meanwhile chinese economy is crashing and people are fleeing
clap clap clap
Wut,it's just market fluctuations
Didn't we land on the moon like half a century ago?
Can't believe it's been a hundred years already
space mission bad... long wall people bad...
Based, I'm ready for the chinese century
>half century
>hundred years
1969 was how many years ago, Chang?
did they bring a telescope?
>Lands on the side of the moon that never faces Earth
Uhh excuse me? Doesn't the moon rotate like Earth as well? I even looked it up, it takes the moon around 27 days to do a full rotation on it's axis.
nice big australian brain you got there.
Forget to turn on your American proxy?
I was pointing out how the first guy had it right by saying half century and the second guy is the retard by saying hundred years
Why are you even calling me Chang?
why hasn't russia launched their moon mission yet to prove that the american moon landing was fake
Landing in the dark side of the moon is not that easy, the only American probe that did it crashed before sending any meaningful data
>cant separate people and state
Stupid westerner
>american education
>even Chinese historic moments are shitty knock off products now
shh Australia, you don't need to worry about these things. just keep digging up dirt to sell to china.
Hopefully we'll have a space race 2.0 soon
Was your journey to Australia save Zhang?
>Bogan education
Boy you can use Wikipedia, it doesn't cost much dial-up