/balk/ - Deus Ex edition

previous >youtube.com/watch?v=09vVF-Hvykg

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Stick with the Prod. Prod with the Prod. Just in case, though, we're police.

jesus christ denton

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μπιγk τιττίες

Квo cтaвa мoмчeтa, кaкви aнимeтa глeдaтe пpeз нoвaтa гoдинa?

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>tfw no Turkophone Rus gf

nothing yet. wasting too much time on youtube videos
considering rewatching old stuff tho

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Sometimes you've gotta make a silent takedown.

Fuck anime
Reminder that anime are degenerate and a product of Jewish propaganda

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fuck off kike

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Fuck anime

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>Fuck anime
I wouldn't mind.

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>greek """"""art"""""""

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Anime are shit

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yeah, and what do you watch?
the latest holiwood niggerfest?

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anime is for white people and honorary aryans, so it's normal that a greek can't appreciate it

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>i don't want anime in my general
>which is why i will post about and reply to anime posters
were the cuteposts part of your plan?

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>le smug anime pic

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>anime is for white people
>that flag

>anime is for white people and honorary aryans, so it's normal that a greek can't appreciate it

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>no reply
>"oh yes jewish movies are so much better"
>"oh yes arabs just love american tv shows"
>"of course all my normie friends only ever talk about the latest stuff"
>"i've even read the book you know, it was so mature, not like anime"

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go back to /mena/ sandnigger

Anime is unironically even more infantile and vapid than Hollywood garbage, so don't try to be smug and go off yourself, manchild.

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anime is infinitely more interesting and healthy than the anglokike niggerfaggotry they sell at hollywood

Based Jordanian, destroying weebshit with FACTS and LOGIC

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can confirm my status is: not destroyed

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Anime is literally centered around escapism, and deliberately shallow to the point where all characters are reducible to tropes and act in very predictable ways.

So the gist of it is that both anime and Hollywood movies are highly-optimised escapism, purely consumerist. There is not a grain of emotion put into it, let alone sincerity. From its formulation to production to end product, it remains as such. It's some drab industry-dogma cut-outs arranged in more or less the same way forevermore, to continuously fuel escapists in the most pandering yet deceitful of ways. Even amongst these arranged cut-outs, they can't even add any creativity or emotion in. Anime is an example of the height of consumerist escapism. The West clings more so to a pretense of ideals and meaning and realism in their escapism, whereas the East simply consumes efficiently, industriously. All will follow in this complete lack of art and emotion, or even genuine entertainment. One comes to like the embrace of familiarity and structure, rather than entertainment (of which it is devoid).

>a greek, an arab and a serb walk into a thread
>they immediately wrap their lips around and start deepthroating a jewmarican cock
>"i-it's not like anime is any more mature... ! ", said the arab
>"y-yeah, g-go kill yourselves", said the peer pressured serb
>"b-based !!", said the greek
and they bumped the thread with cuteposts happily ever after

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>putting this much effort in a response to a weebshit

don't bother, just point at these creatures and laugh.

I had horrible dream tonight
basically met my golden standard gf (short hair blonde)

but she had fetid breath smell, it smelled like boiled cabbage which was left to rot, my brain somehow perfectly reproduced the smell of bad breath and I nearly died
she also had bacne and some fucked up scabs

I woke up sweaty and heavily breathing

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>and they bumped the thread with cuteposts happily ever after

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Have you ever seen your girlfriend right after she wakes up ?

>you don't watch my anime trash, therefore you watch American trash
That's not how it works, weebshit. But I understand why such binary thinking appeals to someone who's mentally challenged to the point where he's genuinely entertained by something as repetitive, predictable and intellectually vacant as anime.

yes but usually I am the one with bad breath and bacne
now that I think of it, it was probably my own bad breath which I could smell while sleeping

Why people call their pets daughter/son its fucking creepy and pathetic


oh snap, didn't you hear what your superior said >i don't watch american trash either
so what do you watch then? arab and greek trash? no? nothing? i'm sure you must be some art expert then

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it's mostly women who do that, they're of child bearing age but instead they worship their pet
not creepy to me, just disgusting

Then brush your teeth and wash your face before you go to bed, and don't sleep on your face.

watching you weebshits sperg out never ceases to entertain me

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I just found out that my gf is Jewish. What should I do?

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I tend to avoid watching infantile crap, and that includes both American and Japanese crap. So really your attempts to be smug are pretty fucking pathetic.

yeap, we're always entertaining
meanwhile you're always bitter and sad

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>meanwhile you're always bitter and sad

>i DO in fact watch nothing
art expert confirmed
glory be to your objective opinions

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oy vey

I unironically am an expert compared to plebs like you, and I know more about the history of art (and cinema in particular) than all the weebtrash on this board combined. But you don't really have to be an expert to figure out that anime is objectively, undeniably garbage, so your entire line of reasoning is flawed which renders this discussion pointless.

Just repent for being a pleb and stop wasting your time on anime.

no thanks, Chad- the expert
go peer pressure someone else

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Kys weebtrash

have a good day, bully-wannabe

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subhuman tranlo


>tfw neo-megali idea is nigh

vivacom tranlo
pak mi sprqhte neta mama vi daeba prati tehnik

Take the pink pill you manlet subhuman

The only way for you to not be bitter and enjoy life is to join us

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found sashko's blog

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No thanks.


Mrzim jebene cigane aaaaaaaaaaa

I love anime

I fucking hate gypsies


My shipment was to arrive yesterday and I'm STILL waiting... My patience has its limits...

What shipment?

I ordered a laptop

Happy New Year, you saphuman shirtskins.

If you can't kill 'em join 'em
Time to have some khazar babies


A huge replica of the Austro-Hungarian sigil


Ши из бютифyл

Greater Ellada when??

Yeah, she's alright

Never, the dream was extinguished in 1922

Aй yил ceлъбpeйт йop ceкънд ню йиъp oн... XIIIф oв Джaнюъpи?

Hello faggots

Μπατ γιου χεβ δίζ νιού σαμπμηρίνς δαιτ kαιν μπεστ ας... Νατ τη μενσην γιου χεβ δη γουεστ (Γιουρηπ ην Ημεριkα) αιντ Ρασια ον γιορ μπαιk...


Mine's longer:

(. Y .)

Tranlo no

all posts are part of my plan

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look big dicks hurt women and their vaginas

not too big and not to small penises are best for women as they say

>Sashko is a coping dicklet

my penis is perfect size its 14/15cm dude

also happy that i don't have a small penis

Nah Sashko, that's pretty small.

Fucking belgian police kicked me out of the country. Im stuck in this shithole for a few weeks

Did you drive a truck of peace into someone?

I browned a grill which may have been too young

Genocide all Belgians desu

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Why is /balk/ so gay?

CIA dropped hormones in the danube

GERB did this