You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you pale piss haired pig. How dare you open your herpes chapped, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Klaus Wagner. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality offers no hope to the world that Europe can ever prosper. Crawl back into the muddy riverbanks you came out of, you autistic little vermin.
I hope you decide to ride your mutter's beat up old moped to the village and rape some cows, as is in the kraut's nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give David and Ivan a chance for some target practice, it's your sole use to the world. German obsession with a trio of failed empires is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Germany has made to the medical field. The MUH REICH, MUH GROßGERMANIA sentiment in the average goosestepping snownigger is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your spindly pockmarked fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you civilized. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of an empire.
You turnip munching mudhut nigger.
You make Turkey look like a beacon of civilisation.
You are the Baltimore of Europe.
Go fertilise the barley fields with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Pigs. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an German "man" provided for a family.
Die, Fritz. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good