bring back moot edition
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
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changed my profile pic for based sor juana
also how the fuck do i stop coming to this place i fucking hate it its so boring but i just cant stop
Gonna keep tinderposting in your gay general
+1 to the boring
i just browse when it's too late to go to bed but too early to get up and do shit
I know for a fact chico st is where all the thots go
>hey this guy is posting your face online and saying he thinks you’re cute
yeah fucking right. chicks 16 max.
anything else i should add before I warn her about the stalker rapist she matched with recently posting her profile all over the place
I like this Canadian
Based, your Tinderposting has pushed me to get back on Tinder
didn't pack my fleshlight in a box
hope my parents don't see it in my backpack
tell her another guy from California also thinks she's cute
Do it bitchboi I don't care
do men really use this
my aids post got in, very epic. send it lad.
shes probably not into cucks
If you want, you can add that he's 22 and lives in the south bay
very rude
is there anyway of using tinder but limiting my profile to only be seen by people who don't know me?
live in a small very christian town and getting caught using tinder could ruin me
moving tomorrow
hope i can fit everything in the car
Registered to vote so I swiped right
Whoever "catches you" also uses tinder you sperg
Why would they out themselves
if you get caught then you only need swap the blame
i need a new phone i need to use grindr aaaaaaa
Big fan of her dress
I think you might be able to limit people who see you to those you've already swiped right on, if you pay for one of the premium levels
my head hurts from too much fapping
why would that be a requirement? like what's her logic?
find this out for me if you can pls.
visited the berkeley campus at least 3 times and the girls were VERY cute
then I walked through downtown and at least half the college girls were all asian
that you get for enabled the latest cancer spam
people from that city are very liberal, so tis safe to assume she wants to argue politics or impeach trump
I should turn that on
Sick of being liked by fat girls
Considering she's 18 she probably wanted people to vote for Democrats in the midterms (I did this)
asians are high iq and therefore go to upper education
>Sick of being liked by fat girls
Haha you must have a low score, bro
all I said was she was cute
Nope, I swipe left on all of them
And if that were true I wouldn't be seeing all these top tier qts
But every once in a while, a fat girl pops up in my the part that shows who likes me
that would be a shit logic to be honest, you can be interested in politics, want to impeach bad orange man and still not want to vote.
and if she wants to see people who vote for her candidates then she should specify that and not just a broad "you need to vote to fuck me"
its kind of implied
everybody else was ignoring him because hes been doing this every day for a week now and you opened the flood gates
You don't even know what top tier cuties look like bro these are average
>download tinder
>post pictures of my chad cousin
>only swipe right on girls who obviously have self esteem issues
>pretend to be super interested in them and set up a date
>don't show up to date
>5 minutes after schedule "i guess you're not coming....."
gets me every time
Anyone in the market for a giant gf?
She's saying that you shouldn't swipe right (like her) if you're not a registered voter, user
t. incel with a skewed view of the world
I know, what did you think I say?
>Anyone in the market for a giant gf?
Please don't tell me you're a manlet
I'm talking about my own tinder matches, brainlet
I'm 6'1
6'1 is pretty big for girls my dude
Join in on the tinder posting and make incels seethe
Why the fuck do people do this?
Switched left of course
Łódź is ok for living but not as nice for visiting in my opinion. The biggest problem with the city is that it wasn't taken care of at first after the fall of communism and just recently is starting to be redeveloped. Main city center (Piotrkowska mainly) is really nice though if you wanna take a walk and stop by at a restaurant or cafe.
Meant swiped
I hate to break it to you, pal...
extremely thinly veiled fuck buddy request in case anyone she knows sees her.
damn dude this kinda thing is going to cause a wave of femcel shootings i swear. leave those poor chicks alone
Take it to /polska/
If only I had eaten those peas my mom told me to eat...
what are those numbers? I thought Congonadians used the metric system
wew, just made the cut
girls don't commit mass murder they just eat a lot and cut their wrists but i admire your concern
Thoughts? Shes the one in the middle
Just came across a profile picture that is just a bare breast
>uneven number
>"shes the one in the middle"
please stop being retarded
Canadians mostly just use metric distances for stuff related to travel in cars, airplanes, etc. For body related stuff, Canadians still use feet/inches and measure weight in pounds.
In metric terms I'm 191cm, which is about 6'3 on the chart.
Divide the photo in half and look at which one is the in the middle, you fucking FREAK
Haven't seen a fat girl all day
This is a based
the middle of the photo is the gap between the two girls on the inside you FRICK
The one in fishnets looks good for a quick fuck, but spending too much time around whores like that will drive you crazy. Expect to quickly get cucked if you try to start anything remotely serious for example
The newest match
Love art hoes, swipe right on all of them
She's the one in the fishnets
I stood up a girl one time because I took a nap and didn't wake up for the date. I had another date later that week and she stood me up, which is the only time that's happened to me. I took that as a kind of divine retribution.
big risk dating a chick who presents herself like this. Would bang the one on the right and fall in love then get my heart shattered/ten
You told the girl why you stood her up, right?
This one gives me Buffalo Bill vibes tbqh
>divine retribution
>any sort of divine creature interacting in any way with a tinder using sexual degenerate
god uses tindr to bang hoes change my mind
god, what the hell do people see attractive in asian females
You don't use tinder for dates
Fuck off incel
Yes, but she was furious anyway and wouldn't even speak to me again for like six months. I had her over to watch a movie about six months later, and she spent half the night with explosive diarrhea in my bathroom. She never contacted me again out of what I assume was embarrassment.
No sweetie, you believing that threatening me about telling a girl I was posting her face and saying she's cute is why I'm spamming all my recent matches
>never used tinder and never will
>family thinks im a virgin at 21
>girls are surprised when I reveal I lost my virginity at 13
>while they've been virgins till 20, 24, 25
feels kinda shitty in a sense but I'm no manslut
>accidentally made a fwb with an old hs friend, we sexted during christmas to this date and we agreed to fuck on the regular, and she's not attached so no problem there
currently courting this cute 26 year old virgin, she's super sweet and conservative, this could be the qt trad gf I'm looking for
First of all, this wasn't a Tinder date, it was with a former coworker. Second, do you think God doesn't punish degenerates? Third, I'm doing my best to find a wife in our twisted world; I'm not just out hunting for pussy.
>you believing that threatening me about telling a girl I was posting her face and saying she's cute will make me stop
god is an inanimate object
jesus uses tinder to bang hoes change my mind
Fucking yikes dude
>26 year old virgin
>conservative trad gf
Not real
Trump voters:
In need of a good wiping out
Really wish Democrats were what Trump voters make them out to be.
I want death squads hunting down Republicans.
>looking for a wife on tinder
>god is an inanimate object
This is a level of blasphemy I don't think I've ever seen before.
both of you heathens shut up
where the fuck do I find gf's if not tindr
God's not real
Jesus was never resurrected, he was just an insane desert hobo
God this politics posting is pathetic. You’re all fools for falling for this ridiculous bullshit.
Read the first part of the post, retard. It was a date with a former coworker, not from Tinder.
Sorry fellas but this is 4channel so NO liberals.
t. victims of brainwash
so open minded you can't imagine people being different to you eh? don't get your panties in a twist
k good night its all in good fun
The normal way to do it is to meet people in your life, preferably through mutual friends. If that's not possible, then go for people you deal with on a regular basis such as through work, school, church, or any other activities you have in common.
Honestly kill yourself bootlicker
I believe Conservatives should be killed
all the girls at my work have bf's
>implying im a libtard
You live in a Western country amigo. Any girl who claims to be a virgin after 23 or, even more, larps hard as a trad girl is a whore
>I believe Conservatives should be killed
Can you like not be an accelerationist please??? I like my non civil war ruined society