No culture

>no culture
>slave history
>small dick
>plastic face
>ugly language
>poo wine
>dog eater
>easily get mad
>everything is lie just like their face

Attached: gook.png (1200x800, 31K)

Plastic surgery is cute.

Attached: 1546480838764.png (564x1111, 715K)

dont take gooks at face value, got it

>Nipp calling a Kimchi a Gook
fuckin' slant-eyes can't even be racis' properly

don't make shitty thread again, retard gaijin

While everything you said is true a lot of that stuff also applies to you.

I agree


>wants to shit talk Japan
>Afraid of getting banned

Attached: 1537146795638.jpg (696x545, 144K)

Imagine being this retarded

thank u op.
that's the image of Korea I have.


freakin losers livin in their internet world. kill yourself

he's telling the truth

That could be said our my country

Attached: 1526643374865.jpg (689x795, 56K)

琉球独立 Free okinawa アイヌ独立 Free Ainu 核兵器 Nuclear weapon 原子爆弾 Atomic bomb 人間宣言 Humanity Declaration 広島・長崎 Hiroshima・Nagasaki 731部隊 Unit731 鳴梁海戦 Battle of Myeongnyang 真珠湾 Pearl Harbor 神風攻撃隊 Kamikaze 慰安婦 Comfort women 戦争犯罪 War crime 南京大虐殺 Nanjing Massacre ダグラス・マッカーサー Douglas MacArthur 憲法第9条 Article 9 of the Constitution 関東大震災朝鮮人虐殺 Kanto Massacre 李舜臣 Yi Sun-sin 沖縄戦 Battle of Okinawa 枢軸国 Axis powers マニラ大虐殺 Manila massacre 東條英機 Hideki Tojo 太平洋戦争 Pacific War 倭寇 Wokou 連合国軍最高司令官総司令部 Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers(GHQ) 戦犯裕仁 Hirohito 戦犯国 War criminals country 部落問題Burakumin 夜這いYobai 竹島Dokdo/Takeshima 尖閣諸島Senkaku Islands/Diaoyudao Qundao 千島列島 Kuril Islands バッキー Bakky Visual Planning 女子高生コンクリート詰め殺人Murder of Junko Furuta 援助交際 Enjo kosai 痴漢 Chikan、 Japino、 琉球独立、 アイヌ独立、任那日本府廃棄、 百済、 白村江の戦い、 文禄・慶長の役、独立、主権回復、佐川一政、 食人、 人肉、 いじめ、亀甲船、牟田口廉也、 インパール作戦 、第二次世界大戦、敗亡、敗戦、用薬須知続編、人中黄

idk, I'm just enjoying the invention of human race

Fuck off jap

fins are basically koreans, right?

Korean men are superior.
I dated a japanese man. He did not want to have sex with me, he would fall asleep when I play with his dick. He was very mentally ill and depressed and even though he had a cute gf, he still acted like an incel.
Now I'm dating Korean man for awhile. He has Korean warrior spirit. First date he holds my hand and goes in for the kiss. He tells me what he wants and loves to have frequent sex with me and is a leader.

You know, Almost half of this long writing makes no sense.

You know, There are only two things to not happen: Free okinawa and Free Ainu
The rest are all things that really happened.

I don't mean that's wrong, but Half of It just looks like reciting meaningless words.

No, it's all meaningful.

shut the fuck up dumb japanese korea is better


Imagine being a god, you created this little creature with same two legs, two arms and one head but some of them in different color and looks
Then they fight each other and look down at each other
I think id be genuinely fascinated