Real estate

Any advice you can give to a new sales agent on how to close deals? Any Wisdom is appreciated anons.

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Closing is the ez part

Just get everyone in a room and sign the papers

Make them sign at gunpoint.

Also to generate sales. I'm good at selling but some people are impossible and haggle a lot.

kneepads and tissues

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Are you selling Real Estate OP?

be chad

Real estate is a sales job. Your job is to meet people who want to buy or sell property. It's also a relationship job. Developing relationships with other Realtors is paramount to getting your offers accepted. Holding other agents listings open is a great way to meet clients.

literally taking my IL real estate class now. cheap af. i'm left wondering like OP where is the catch? where is the hard part? can't all be 15G crushers right?

Network, attend broker caravans, actually go to your office meetings. Once you're established switch brokerages so you're not paying a franchise fee or a desk fee. Take a lower split starting out to work under a top agent that actually has the time to teach you things instead of just focusing on his production.

It's not your job as real estate agent to haggle. You're an intermediary between the seller and buyer, you pass offers back and forth until a deal is made. You can give advice to the seller you represent, or the buyer you represent, but if someone is haggling with you, shut that shit down. it's not your job. You present offers, and relay responses. Period. Anything else is a waste of your time, and if they start arguing, cut them off and move on.
There are plenty of people who love to haggle, just because they're bored, or have nothing better to do, or just like to fuck with people. Sounds like you're a sucker for that type. Stop.

A good friend of mine who I worked with got laid off, and jumped into real estate. She's doing pretty well, she's averaging a house a month, and she got there by learning to keep people contained with that shit, she complained constantly about lookie-loos and people wasting her time for the first year or two. Now she's "This is the price. What's your offer? I'll relay that to the owner." If they start pestering her, she cuts them off "This is the price. The owner won't budge. Would you like to proceed?" I've watched her do it, rolling her eyes.

She has said for a while the biggest pain in her ass are housewives who spend all of their time going to open houses, and then haggling the price down, so they can go to their husbands and say "Look at the house I found, and I got xxx price for it!" - and the husband says 'We're not moving, why are you doing this?" Everyone's time: wasted.

If someone wants to buy a house, they will. If they don't want to buy a house, literally nothing you say or do can change their mind. Or am I that sheltered from retarded people? Your entire career is literally irrelevant. You're a middleman who prints paperwork out on someone's behalf and gets people to sign it.

As a listing agent your job is to market the property. That's what you get paid to do. As a buyer's agent your job is to get offers accepted. There is a reason why FSBO homes fetch about 19% less than Realtor represented properties and take longer to sell. But people want to complain about 5% - 6% professional fees. It's laughable.

You're laughable. 6% fee on sale price for printing paper. The only thing more laughable is people buy into it.

jerk off the client in the master bathroom

I agree, 6% is laughable. You "professionals" should get about .5-1% commission for what you do. Being a real estate agent is literally a fall back job for housewives who's kids left for college. It is not a skilled trade by any means.

sounds like you got screwed over on something

Watch HGTV and you can figure it out in a week how to show a home.

Anybody can show a home. Real estate is about lead generation aka prospecting.

Real Estate, like any social job, is who you know and not what you know. Make friends with rich people who will refer you to their friends buying expensive houses.

Get a website that looks fancy. Use a drone with a nice camera to take good pictures. Use photoshop to saturate the color of the grass on the lawn a brighter green.

Not getting professional photos taken
Making It

Choose 1

Fuck I forgot how much I hated real estate agents. 5% is un fucking believable. Fucking (((crooks))) and half the cities where the jobs are you HAVE to use these fuckheads

Typically, dealing with agents will save you more than their fee.