What's the purpose of this website?
What's the purpose of this website?
making friends and sharing laughs :)
race dicussion and cuck posting
It's an echo chamber of endless circlejerking and shitpost.
You're basically on the internet's hairy asshole
nest of the BLACK revolution
You are already dead
This is hell
Make people mad and collect youvotes
Mostly trolling
To waste countless hours on interaction with people who you hate on subjects you didnt care about til it got posted.
To keep autist and incels occupied so they don't cause problems to the society were we live
improving english, i just wonder why there is so much anglo flags there, are they really that stupid ?
Im Addicted to getting yous
Posting about Japan, apparently
to house former Jow Forumstards who had seen the power of black qweens
To distract us from how sad our real lives are
i have no idea but i still keep coming here
let me out
to sharing all our faggotry
Data collection
Whining about not having gf/being virgin
Stupid shitposting
Conversation with a people from the different countries to learn about other cultures (extremely rare)