Ok this is epic

Ok this is epic.

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>They ain't ready.

At least she has self-awareness.

Imagine the smell.

That fresh out of the pack pantyhose smell with the slight musk of sweat.

australia btfo


>That fresh out of the pack pantyhose smell with the slight musk of sweat.
Wasn't expecting that.

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>the gang destroys the western world

The Incapables

Damn AOC looks kinda hot here.

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I want to watch AOC have sweaty sex with her white boyfriend

fuck off crackers

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Ben Shapiro on SUICIDE WATCH

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notice the incorrect grammar, "they ain't ready" instead of "they aren't ready", this juxtaposes with the image of ladies wearing office attire in a governmental looking interior
are we supposed to think these are low class 'ghetto folk' who happened to work their way into a government or a group of elite politicians who regularly release mix tapes in their spare time?
its thought provoking, truly a looking glass moment for the state of american culture in 2019

>bunch of mestizos/castizos, a high yella and a somali is "melanin"
Eat shit

god's punishment from what america did during ww2, all the innocent dead of dresden : you are paying for it
you unleashed the jew on europe, now you have the taste of your own medicine
as we say "you are punished by where you have sinned"

What is supposed to be? The cleaning staff?


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>all the innocent dead of dresden

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A pack of monkeys demanding respect for their ability to do white-face.

Who want a manlet ? Lmao

they are based and poc unlike australia

they’re congresswomen and you’re not

When doesn't she? Crazy eyes aside those tits are perfect.

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I want to suck AOC's titties

Very based and exceptionally redpilled

Wow her boyfriend actually is white

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>Bust university