There are girls of every ethnicity browsing this board right now and they are rubbing their clit to the thought of...

There are girls of every ethnicity browsing this board right now and they are rubbing their clit to the thought of smelly overweight men with long greasy hair and acne

Attached: a62.png (680x661, 262K)

I am neither of these
A girl in the bus eyefucked me so hard, she started ovulating

I know I am.

Proofs please

Ok, Ahmed.

I'm not. I don't know why but I just love it when a boy is shy I just want to tug at their cheeks, I'm unfeminine in my behavior welp
t. a lurker

I am Volga german
That girls was probably of med or mena ancestry

I love shy boys too, I just want to to tug at their cocks.

I'm not overweight thank you very much

The notion that someone who browses this board has to be shy is ridiculous, women like to label men they're not attracted to with traits they're not attracted by, I'm a ruthless exhibitionist who shows no regret or embarrassment for his actions which is probably why I found myself here without real life friends and not because I'm afraid to approach anyone, I remember back in high school just before New Year's Eve I got up from my desk while the teacher was absent, pulled my pants down, spread my buttcheeks and busted a fat fart in front of my class as a form of symbolic protest against everyone there, I'm the very opposite of ''shy''

If you were to read through more posts on here though you'd realize that a lot of people who post are shy and likely suffer from social anxiety.

a bunch of faggots circlejerking in feels threads does not prove it is "a lot of people"
i am not shy either, i tend to be very rude and as confrontational as possible
i come here because of the freedom of speech

Based. I'm insecure even talking anonymously on a North Korean fishing forum

yeah besides the last part that's a bit much I like it when they are tall a bit chubby and shy and have a nice smile and are optimistic. This describes what I want in a bf, I wish for too much.

Well at least they like my brain.

Your witty and funny posts has at least made one femanon moist.

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I’m only in love with your flag, sorry

One of these girls is brapping right fucking now

I’ll give u brain nigga

I can send you some sperm if you like.


>I got up from my desk while the teacher was absent, pulled my pants down, spread my buttcheeks and busted a fat fart in front of my class as a form of symbolic protest against everyone there

Attached: 42678978.jpg (255x254, 8K)

I'm not talking about myself you dorks. I meant femanons in general.

I imagine there are hordes of women competing with each other to find that one brilliant Aussie and make my babies.

Can't all fit through the same door unfortunately.

>girls start throwing their panties and dirty smelly socks at the computer monitor whenever you make a witty post
Mental isn't it?