755 billion

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Buy your self worth with our new fragrance

Just watched dazed and confused

Good movie

Blows that Jewish kike trash breakfast club out of the water

alri nogunz

unironically am an atheist and don't believe in god

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he's just a n.e.e.t. with too much time on his hands so he soaks up what attention he can get by shitting up the threads before his inevitable suicide

pregnant with my (anglo) baby

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im a grown ass man i dont play with toys nigga lmfao

Hipster twat

What's your surname? If you still have relations in those counties you can bet I'd know them lachy

he never replies to anyone though

Keep going. Don't listen to those autistic losers.

Fuck off Lachlan

I want to stick my tongue (among other parts of my body) up Emma Watson’s ass.

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>my (anglo) baby

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I don't need your way of life
I can't stand your attitudes
I can do without your strife
I don't need this fucking world
I don't need this fucking world

This world brings me down
Gag with every breath
This world brings me down
I'm looking forward to death

ever raped a male?

that's unironically hot how do i join

lil bo peep with a brand new bitch

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You just keep your fucking mouth shut about me, thats what the fuck you do.

britoids will deny it but English is a scandinavian dialect

Why didn't they just go fishing lads? No Irishman has been able to answer this for me.

What a pathetic people.

Attached: inability_to_fish.jpg (800x594, 25K)

Corrrrrrr, havent played with my arsehole since last year

*opens mouth about the larping, incest-obsessed manlet*

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Its a bit of Latin and Scandi innit?

Not hipster, it's just an objectively better film

Ok based

i honestly think 5 to 8 million people can live in Iceland easily

Will you fuck off

Iceland is Celtic and the English are crypto-Celts.

Attached: Haplogroup-R1b-L21.gif (800x553, 72K)

Rent free

ok lachlan thank you for your input

most of the land seemed incredibly inhospitable from what i saw
plus everything is retardedly expensive

Imagine Iceland, except it's full of blacks and Pakis

Would be amazing, you lads should try it

*adjusts bulge while making eye contact with you,*

Because you twats banned the Irish from fishing

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I've never actually ever seen you post a picture of a female, NTITOI(now that I think of it). What kind of women do you find attractive?

you wouldn't know a LARP if they found you up in a ditch somewhere with no face

no thanks
inhospitable to you maybe

Lads do you think mental health is getting worse?

I think this is a very important topic because it provokes a lot of thought about whether our society is actually getting worse and driving everyone nuts or maybe ''''they'''' just want us to think we are sick to sedate us on drugs.

World is a toilet
I do not give a fuck
Bomb every jungle
Piss earth 2025

I don't like this leud caralad

>Iceland and Western Norway are more Celtic than Kent and Essex

yeah would be a right laugh to live on all the rocks and ice

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>mental health issues

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haplogroups really don't mean much

Myths reveal the World


anyone seen this grindr video on twitter? haha fucking screaming, state of gay lads

>would rather starve to death than break a law that wasn't even enforced

is the Irishman the most servile creature to ever walk the Earth?

the small angry one is really losing it
that post made literally not a shred of sense

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No mate everybody is definitely getting much more neurotic and pathological in general, it's just symptomatic of the society of spectacle, dopamine addicted, instant gratification, I want it NOW! If I have to wait I'll bite my nails and tap my foot because I'm anxious. Ahhhh

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its not lewd. everyone has to adjust their bulge
you are the homo for thinking it was lewd

Fish doesn’t have the necessary protein for survival. If all you ate were fish you’d still die of malnutrition.

In the back of the club with the goth boi clique?

>paying a company to tell you that you're part of the out of Africa theory

Are Scotland, Wales, England and N.Ireland countries?

Because Wikipedia lists them all as countries that are part of the UK, but other sites say that Scotland for example isn't a country, but rather a semi-autonomous region of the country that is the UK.

Could any of you fine people explain to me exactly how this works?

t. dumb kraut

What is a foundation myth?

It fulfills three functions.

1) It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).

2) It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).

3) It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions.

1) We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.

2) "Ultimate evil" is Nazis. "Ultimate good" is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.

3) The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.

Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.

Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the "personification of evil", holds the center point of the WWII story.

Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

**Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned**

This is by jew design.


Unlike a lot of people. I don't lie and I sure as shit don't "LARP."
So just keep your fucking mouth shut, you'll live longer.

Schizo likes em underage

yh i want your mums pussy now so it can give me some instant gratification ygm

*opens mouth again about the angry short larping faggot*

I'd wager that the majority of people posting in this thread belong to paternal haplogroup R-L21.

Attached: R-L21.png (1387x454, 145K)

>Fish doesn't contain protein
>potatoes do

Yank education, lads

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Northern Ireland isn't a country, it doesn't deserve that status, on an international stage I'd be inclined to think that Scotland and Wales are distinct nationalities with a semi-autonomous political system, hence the purported "union".

you dont like me adjusting my bulge?
well how do you like THIS
*clocks you in the face*

But ulster-scots are different from Irish scots

The Irish did fish. It still couldn't compensate for the amount of food lost as a result of the blight.

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Yes I suppose you got a point but you know it's only going to get worse because of how ingrained the internet has become in the modern world.

Need to move to the woods asap

are you genuinely retarded? im assuming you're an irish muh heritage freak so it would then be implied

I can see their bums haha

Where in my post did I mention potatoes you mental midget?

Right that's enough out of you.

id like fishing in her if you get what i mean

Why do all Yanks think they have Irish heritage?

Because fishing isn't a feasible staple food for a growing industrial population of 8M (Among one of the largest in the Victorian age) centred primarily in rural areas with no access to coastline, also beureaucratic laws surrounding fishing prevented many from doing so as the yank mentioned, the landlords ensured these rules were enforced when they weren't evicting starving women and children from their homes.