>this is considered normal in Canada
This is considered normal in Canada
very qt pic
It's weirder when you get dozens of adult geese standing around in parking lots and stuff.
Evil hellspawn. They'll sit around next to a sidewalk and hiss at you for walking by. Why don't you just fucking move instead, you stupid bird?
perfect for my peking duck
I hate those damn shithawks. They should all be culled.
They gather around my grocery store, bunch of illegal immigrants waiting around for a handout.
Geese teeth are alien as fuck
dumb fudds
true Jow Forumsommandos
I thought it was cute until one attacked me for being sitting on his way.
I hear canada goose flesh is pretty gross, but I'd still try it.
Every time a Canadian is born, so is a Canada goose. The nice half of the soul goes to the Canadian. So if you meet a rude Canadian, just think how bad the goose would have to be.
Look at those dickheads
Jordan Peterson's goose must be one hell of an intellectually coward passive aggressive cunt by that reckoning
Polite Canadian = hateful goose
Angry Canadian = friendly goose
why would you sit on their way?
So what happens if you kill someone's goose, does their soul become something more like a ghost unable to relate to living people and destined never to find love. Is this how Canadians become posters here?
Well they eat garbage, so that would affect the taste of the meat.
They're the worst. Their call is a screech. They like to form congregations and then they all to laps in the sky, gawking loudly, and then fly to the same spot they started. They are also super defensive. I have them. They also shit everywhere.
I was sitting on the grass and the duck wanted to go through there
>all these brainlets saying they screech
Geese honk
they can't all afford a car you sheltered middle class cunt
This guy hisses at me a lot. Thinking of beating the shit out of him.
don't do it man they can famously break your legs with a single blow of their wings
the stance, the aura, the power. absolute chad.
use to live on a lake and had about 50 that would live on it every year, people who get attacked don't understand animal body language
great post.
>the virgin goose
>the chad penguin
I had goose for Christmas this year, I thought it was much nicer than turkey. I've found the answer to the goose problem
It's like taking away their fucking leaf. They become Peruvians. A sad husk of their former selves
If poaching wasnt illegal in urban centers I would have offed most of these fucks in Vancouver years ago. I know they taste like shit but theyre so fucking obnoxious.
Someone give those poor PeruviANOs a leaf or something
>friendly goose