Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth.
Fourteen Words
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holy mother
white """men""" should die though
only white men can produce white women.
she is fat
White Goddesses must be preserved and protected.
Get training brah, their kill death ratio is lit.
This,we need to put them in cages
what a boring body
you know her ass is all firm and boring
white men are so small brained they just like "BIG BOOB and BIG ASS" with no concern about the shape and their motion
kill white men
No, they should be bred while still too young to know what's really going on, then force feminized to neutralize them and increase supply of something like white women
There's only one thing in her mind in that picture:
carrying a black baby.
>white men are so small brained they just like "BIG BOOB and BIG ASS" with no concern about the shape and their motion
me albino caveman
give woman NOW
me take longboat down running water
see brown woman in hotland
give NOW
Shut up, Zhang.
shit fuck MORE
Fat fucking cow
I hope niggers and chinks impregnate every white woman in Russia and America.
I'm sick of seeing losers with no achievements to their name be proud of the skin they were given through an accident of birth.
kek they won't be impregnating any white women, not even their own women want them much less white women
umm sweaty
>trying to accelerate the true kalergi plan and bring about the year 3000 white planet
Based and metacolonialpilled.
This is waaay too salty, like a sino-turk made it or something lmfao
It was made on
Join us
says the guy who worships white dick
I see.
Brehs, she is made for breeding.
If you're brown get yourself a white girl and make mixed babies. The whole world should be mixed.
her hands look very small
fancy that, didnt even know she'd died, mustve been working around then
You have to be mentally damaged to post this kind of stuff, even if you're only joking I guarantee it's not healthy to post about your cuck fantasies 24/7
Based Jew in favor of the destruction of whites and goyim in general
>Big Baltic Cock
Big Bohemian Cock?
Fucking kikes and their porn. Your time will come.
>doesn't enjoy psychosocially programming weak incels into economic collapse, anti-immune viruses, and death
>browse Jow Forums
>"surprised" to find porn
who are you trying to fool, zhang
please kindly fuck off satan
and his worshipper
I only like white women because they produce white men.
wtf thailand???
The whole world hates you, even lefties.
Stay the fuck away from our men.
Heavenly Father, I ask You in the name, and through the Blood of Your Divine Son, to rebuke Satan for taking captive that which belongs to (You).
I ask Jesus to place His Crown of thorns around so that those with wrong influences will lose interest and depart.
Mary Mother of Jesus, place your mantle of love around, your son and/or your daughter.
they need to breed my bp
>a fat whore needs to be preserved
maybe in russia
There's way more mestizos than afrolatinos in the US, which are even more mutted than mestizos lol
you're all mexicans. spanish people are tall mexicans.
are you white?
soyboy alert
ackshully, there are other groups much more hated, so i'm not worried zhang, or should i call you ahmed by now? it's really hard to tell with this flag
>he doesn't want a fat pornstar who poses basically naked for everyone to see, he must be a soyboy not traditionalist
Haleliuja praise Jesus
Canada/Aus is usually zhangs. US is usually ahmeds.
>We must keep the bloodline pure!
i'm not proposing incest.
>try to cheat in the actual monarchical eugenics program
>mother nature smacks you with retard stick
based natural monarchy
Don't make fun Charles II please, he was actually a pretty nice person.
imagine fucking this nymph in the ass.
Based and Redpilled Russian Alpha
Based grug
fuck off bruce jin ping pot the 3rd
>waaaaaaaah white population is declining white genocide
>the fact is that they just dont breed when given opportunity anytime
>whide bobulation in us, canada and aus is agchually on stedy ingrease
>still no black gf
Hello wh*Toid this is the 21st century and frozen sperm has been a thing for a long time
go extinct already fucking subhuman troglodyte
looks like a beached whale
Jews are disgusting animals, you spawn of satan are filth.
>t. Non-white woman
Big Budapest Cock?
I've fapped to that. She's Finnish.