Why do Russians hate us?
Why do Russians hate us?
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Because you hate us
I like you guys.
Because they've been indoctrinated by cold war propaganda.
So have we, but Russian culture is more susceptible to propaganda, and authoritarianism in general. Thus they tend to believe strong leaders that say x is the enemy more than Americans would.
But at the same time, the majority of Americans hate russia, or at least view them negatively.
Lies. We are pretty much same. Its friendly banting, not hate. I have never seen russian that will honestly hate americans with all his heart.
>the majority of Americans hate russia
I don't think most care or at most think they're cool movie bad guys.
>We are pretty much same
Now this I can agree with. Your bydlo and our rednecks are like long lost cousins.
>I don't think most care or at most think they're cool movie bad guys.
You seriously underestimate the spacial awareness of the average american
Most Americans, especially in recent years (2014 onwards) are more than aware that Russia has been a negative force, specifically because of Ukraine, and Syria, along with election shit, though that is more of politicized bit.
And even for people who do not follow politics, the likilhood of one not at least knowing of these events is microscopic, and if they do not follow politics they will more than likely view Russia as bad, as Russia has been a rival of the USA for nearly 80 years.
Some Russian friends took a few of us to a bar in Russia. Most people were very nice. Except for the people chanting "Americans gtfo and go home". People then bought us beer to apologize and insisted "No we love Americans, stay"
You guys seem overall super nice, especially once you converse a bit. Like too nice. But yeah, there are ones that do just hate us passionately.
Because France me told do so
Thats pretty dumb to say "no we love americans, stay" desu, they could make it sound less silly. Where you was? In what city?
Even ex soviet military guys are quite positive about USA and americans in general, well mostly about your achievements.
Not about gays, niggers and all this stuff though.
Its complicated but people here dont hate you as much as you think.
Hate is strong feeling and cant be used for no reason
>he thinks it's just russians
Hahaha look at this stupid mutt nigger
They don't?
>Belarus 2%
we're only talking about countries who matter
Then please stop talking about my country. Thank you.
look we can have the usual "We hate america" thread from any third world country back on /v/
>The eternal geopolitical opponent, the ever-growing eastern giant and a small Transcaucasian republic, a participant in the tragic events of August 2008: the first three external threats to Russia - the USA, China and Georgia - are quite predictable.
Why is Georgia considered a major threat in Russia? Wtf
Because you beat them in a legendary boxe match
>he still thinks he is 1st world
American delusion at its finest
That's a big tiger
>eastern europe
Why do americans do this
Do you think only russians hate america?
Иpкyтcк. Yeah it was pretty bad/broken English and did sound silly, but I think that was the extent of their English. They were very nice people tho who had sat next to us that night. The bartender didn't like us all that much but I think he was just in a mood.
It was the only bad experience. Everyone else was very nice, especially students my age. Like I still talk to those kids they're that nice. My experience is Russian generally give the cold shoulder, especially if you don't speak Russian. Speak russian -even terribly- and they're suddenly your best friend and will do everything they can to understand you.
>heh, don't forget us mother russia, we ALSO hate amerikkka!
why do third world countries do this?
Self-hatred isn't a virtue, Little America.
>invent a hypersonic missile that will likely lead to the extinction of humanity
>just because we wont talk to them
you're wrong they are actually madly in love with us
What do you mean by "us"? US people? Russians don't hate Americans in general.
USA? LOL. Why the hell they shouldn't?
Because pro scientology bullshit like this? state.gov
Violation of intarnational law and then blaming others in same fucking thing?
Supporting coups in neighbording countries?
Leading NATO?
There's dozens reasons... Americans just don't give a fuck what their state department doing.
Since they want Georgia and keep fucking around in it. Georgia has autonomous provinces that declared indepdence. Who else woud recognize this but Russia and send support. Funny, They recognize South Ossetia, In georgia, but actively suppress the separatist sentiment in North Ossetia which is in Russia.
China is without a doubt the biggest threat to Russia.
But while Americans are REEEEEing at Russia, Russia has to play a chess game with both until Americans wake up.
And Germany is without a doubt Russia's best friend.
>Americans just don't give a fuck what their state department doing.
why should anyone give a shit
>did you see mohammed get killed by a drone
wow I care
Here people hate russia even more than your mutt kind.
>Why is Georgia considered a major threat in Russia?
In 2008 their retarded president decided that order "attack Russian peacekeepers" for his army generals - it's pretty okay idea. Turns out that wasn't brilliant plan of action.
>Leading NATO
Well that,s gotta be the cheapest excuse to be upset with the US. You guys were sorta doing your "fuck up Eastern Europe for decades and leave generations scarred and Nations shaken to their bones"
NATO expansion? Sure thing. But Angry that we're just the leaders. Come on.
And the coups thing is a bit morally righteous and ridiculous for a Russian to be upset about.
Promised not to expand Nato.
And it's not really hate, it's hate for your lying leaders. People don't mind Americans themselves
The other way around actually. We don't have overblown view of American spying though obviously US agencies are far more advanced and pervasive than Russia, and 1996 election was far more interfered with than 2016. Your whole nation is artificially made to confront the only nuclear power that can destroy life on earth because of 400 Facebook posts and $4000 in Google ads. That's indoctrination. Just as is having about zero major positive Russian roles in your movies, likely both a result and a reason for more indoctrination
"Peacekeepers" that were there to be attacked and justify the current crap show Russia is making of Georgia. Just leave them alone and accept their superior cuisine.
You are bigger, richer and more powerful. Russians are very covetous people.
Soon, Vanya, soon...
Problem with Russia is we don't really have a biggest threat, it only depends on how you look at it
Most powerful military /economic threat? NATO /west
Most powerful potential threat? China
Most dangerous and with risk of instability? North Korea
Most immediate? ISIS and the like in Chechnya
Etc, we're just too close to every place dangerous, hard to secure because huge land borders.
Amerifag who lived in Russia for a few months a couple years ago. Honestly I never had anyone that I had a serious conversation with indicate that they had any bad feelings towards regular American people even after I told them I was American.
I suppose some people don't like our government but that's just politics, same goes for opinions about the Russian government over here.
Dude, try to be a little more empathetic and try to imagine how great potential danger for American national security would be a common border between Germany and Russia. It would be irreversible, practically all possible options created by existence of such border have serious potential to transform themselves into grave danger for US national security and USA would have no control over situation in Eurasia whatsoever if it happened. Try to enter American shoes for a while. It is not XVIII century anymore, today such things cause global consequences
Russians are much less hostile toward America than vise versa
>Russia's leading polling firm found that 42 percent of Russians held generally good views of the United States in July, compared to 40 percent who held bad views.
>According to survey data released by Gallup this year, 72 percent of Americans view Russia unfavorably, while 25 percent view it favorably.
>You guys were sorta doing your "fuck up Eastern Europe for decades and leave generations scarred and Nations shaken to their bones"
And? There was a cold war, you know. And don't tell me that USSR has no any reason to think that western countries is a ruthless enemy of us.
>NATO expansion? Sure thing. But Angry that we're just the leaders. Come on.
You are paying for all this shit. You are supporting all this shit. You are NATO. Without USA - all this organization will fall apart.
>And the coups thing is a bit morally righteous and ridiculous for a Russian to be upset about.
You asked why Russians dislike USA - i answered. Obviously Russians dislike when some foreign country supporting coups around our borders.
Existance of a powerful state is only a threat of you put yourself into a position to pose it from the inception.
I don't suggest you're mad racist Polish fewer dreams are realistic, but there's a reason EU wouldn't be a threat to US even if it ever gained independence, unless US screws up badly. Yes, even if EU ever included Russia
>a few months
What did you do?
International law. Ever heard about it?
You cannot give orders to kill peacekeepers just because "Well we are think that our agreement is not profitable anymore".
It costs 100x less to prevent creation of German-Russian border than to reverse possible consequences of its creation in practically all scenarios. So you shouldnt be really surprised that it is a vital American interest to militarize Central-Eastern Europe and use 100 mln of its population for American geopolitical goals instead of being forced to move half million of American soldiers to Western Europe again if Russia decides to have border with Germany again. Try to enter American shoes. Russia is not the only country on this planet that has interests
Expanding Nato has global consequences. American political experts knew this would be the result. Expanding Nato was a mistake, historians would treat it to similar fashion to the way Germany was treated after ww1
Though hopefully we'll not become as mad as Germans became politically, we're not under a much pressure and any war means nukes, so here's that. But real threat is in 25 years you'd have Chinese missiles and robot tanks on a border with Poland. And not because Russia's conquered, but because it chose to trust China over NATO
>Russian culture is more susceptible to propaganda
Lmao. Said by American.
Pyccкий язык изyчaл)
I've never met a Russian who hated America, and vice versa. It's just our governments having a pissing contest at our expense
Cкoлькo бyдeт 150+150?
Кaк ycпeхи?
И нa кoй чёpт тeбe pyccкий язык? Пoчeмy нe китaйcкий, или иcпaнcкий. Bcякo пoлeзнee.
High quality humor incoming!
>Expanding Nato was a mistake,
How do you know? Are you a prophet? A seer?
I don't hate Americans as people.
What I hate is their government as well as ours.
Overall it is all just a chess game of influence of your elite and ours. We have no choices in this as we are assigned the role of pawns.
Better just to neglect your goverment's actions and separate your identity from them.
They do not define you as a person. How are you going to be perceived by others is only up to you.
He пoнял
Я хoтeл читaть pyccкyю литepaтypy в opигинaлe, былo нaдoлгo мoя мeчтa, к cчacтью ceйчac мoгy.
Funny you mention Spanish, I'm actually learning it right now, дoвoльнo лeгчe чeм pyccкий для нocитeля aнглийcкoгo),
It's really more about Americans than us. There's no "bad reckless american spy" trope in our cinematography. Watch any old soviet movie featuring american character and compare it to any russian character from your movies(even modern).
I fully understand why they lied. But it went against the spirit of detente and deliberately made use of Russian trust, that was real. It leaders trusted the West and so did we as a nation. It was a cheaper and more 'mechanical' solution. It already costs some, and in coming decades it'll cost more. People like Kennan predicted it, as it was pretty obvious. The move didn't increase security of the US, since economically and militarily Russia is no threat unless you corner it, and China might be. It didn't increase security in europe, since Russia's in no position to fight major wars in Europe, and likely wouldn't have fought small ones unless provoked into them, outside Islamic regions.
He is thunderslav. Soon he will obtain wolf and hammer and become unstoppable.
The only instances I've found of Americans are either pissed off workers and sociopathic richmen, or we're drunks.
How are we typically portrayed?
>But real threat is in 25 years you'd have Chinese missiles and robot tanks on a border with Poland
Thats why it is so important to create "sanitary cordon" out of Eastern Europe instead of letting Russia have a border with Germany so it would be even easier for the Chinese to take Western Europe in the future
We observe the consequences. The rest seems reasonable, though it's only one possible outcome. You can read predictions of this happening made by American Russia experts in the 90es. Politics works on trust, so breaking trust is a bad long term move
>He пoнял
Плoхo yчилcя знaчит.
>Я хoтeл читaть pyccкyю литepaтypy в opигинaлe
Гocпoди! Фёдopa Mихaйлoвичa? Или Львa Hикoлaeвичa? Или ктo тaм тeбe тaк зaпaл в дyшy?
>Funny you mention Spanish, I'm actually learning it right now
Isn't majority of americans learning spanish in schools?
>дoвoльнo лeгчe чeм pyccкий для нocитeля aнглийcкoгo
B китaйcкoм вooбщe 4 вapиaнтa yдapeний в cлoвaх.
Hapless and generally ignorant of Russian ways, but perhaps likeable I'd say, is the way American spies for example are portrayed in jokes and comedy
Because the Beast/One World Government is coming out of the East while they create their Hyperborean/Tartarian Eurasian Empire before establishing Jerusalem as a world capital, and Astana and Beijing as secondary capitals
Putin is an agent as well as Jared Kushner of the same “””Russian””” mafia which operates outside of the jurisdiction of the Kremlin, NYC/Brooklyn and Tel Aviv
They want to watch the West implode and sweep it under the rug as well as the golem you see as the Ro. and Co., what they have created
>generally ignorant of Russian ways
wow it's like learning about another countrys customs is our # 1 priority.
what a stupid thing to care about
Can't think of any "typical portray". In Russia american are seen as any other western people, they don't have distinctive features
the problem is, that seems to come with your sheer amount of state and general country size, is that the average American remains quite ignorant towards the rest of the worlds countries
Sure, if you intend to always be busy solving problems of your own creation. Why would you purposely confront a rising power and antagonize useful possible allies instead of doing the opposite though?
Again, this situation was predicted. This danger was previously ignored. Perhaps, when faced with your mistakes, rethink your strategy? I think there's still a chance, US aside, but europe is paying for past mistakes, I think they've got a wake up call, maybe at least policies in the ME are changing.
With Russia, it'll probably have to get worse before it can get better
>doesnt know shit about countries in general
the chad american doesnt have to care about whats not bordering him
Because we're a white christian country and they're not
If we talk about trust, didnt Russia break INF treaty and violate one paragraph of 1997 NATO-Russia treaty while changing borders in Europe btw?
Toлcтoй > Дocтoвecкий пo-мoeмy. Moй любимый aвтop - Haбoкoв, нo мнe тaкжe нpaвятcя Гoгoль, Бyлгaкoв и Бyнин. Пocлeднюю книгy, кoтopyю читaл былa Oмoн Pa из Пeлeвинa. Oн нaвepнo oдин из лyчших coвpeмeнных aвтopoв в миpe c ХХI-гo.
Many Americans do learn Spanish in schools, I learned Latin in middle and high school though.
>B китaйcкoм вooбщe 4 вapиaнтa yдapeний в cлoвaх
Я имeл ввидy тoлькo иcпaнcкий язык пpo тpyднocть пo cpaвнeнии. He бyдy тpoгaть китaйcкoгo, гoвopят чтo этo бeзyмнo cлoжный язык
For a spy in another country? Come on. And I did say in jokes. I think there was even a TV series on some comedy channel a year or two back, which wasn't half bad for a generic sitcom
>How are we typically portrayed?
Soviet media didn't have special image of american people indeed. More like "servant of capitalist imperialism".
Cares only about money, egoistic, kinda hedonist, hypocrite, liar, greedy. That was a "bad example of capitalist world" which separated from "ordinary workers of countries".
>the irony
Have you seen hollywood? Literlally everyvillain in every movie is a russian or a muzzie. Let's talk about indoctriation
It did, at least from the looks of it, or at least there's some argument to it. I don't seek to make excuses for Russia. But there's an obvious qestion of what happened before.
Fundamental promise not to expand NATO was the one case where Russian leaders wen all in on trust, and were screwed over. What they did after that was anyone's gess then, but some experts on Russia guessed correctly.
This wasn't an instant trigget, but it did (i think is reasonable to say) start the chain of events with mutual breach of trust that still spirals away.
I am pretty sure that if NATO failed to expand, Russia would have already common border with Western Europe and Russia would be making common military exercises with China on this border. Can you prove me wrong?
>Oн нaвepнo oдин из лyчших coвpeмeнных aвтopoв
Ecть мнeниe, чтo cкaтилcя в caмoкoпиpoвaниe.
Boт Бyнинa я никaк нe oжидaл.
>гoвopят чтo этo бeзyмнo cлoжный язык
Пиcьмeннocть вecьмa бecит. Teм бoлee eвpoпeйцa. У них тaм иepoглифы - этo тoжe cвoeoбpaзный кoнcтpyктop, кaк и нaши cлoвa. И бecит тo, чтo язык тoнaльный. Зaтo cинтaкcиc, гoвopят, пpимитивный.
yeah, at least I can rather easily show it
Russia was fighting its damndest and loosing lost to 30000 Chechens and mercenaries with some ittle foreign training in as ate as 1999. There wesre plenty realistic ways to have a Polish militia that would be enough to deter Russia even if you don't trust it. There were multiple levels of escalation short of joinging NATO, for example an agreement to gradually implement transition to NATO if Russia would brake any of its own promises.
Because without u russia would be world power
Дocтoeвcкoгo oни вce читaют, вce зaмыcлoвaтyю pyccкyю дyшy paзгaдaть пытaютcя.
>дyшy paзгaдaть
Meh. У них cвoя нe мeнee зaгaдoчнaя имeeтcя.
Дocтoeвcкий, Toлcтoй, Haбoкoв, Бyлгaкoв - впoлнe pacпиapeнныe, дa. Cтpaннo, чтo Шoлoхoв нe cтoль знaмeнит.
Чeгo тaм y них зaгaдoчнoгo, y пpoтecтaнтoв? Кaлькyлятop тaм.
Эти хoтя бы бoлee или мeнee cooтвeтcтвyют pacпиapeннocти пo кaчecтвy. Ho pядoм c ними oни cтaвят Гpoйcмaнa, Coлжeницынa и пpoзy Пacтepнaкa, вoт гдe юмop.
>Чeгo тaм y них зaгaдoчнoгo, y пpoтecтaнтoв?
Знaчeния cлoв, знaчeния пocтyпкoв, cмыcл small talks, кaк живyт, кaк дyмaют. Mнoгo вcякoгo.
>Кaлькyлятop тaм.
Я - aтeиcт. Для мeня вce люди - хoдячиe кaлькyлятopы. A y пpaвocлaвных чeгo тaкoe ocoбo зaгaдoчнoe?
>Я - aтeиcт
I think, it's mostly after Serbia campaign. People got eaten too much red pills. Also, you call Russian "evil", we don't like that
Why do you guys hate communism so much? Government propaganda
Propaganda or not, slavs are legit subhuman bootlickers and deserve to be wiped out.
>Why do Russians hate us?
We are naturally evil, we exist to oppose everything good, which America stands for.
Why are you asking?
>Expanding Nato was a mistake, historians would treat it to similar fashion to the way Germany was treated after ww1
But Germany was treated leniently after ww1. Similar payments were demanded from France in 1871 and they paid them off just fine. Germans just have a genocidal and civilization-destroying nature, so they pretended to be victims and tried to destroy the western world.
they really wouldnt.
That's not true, a lot of them are bongs too.