Why are they the greatest country in the world?

Why are they the greatest country in the world?

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Reply to this post if you think France is great

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french canada best canada
I wish french ruled america too.

My penis is French.

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so it's thicc


All the smart ones settled in North America.

actually they are the poorest and most peasant one we sent there because of lack of food
most of the québécois "genetic stock" so to speak is breton and normand farmers, which explains their bad looks and fat food and lack of money and low class dialect

not even some internet conspiracy theory btw it's true you can check

France is a blessing to the humanity.

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I like France the country, but I don't like Paris.

>csq papa ne t'aime pas

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This I hate Paris, Calais, Lyons, and Marseilles

On déconne tabarnak

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l'ecoute pas en vrai on t'aime pas

Son post n'a aucun sens de toutes façons, tout le monde sait que les Bretons et les Normands sont supérieurs.

>mfw I see a French poster

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>Why are they the greatest country in the world?

I suspect it's because the French (along with some Italians) have somehow perfected the way of enjoying the shit out of life - and it's reflected in the food they eat and the liquids they drink.

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you mean snails and semen ?

>tfw no slightly snob French bf

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how do i learn french?
how do i move to france?

books for kids




Oui, je l'adore

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3rd world shithole

French American here, muh heritage, B&R, etc